
Guarding the Crease(The Playmakers Series Hockey Romances Book 9) by G.K. Brady-Review by Heather Knalls

Guarding the Crease (The Playmakers #9)Guarding the Crease by G.K. Brady
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wyatt Tompkins is a former NHL player who is trying to get back into the league by sucking up to the owner of his former teams son. Serena Lambert is the PR director for the team that Wyatt happens to run into at an event. He didn’t recognize her at first but he saves her life in the parking lot as she is being attacked. He had not set his mind on having her help him get back on the team. He is wanting her to help him clean up his image so that they feel he has changed his bad boy ways. Will she help him out after he saved her life or will she leave him hanging in the wind?

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Heavy Shot(Nashville Assassins:Next Generation) by Toni Aleo- Review by Heather Knalls

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Austen has had a challenging life. She now lives with her grandfather who has decided to buy a hockey team, that will be the farm team for the Nashville Assassins. He has named her the General Manager of this new team and has sent her to Nashville to learn from the best. Dimitri is a possible new player for the Assassin’s, that’s if he can show the General Manager that he has a history with that he belongs there. Austen and Dimitri have both been given the same apartment and are having to figure out how to make all of this work. Austen is trying her hardest not to get distracted by Dimitri because she needs to learn as much as possible while she is with the Assassins. Dimitri has other plans even though he doesn’t need to be distracted either because he needs this chance to prove he belongs in Nashville.

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Broken. (Green St.Girls) by N.D. Jackson- Review by Heather Knalls

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indigo is a big name game designer but she also designs apps as well for her company. Gideon is one of her best friends brother and also her roommate for the time being. Indigo has been designing an app that can be used by the government but someone is sending her threats not to put the app out. Indigo is set for a week at one of the game CONs and has asked Gideon to be her security. Could this be her chance to fulfill her promise to Charlie before she passed?

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Twisted Eros(Modern Mythica Book 1) by Aria Skylar- Review by Heather Knalls

Twisted Eros (Modern Mythica Book 1)Twisted Eros by Aria Skylar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kay is a workaholic, her sisters have convinced her to take a vacation from their family run company. Her sisters have set her up on an abduction vacation thinking it will do her some good to let go. Eros has been set on the mission for this vacation, come to find out that he is the son of Kay’s rival. She has set her son up to get any dirt on Kay he possibly can to take her down. Can Kay relax at all on this vacation or will things go horribly wrong?

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A Toast for Laurent(Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo-Review by Heather Knalls

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1)A Toast for Laurent by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoebe and Laurent met and fell for each other in college. They were both young and Phoebe ran from Laurent when she realized she was falling for him and it scared her. Many years have gone by and she has come to ask him to make good on a pact they had made back then. Laurent says that he will help her by pretending to be her boyfriend while she attends her half sisters engagement party and wedding. They have to make this look good due to her awful step mother Marion. Will they be able to keep this going or will everything fall apart?

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Falling Again(Buckeye Falls Book 3) by Libby Kay- Review by Heather Knalls

Falling Again: A Buckeye Falls NovelFalling Again: A Buckeye Falls Novel by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Anthony is mayor of Buckeye Falls, he is successor to his father and still feels as if he is living in his shadow. Natilie is his wife who has just recently opened her own business N&G. They have both been neglecting each other since he has become mayor, she started her business and they had their two children. Anthony’s parents have asked them to go pack up the lake house because they are thinking of selling it. He feels this is their chance to get their marriage back on course. Is the time away what they need or are things to far gone for them to fix it?

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Acting Counsel(King of Screen Book 3) by Morgana Bevan- Review by Heather Knalls

Acting Counsel (Kings of Screen, #3)Acting Counsel by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Catrina and Nathan met at a bar by chance on a Friday night and had a one night fling. Come to find out Nathan is Catrina’s new client and mega movie star. Catrina is hoping that with Nathan’s acquisition of Starlight Studios that this will show the law firm she works for that she will be the perfect partner. However the connection between her and Nathan is strong. Nathan hopes there can be more to their relationship after the acquisition is done however Catrina doesn’t want to chance her job.

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Someone to Watch Over Me (Wounded Hearts Series Book 3) by Debbie Cromack- Review by Heather Knalls

Someone to Watch Over Me (Wounded Hearts, #3)Someone to Watch Over Me by Debbie Cromack
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Angelo and Lucia have been best friends forever. Their families are always together for holidays and vacations. Lucia has been in love with Angelo for as long as she can remember, she wanted to have lots of firsts with him. However she feels as if she is only a little sister to him but little does she know he feels the same way about her. For Angelo thought the families expect him to be her protector. But will they ever be more than just friends or is it to late for that?

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Cecily in the City(The Cecily Taylor Series Book 3) by Krysten Lindsay Hager-Review by Heather Knalls

Cecily in the CityCecily in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love this series. Cecily has been asked to look into working with a new up and coming designer in New York during Christmas break. Her dad says if she keeps her grades up he will think about it. Her pop star boyfriend Andrew is still having issues with his writing and is unsure if his newest album will be put out or not. Will her dreams of becoming a model come true with this chance in New York?

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram- Review by Heather Knalls

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great and mysterious read. Miranda Diggs has had her share of bad fortune, did she bring these events on herself? But is this resort her mother booked her what it really seems to be? Will she be able to get herself straight and find a way out of this crazy testing facility she has found herself trapped in. Hopefully things will start looking up for Miranda as she tries to find her way.

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book 1) by Aubrey Elle- Review by Heather Knalls

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Naomi and her daughter Ella have moved to a new town after her divorce where she was left a house by an uncle that she hardly knew. Upon arriving to their new house their lives are turned upside down after finding a body in the shed of their new house. Now not only is she worried about the investigation but now her ex husband. So much for a fresh start.

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I’ll Love You Tomorrow(Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 3) by Julie Navickas-Review by Heather Knalls

I'll Love You Tomorrow (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy #3)I’ll Love You Tomorrow by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lauren is feeling down on her luck in everything going on in her life. Her marriage is in jeopardy, her restaurant is possibly on the brink of closing due to the new restaurant across the street. Her employees are being recruited by said new restaurant. Things seem to be going right for everyone else, why not her? What else could happen in her life? Will she be able to fix her marriage with Mitch?

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Braving Lily (True Platinum Series Book 7) by Morgana Bevan- review by Heather Knalls

Braving Lily (True Platinum, #5)Braving Lily by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lily is the lead singer for Brightside, Wales up and coming pop rock group. Rhys is a divorcee whose mother continues to try and set him up even though he’s not ready. Rhys recently divorced his now ex wife after he found out she was cheating with his best friend. So his first original date that was set with Lily he stood her up, so when she showed up at his house he had to at least have coffee with her since his mother had paid for this date. That’s when he became intrigued by her and he wanted to spend more time with her. The more time he spent with her the more he fell for her. However she is getting ready to go on a two year world tour, could things possibly work between them. Lily has started falling for Rhys with all the time she is spending with him, however when his biggest investor pulls out of his app production and she offers Rhys the money things begin to fall apart.

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Ale’s Fair in Love and War by Sylvie Stewart-Review by Heather Knalls

Ale's Fair in Love and War (Love on Tap, #1)Ale’s Fair in Love and War by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cash Brooks runs the Blue Bigfoot Brewery in Asheville with his brother Carter. Yet he never expected to have issues with his neighbor, Hollis Hayes who runs the HappyTails groomer shop next door. The first official incident was over the dumpster they were expected to share, that did not go over well with Cash as they have a lot of trash coming from the brewery. So the war began. What come to find out what Cash thought was a prank truly wasn’t and he got himself even deeper. Hollis thinking this had something to do with her step sister and step father offers to help Cash with the mess. During the process of helping they both fall for each other and are not sure how to handle things. Will this make things worse or will things get better?

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Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers Book 4) by Belinda Williams- Review by Heather Knalls

Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers, #4)Cry Baby by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amy is looking for a nanny position while she transitions from a beauty journalist to taking university classes for education. She finds the perfect position when her best friend’s brother in law is given guardianship of his best friend’s daughter when she suddenly passes away. Noah Pierce doesn’t necessarily know how to handle a baby. Amelia is the seven month old daughter of his best friend Beth and he is so unsure of what to do. Noah is such a workaholic and that’s where Amy comes in. Amy was never meant to fall for Noah and Noah was never meant to fall for her. How could a relationship like this go wrong?

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Falling for You (Buckeye Falls Book 2) by Libby Kay- Review by Heather Knalls

Falling for You (Buckeye Falls, #2)Falling for You by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

CeCe is having a hard time since the Christmas Jubilee because she is starting to have feeling towards Evan. She doesn’t want to have feelings for him since they work together at the diner, but she knows there is something different about him. There is also a big hurdle coming to Buckeye Falls that has CeCe questioning whether to stay or run. Her ex boyfriend, Eric, is coming to Buckeye Falls for a food truck competition. What could possibly go wrong?

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Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters book 2) by Jennifer Raines- Review by Heather Knalls

Grace Under FireGrace Under Fire by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grace and her family have run Blue Sky farm for years. She has a cheese maker using the families farm resources as part of her product. However her mother is sick and the doctors have told her she needs to get away in order to get better. Her mother and father have decided it would be best for them to sell the farm, so Grace had three months to come up with the money and a way to be able to finance the loan to buy the family farm. Ryan who is their neighbor and her best friends brother has returned back to town ten years after his brothers death. Ryan has made offers to buy the barn but has been turned down every time. Grace is still upset that he left as soon as his brothers funeral was over. Well she be able to forgive him for leaving and maybe work together to bring the farms into the future?

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True Colors(Landry’s True Colors Series Book One) by Krysten Lindsay Hager- Review by Heather Knalls

True Colors (Landry's True Colors #1)True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Landry is your normal teenage girl, feels invisible and left out. Her so called friends invite her to a modeling casting call for a tv show at a local mall and she is one of the finalists. Her so called friends ditch her and start making fun of her so she makes me friends with Devon and her crew. She makes the live show in her state but is not chosen as a finalist, however a few agencies want her to come for auditions. Soon she is torn between new friends and old and she’s not sure who to choose. What more could any teenage girl want, friends and game and fortune!

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The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney- Review by Heather Knalls

The Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy MysteryThe Muffin Shop Murder: A Delilah Crumbworthy Mystery by Holly Tierney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Delilah has moved to Snowflake Valley to open her bakery and live the life she imagined. Unfortunately things do not go exactly as planned for Delilah. Upon moving to Snowflake Valley she meets Nile a reporter for the local paper and his girlfriend,Elinor, who hopes to become instant friends. Crazy things are happening in Snowflake Valley and no one really sees them, but they all revolve around things that happened at the bakery prior to her moving there. Delilah is beginning to regret her move but she’s not going to stop until she finds out why these things are happening.

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Sharing his Nanny (Forever our Girl Book 2) by Tori Chase- Review by Heather Knalls

Sharing His Nanny (Forever Our Girl, #2)Sharing His Nanny by Tori Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stella is an up an coming fashion designer who’s boyfriend is supposed to fund her first line. She finds out he isn’t exactly who she thought he was and he was only using her to make himself look better. Charles is Stella’s stepbrother who has just found out the he is the father to a gorgeous baby girl named Gia. His mother has decided that it is in their best interest that Stella come to the beach house to take care of Gia while Charles and his two friends take care of work while they’re at the house. Stella decides to take the position on a temporary basis as she needs the money and a place to stay due to her now ex boyfriend. She was not expecting to fall in love with her stepbrother and his two best friends. Will things go how they want them to or will things be a complete disaster?

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Married Blind( King of Screen Book 2) by Morgana Bevan- review by Heather Knalls

Married Blind (Kings of Screen, #2)Married Blind by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finn is the playboy actor that has gotten himself into trouble one too many times. His agent feels this new tv show where he marries a stranger will help his tarnished image. Abi is living in New York and not taking care of her sister who is sick. Her sister and best friend have convinced her to sign up for this tv show, it will help her pay her sister’s bills and escape her mundane life for a bit. Finn is only doing this to save his image and it’s only for three months but can he withstand Abi’s charm.

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Falling Home(Buckeye Falls Book 1) by Libby Kay-review by Heather Knalls

Falling HomeFalling Home by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ginny and Max were high school sweethearts. They got married but things soon began to change. Ginny became more involved with her job and Max took over the local diner. Ginny soon decided to move to New York and leave her small town life and her now ex husband behind. Ginny has been gone for 3 years but is now back to help her dad who is about to have hip surgery. She has not spoken to Max in 3 years and was hoping to be able to avoid him on this trip but that does not exactly happen. Everyone wants to see Ginny and Max back together, but can their feelings be fixed. They both still care and love each other but can they fix things for the better!

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Love Tools (Bluestone Series Book 1) by Isobel Reed- Review by Heather Knalls

Love Tools (Bluestone Series, #1)Love Tools by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lily has inherited a hardware store from her father that she really had nothing to do with. Lily has picked up her life and moved thousands of miles to Bluestone hoping for a change. Upon arriving she meets Jake as he arrives at the hardware store almost at the same time she does. They don’t necessarily hit it off to start off with. However Lily soon meets Sam who turns out to be Jake’s sister. Sam and Jake decide to help Lily fix up the hardware store. Will things begin to heat up between Jake and Lily?

Snow in Love by Libby Kay- Review by Heather Knalls

Snow in LoveSnow in Love by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Connor Shoemaker was a motocross bad boy until an accident took his leg. He is now a Paralympic hopeful in skiing. Sienna Markum is a Paralympic Golden Girl in skiing. They have both booked Karl one of the best and hardest coaches around for the Christmas holidays. What could possibly go wrong sharing a closed ski resort while training?

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Kamana Wanalaya by Susan Renee- Review by Heather Knalls

Kamana Wanalaya for the HolidaysKamana Wanalaya for the Holidays by Susan Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

TJ and TJ have been against each other for awhile. TJ is known as the love guru and is trying to help everyone around to find love. TJ on par is against love and feels that it is overrated. TJ on par otherwise known as Tenley, has been called out by the love guru, Teagan to enjoy an all expenses paid trip to a resort in Hawaii which is owned by friends of Teagan. If she doesn’t see love for what it is before the week is over then he will give her $10000 and admit she was right about love. Will she realize that love is worth finding or will he have to admit he was wrong about love?

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I Love You Today (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 2) by Julie Navickas- Review by Heather Knalls

I Love You Today (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 2)I Love You Today by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Austin has been given the chance of a lifetime by his firm to open their newest location in Chicago. However that move comes after he lost the one he thought was the love of his life, a move across the country and a friendship with the roommate of his lost love. What’s worse for Austin, losing his love to his brother or falling for his love’s roommate, Casey, who is now his roommate in a new city? Could he fall for Casey, Should he fall for Casey?

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Defiant Princess(Mafia Elite Series Prequel) by Amy McKinley- review by Heather Knalls

Defiant Princess (Mafia Elite Prequel)Defiant Princess by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mafia romance what’s not to love! All the Mafia princesses are off at college and still under the watchful eyes of the Five Families. Lil, Em, Sofia, Marissa all were hoping to be able to choose their own husbands but being from a Mafia family most father’s chose their husbands based on what the man could bring to the family. Marissa has been promised to Tony, who she cannot stand and does not want to marry. The girls felt safe in their haven at college until the night of the party during winter break before Marissa was to be married. Marissa had set out to speak with Ivan, who is part of the Russian Bratva and might know something about her sister Camilla who was married into the Russian Bratva. But unfortunately things go wrong and Marissa ends up dead. Who’s to blame and will the girls have their revenge?

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Better Gnomes and Gardens(Mysty Haven Mystery Book 1) by Casey Cardel- Review by Heather Knalls

Better Gnomes & Gardens (Mysty Haven Mystery)Better Gnomes & Gardens by Casey Cardel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bob moved to Mysty Haven and became a lead journalist at the paper. That lasted a week after his Bigfoot store hit the front page of the paper. After being fired from the paper he is enlisted by Doug to help find his missing gnome, Charlie. Bob is beginning to realize that Mysty Haven is different than most towns. Mysty Haven is a town for mystical. He sets out to find Charlie and finds many friends and possibly a few enemies along the way. There is more than meets the eye in Mysty Haven and Bob is set to let it be known. Will things work out in his favor? Will he find Charlie and save Mysty Haven?

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WE Blend(Falling for the Rockstar’s Daughter Book 1) by Willa Drew- Review by Heather Knalls

WE Blend (Falling for the Rockstar's Daughter Series #1)WE Blend by Willa Drew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ella is the step daughter to a rock star and her life is always in the tabloids if she is noticed. Wil is the son of this rock star even tho he doesn’t know it yet. Wil has come to the states to get help for his mother from Rocker, but to get to him he may have to use Ella. He is starting to fall for her tho and he is having a hard time getting to Rocker. Ella enlisted Wil to help her after her original guitarist couldn’t make the original gig. She may have everything handed to her but she wants to make her own money and her own music. Will Wil be able to continue with this façade without hurting Ella?

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Defying Ella(True Platinum Series Book 4) by Morgana Bevan- Review by Heather Knalls

Defying EllaDefying Ella by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ella has been away for awhile and has come home to help her sister with Sophia, her niece while they are on tour with her boyfriends band. Unfortunately Ella had a fling with the drummer of this band before the tour not knowing who he was, and now completely hates him. Jared feels he hates Ella as well but he can’t stop thinking about that week they spent together. Ella and all the girls on the tour are set to spend two weeks by themselves in a cabin in the Alps at the end of the tour. Since Ella is having such a hard time on this tour her sister tells her to go ahead a little early to the cabin to unwind. Unfortunately for Ella, Andy the owner of the cabin has promised it to more than one person, he also told Jared he could use it as well. While they decide how to stay in this cabin together without making things worse they get snowed in and trapped. Will they be able to get along and make things better or will this make everything worse?

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