
Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Shelly Kittell

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This author does such a fantastic job with her writing. I can always tell that she does her research. This was the 20’s and the time of Capone. Suki is a showgirl and pretty independent. Unfortunately, a raid comes and she is forced to pretend to be a moll. Her struggle is real and she can get through this. It’s an interesting read full of drama, intrigue, and romance. I enjoyed this. It’s an exciting read and an entertaining series.

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorite series. I enjoy her attention to details that make her stories come to life on every page. This is a well written story about what happens when the line between fact and fiction becomes blurry. When gunmen open fire on a club, Suki gets hurt. She is rescued by Frank a couple of times and ends up facing a choice. Frank is offering her a life line. Will the lines blur between them? Will she be able to handle what is about to happen? I enjoyed these two characters and what they added to the story. They are strong, relatable characters that had me turning pages fast. I wanted to know what was going to happen next with them. There is great growth throughout which makes the story easy to read. This is a fast paced, engaging story that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another entertaining historical romance in this enjoyable series which transported me back to the 1920’s and the world of the flapper girl. Susan Chesterfield, known as Suki, is a dancer at the club which Al Capone frequents. One evening she’s flirting with one of his enforcers, Frank when gunmen enter the club and open fire. Frank helps Suki escape and gets her to a doctor, saving her life. However, she does have a broken foot meaning she can’t dance until its healed, but then she won’t get paid. Once again Frank comes to her rescue, as there is safety in being a gangster’s moll, all she must do is play the part. However, Suki finds herself falling for Frank but finds the life of a moll difficult, especially as she’s used to her independence. Once her foot is healed, she must decide whether to return to the club and her dancing life or find love with frank. The descriptive narrative brought both the characters and the setting vividly to life, whilst the added historical details made me feel fully immersed in the story.

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The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kelli Harper

The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers #3)The Truth About Myths by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Princess Isabel and Henrique … let me see. WOW their chemistry is sparking feelings Isabel never knew she could experience. The proper princess is discovering she has desires she has hidden for a very long time. The rakish playboy Henrique never expected to feel like this either. Bound and determined to never settle down. Wonderful historal romance.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Michaela Massie

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First, let me say that I highly recommend the Winemaker’s series by Giovanna Siniscalchi. It is the prelude to this wonderful little story and introduces all the characters and tells the majority of their stories.

The Scent of Snow is another absolutely beautiful historical romance set in Victorian Portugal. Pedro, Anne, and Anne’s family are together to celebrate the winter holidays. All is well until Pedro is haunted by the demons of his past, and he and Anne are forced to face the demons for their relationship to move forward and for them to find their true happiness.

This is an absolutely beautiful and wonderful continuation of Pedro and Anne’s love story, and I know I’ll be looking forward to anything that Giovanna writes in the future!!

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Elisha Johnson

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley- 5 out of 5 stars

This book sucks you in and throws you back to the roaring 20’s. Suki, is a flapper dancer in Chicago at The Green Mill. When she falls for Frank, one of Al Capone’s men, her life gets turned upside down. Tragedy, spice, danger, and dancing, this book was hard to put down. I highly recommend this book.

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Julie Johnson

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Suki eyes Frank….Frank eyes Suki. It’s an instant attraction and when Frank rescues a favorite earring of Suki’s, their fate is sealed. Almost permanently and pretty quickly. Shots are fired and Frank is pushing Suki towards the basement door. Suki injures her foot (not a good thing for anyone but especially a dancer!) and Frank has to carry her.

During her recouperation time, Frank is pretty bossy. He does work for Al Capone after all, and is used to having things go his way. Frank doesn’t want Suki going anywhere, talking to anyone, and most definitely not walking on her foot. Suki isn’t about to be told what to do by another, especially a man. Will she ever be free of his rules to be the person she is or did she sell her soul to the highest bidder?

This was an enjoyable book and was a pretty fast read for me. I am anxiously awaiting the next book as this storyline has me intrigued!

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Kerry Baker

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a great addition to the series and a great follow up to the first book. We meet this character in the first book and it is great to see more about her. The overall story is exciting to read. I enjoyed the connection between the characters and the unorthodox nature of it.
This author is one that I have become familiar with more and more recently and I always enjoy everything I read. This particular book was exciting to read and had a fast paced nature. I was excited to see how things would turn out and I became invested in the characters. It is a great story that is worth the read.

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Jenni Bishop

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dancing Butterfly is a historical romance and the second book in the Butterflies Fly Free series by Debra Parmley. Debra’s diversity in the genres she writes is what I enjoy when reading her stories as you don’t always know what you are getting and that is half the surprise.

Dancing Butterfly is set in the roaring 20’s a time of the harsh underworld of gangsters, flappers, dancing, and prohibition. An interesting time indeed and Debra’s passion on the subject makes for an exciting and intriguing read and takes you back and makes you feel like you are there.
SukiSuki must decide if she is willing to go along with Frank’s, an enforcer for Al Capone, offer of help and protection but being a gangster moll is not all it is made out to be. Rules and restrictions and obedience is not something Suki is good at.
I look forward to more of this harsh yet exciting world.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley

•°•❤️ •°•☆•°•❤️ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ❤️•°•☆•°•❤️•°
Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Romance
Page Count – 186
Cover Designer – Sheri McGathy
“Shimmy hard enough and nothing can hurt you.” – Suki
Suki—aka Susan Chesterfield—is flirting with Frank, one of Al Capone’s enforcers, when gunmen enter the club and open fire. Frank saves Suki’s life, allowing her to escape despite a broken foot. But Suki can’t make it to safety alone. She needs help to get to a doctor.
Thankfully, Frank comes to the rescue again.
While Suki escapes with her life, her broken bone will prevent her from dancing for weeks. She worries about how she’s going to pay her rent when Frank offers a rather unorthodox answer. There is safety in being a gangster’s moll. No one will mess with Frank’s woman if she agrees to play the part. But… can they prevent the lines between fact and fiction from blurring?
Falling for Frank would be oh-so-easy. But the life of a moll isn’t. How will independent Suki handle being Frank’s woman? Suki is used to living in the now. Not thinking about the future or about true love, she has always lived moment to moment.
Will she find safety and security in being caged? Or will the urge to dance cause her to break out of her cast to be free and independent again?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley

Author Debra Parmley believes: “Every day we are alive is a beautiful day,” and she likes to give her readers and her story people a story that ends happily.

An Air Force veteran’s wife, Debra writes military romantic suspense, contemporary romance, historical romance, poetry, and memoir.

Debra married her high school sweetheart, whom she asked out after a five-dollar bet.

After living in five states with her husband and their two sons, and then living 23 years just outside Memphis, TN, she and her husband sold everything and now live and travel the U.S. in their 43-foot motorhome.

Debra is an adventurous writer who has sold travel and has walked the plank of a pirate ship off the coast of Grand Cayman. She has gone swimming with dolphins in Moorea in French Polynesia, has escorted a bus full of people through Scotland, and has set foot in 13 countries. She even climbs lighthouses because she is afraid of heights.

You can read about her travels on her Beautiful Day Traveler blog.

As Debra Bishop, she writes fairy tales for all ages, fantasy, and children’s books.


Author Interview With Debra Parmley



The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kelli Harper

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1)The True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first book in the Winemakers series, set in Portugal, we meet and follow the story of Julia and Griffin. If you love historical romance, then you will definitely want to read this. The author has a way with words that will pull you in and keep you engaged until the last pages.

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The Taste of Light (The Winemakers Book 2) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kelli Harper

The Taste of Light (The Winemakers, #2)The Taste of Light by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Set in Mozambique 1861, this historical romance Pedro and Anne get their love story told. This author uses ways to draw you into the story and hold your attention until the very last words. Full of history and love, this series is great so far and this is only book 2!

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The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1)The True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julia Costa is a young Portuguese woman who is a widow, and she has a passion for wine and winemaking, it has been instilled in her since she was a child and she loves it, so when she married, she knew how to both work and manage the vineyard, however, after her husband died, she took on the roll full time, not that the suppliers know that. Griffin Maxwell is a young man who has made a deal with a large wine salesperson, the unfortunate thing is that he now has to chase a debtor in a small town in Portugal, it is the last thing he wants to do, however, he reluctantly agrees and goes to another vineyard nearby.

Griffin is not used to travelling when not doing it on horseback, so when he becomes stuck behind a local mail cart, he cannot take the cramped space any longer and decides to forge ahead on horseback, however, this does not go to plan when he encounters a boar and a woman working on the vines, in the most inappropriate mens clothing, but destiny brings them together to escape the boar, then part ways. This, however, is not the last he will see of this intriguing young woman as he meets her again at the local villages celebration and this is where he also cannot resist a taste, no matter how scandalised she feels after the kiss, but he is adamant he wants nothing else to do with the Portuguese or their temptations.

Julia does her best to ignore the attraction between herself and the Englishman, however, when the past comes to visit, she knows she needs to make another hard choice. Soon, Julia and Griffin begin to work together learning about each other’s skills and when Griffin discovers Julia is the debtor he is supposed to chase and is torn between his heart and his business dealings, but things are not to be within control, or Julia’s when tragedy strikes, and a pestilence begins to rip its way through the local vineyards.

Will Julia and Griffin be able to work together to find a cure for the vines, or will their livelihoods come crashing down before they can take a chance to invest in them? This is a historical romance set in beautiful country with a fascinating culture and the trials and tribulations they face, all while weaving a tale of romance and danger throughout, a tantalising glimpse into a world into which you will want to dive deeper.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Shannen Kern

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved every book by this author, and this is no exception! I really enjoyed the characters from all of the previous books in the series coming together to celebrate Christmas. We follow Anne and Pedro in this installment, and it’s quite a journey with dual points of view. Pedro has some darker wounds he is trying to work on, and Anne is there to try to comfort him as well. It is definitely a rollercoaster of emotions in a short span of time! This author is absolutely one that I will always recommend because they have a stunning way of creating a memorable story that pulls you in and never lets go. Do yourself a favor and give this book a chance to take you away to Portugal in the Victorian Era!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Audrie Harrington

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a nice peek into Pedro and Anne’s love story. She wants to have Christmas at the Count of Almoster’s estate and invites her friends and family. This puts most of the characters from the series in one book. There is a curse on the bridge that winds itself throughout the story. Anne is also surrounded by babies and pregnant friends and is trying hard to talk Pedro into a baby. Pedro is worried about being a father because of his dark past and instead tries to give her the best Christmas ever. When disaster strikes, Pedro steps up. This was a short novella and I enjoyed getting to know the characters and the culture even more.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Shannen Kern

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1)The True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I had accidentally read the second book in the series first, so I obviously ran back to pick this one up. I’m pleased to say that it is simply magnificent! Historical romance is one of my favorite genres and this may be one of my very top books in that category right now. The way the author paints Portugal throughout this story is beyond magical. You feel like you are truly there experiencing the country itself. I loved Julia as she is such a strong female character especially in the time period where women were supposed to be meeker. I didn’t particularly like Griffin at first, but he definitely grows on you if you give him a chance. I highly recommend picking this book up to find out for yourself!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Laura Quinn

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great, fun, and easy short novel. I read it as a stand alone. It was enjoyable story overall. I love the characters. The narrative tone is so nice.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kelli Harper

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Victorian Era novella. A Christmas in Portugal with Pedro and Anne. Can Pedro let go of the demons that haunt him from his past? Will Anne be able to help him through his fears? Quick read great story line that is easy to follow.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Christine Baranek

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Scent of Snow
By: Giovanna Siniscalchi

I have read every book in the Winemakers series and this novella does not disappoint. I loved how this book brought all the characters together for a Christmas experience. This book takes place in Portugal during the Victorian Era. One thing I have come to expect from Ms. Siniscalchi is amazingly well written books with a fantastic amount of details I love how I feel completely transported back in time while I am reading this. This book is such a fantastic story and I loved the development of the characters. I definitely highly recommend this book and the rest of the winemakers series.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was a lovely surprise to find Pedro and
Anne’s story continued here!
This can be read as a standalone without reading the 2nd book in the Winemakers series.

Once again, wonderfully written. The characters are brought to life during the holiday season as they experience a bit of turbulance in their relationship. Pedro is at risk of retreating into himself while Anne processes wanting a child but potentially not being given one.
The character development continues in this novella once again both individually as well as together which I love.

A lovely novella, I just wish I had found it around Christmas!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Amber Howard

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1)The True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book so much. Enemies to lovers are my favorite type of romance novels and this one hit the mark. Julia and Griffin couldn’t be more different yet just exactly what each other needs. The book cover is beautifully done and the way the story is written really captures that time frame. Definitely give this story a read, you won’t regret it.

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The Taste of Light (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Amber Howard

The Taste of Light (The Winemakers, #2)The Taste of Light by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The cover makes me think of beauty and the beast. It’s gorgeous. I loved how the author used Pedro from the first installment and gave him great character growth. It’s rare that a character I despised becomes one that I root for. Again this authors writing is amazing and if you enjoy romance novels this one is for you.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Amber Howard

The Scent of Snow: A Winemakers NovellaThe Scent of Snow: A Winemakers Novella by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting novella. We join Pedro, Anne and their family for Christmas. The couple are on opposites sides of having children. Meanwhile we learn of an old tale regarding the property. I didn’t like this one as much as her other books in the Winemakers series but it was still good.

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The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Amber Howard

The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers #3)The Truth About Myths by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I swear I got transported to Portugal during the 1800s while reading this novel. From page one I was hooked. Giovanna has a talent for capturing a readers senses and drawing them in. Henrique and Isabel are like yin and yang, complementary. The chemistry is electrifying and swoon worthy. Please read this novel!

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Amy Dean

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Pedro and Anne’s love is powerful, but is it powerful enough to overcome hidden secrets and tragedy? Anne yearns for a child but Pedro’s dark past might be enough to break up the perfect couple. The time should be a time of celebration and happiness but the darkness seems to be taking over the beautiful winter. Will Anne ever be able to enjoy her family and the beautifulness of snow ever again?

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi. This is such a sweet novella about Pedro & Anne and their love story. Anne wants a baby more than anything and Pedro has scars from his past that he isn’t too sure about starting a family. Set during the holiday season and with snow on the ground a tragedy hits their community and Pedro is pulled even farther into his fears. He become responsible for some children whether he wants to or not and he is having to face his fears. This is such a sweet story about family, fear and failed relationships. It can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend reading them in order to know the characters better. I can’t wait to read more in this sweet series.

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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Paloma Fierro 29/1/24

Lady Ana has found the love of her existence, but alas she wants more than just him by her side. So after seeing her friends with the happiness of family around them, decides it is a fine time to start having some herself. Inviting them to their home for a perfect Christmas she begins the scheme. 


Pedro is a ruthless businessman but to his wife is the perfect lamb, full of love and generosity. Now the darkness of his past has come to knock on his door and he is finding it hard to pass the bitterness of the memories attached to it. The only thing he has never wanted is to be a father, for his own was a monster that marked him forever.


This romance full of tragedy and light will make you read it in one sitting.

The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Scent of Snow was not my favorite book…. it wasn’t bad per say, but not for me. It is an old time romance, but had a very 50 Shades feel to it. The characters and their situation and the storyline all leaned that direction. I didn’t love the wording for the spicy scenes. It’s the first book I read in the series so I was missing some background events, but it wasn’t bad- The author did a good job providing enough information so it didn’t feel lacking. The book had a good ending but I just wasn’t invested with either character, so I likely won’t read more.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Phylis Carpenter January 2024

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The Scent of Snow” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The Scent of Snow</a> by <a href=””>Giovanna Siniscalchi</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
This is the first book that I have read by this author and I have to say it will not be the last. Once I started reading I just could not put it down.<br /><br />She spun her characters in such a way that you felt what they felt and like you were part of the story as it unfolds.<br /><br />Anne and Pedro compliment each other and I think that made it more appealing to me. I read the book in a day and then felt like I lost a couple o friends when I was finished the book.
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The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first read by Giovanna Siniscalchi and she did not disappoint! This was a well written sweet novella that had all of the feels. Pedro has had issues with some dark areas from his past and he is having a hard time with these all too familiar feelings. He receives news that his father has recently passed away and he is having a hard time accepting what this news means to him and his family. Anne (Pedro’s wife) wants nothing more than a child, but Pedro doesn’t know if he can have a child with her because of personal reasons. All Pedro can do is tell Anne that he doesn’t think it is a good idea for them to have a child yet due to her young age. Pedro is willing to do everything and anything for the woman he loves but giving her the child that she wants just may be Pedro’s breaking point. On top of the issues that Pedro is having with dealing with his father’s death and the persistent Anne wanting a child, he doesn’t know how much more he can handle, and life doesn’t seem to slow down any to allow him to process things. There is so much going on in their lives and they have to try to deal with all of their issues while entertaining their friends who have stopped by for a visit. Pedro and Anne must figure out how to resolve their problems together and keep the love that they have for each other strong This story had all of feels, it had its moments of anger, love, sadness, and joy. I plan on going back and reading the previous books in the series, but I don’t think that you will be one-bit disappointed reading this book as a stand-alone. Pick up a copy and find out for yourselves the rest of Pedro and Anne’s love story!

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Mary Espinoza, January 2024