
Eat Me (Mayim Merman Book 1) by Amber Dark – Review by Anna Hirsch

Eat Me (Mayim Merman series Book 1)Eat Me by Amber Dark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eat Me (Mayim Merman Book 1) by Amber Dark
4 Stars

This is a hot, titillating Book meant for adult audiences. Summer has been moping about since her break up with her boyfriend. Six months of crying and eating ice cream. It’s been a long dry spell until she meets Mayim. He’s her first one night stand and it’s a night that she’ll never forget.

I’m not sure what his being a merman has to do with anything but this book was sexy. This one night of passion will leave you hot and bothered, wishing you can be with Mayim too.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Boundaries (Scope of Practice, #1)Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This a fast-paced story that I devoured in one sitting. Valerie is a social worker that has past dram in her life that has prevented her from opening up to those around her. However, when she is asked to start a trauma support group, she finds the stories of those around her inspiring and have her wanting to delve into her own past. As she is also working on a murder case, she finds herself opening up to a detective that she has pushed away previously. The boundaries that she has set for herself are becoming blurred and you will have to read the story to see how it all works out.

I enjoyed this book and read it all the way through. There were a lot of ups and downs, emotionally, and there are definitely some triggers that could affect some readers. I found myself okay with them and able to read through the story. This isn’t a genre I usually gravitate to…but this story kept my interest and I may check out other books from this author.

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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (The Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine – Review by Juls Dick

Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy)Forgotten Chance: Book Three by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forgotten Chance is the third book in the forgotten series by Virginia Wine. It is the final instalment in Bryer and Nathan’s story. I enjoyed this series but, in this book, I got so frustrated with Bryer! I just wanted to give her a shake and tell her that Cash was up to no good (I really disliked him). A book that can provoke that kind of emotional reaction in the reader is worth the read. I really enjoyed the way that this story build and the different relationships between the characters. I would recommend this book to fans of the genre.

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Deleted by Ruth Mitchell – Review by Juls Dick

DeletedDeleted by Ruth Mitchell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Deleted by Ruth Mitchell is a fantastic romance/mystery novel set in the not to distant future. In a world where technology is everywhere Lucy refuses to conform to the societal norm and refuses to let technology rule her life. Everyone is Lucy’s knows relies on the technology known as “Spexs” which record your whole life, sounds perfect until Lucy discovers that this technology can be used for more nefarious purposes. After Lucy and her boyfriend stumble across someone they shouldn’t while investigating memories, Lucy wakes to find her whole life is gone, and she is being hunted by a formidable foe. I would recommend this book to lovers of this genre. As someone who is addicted to technology, it definitely made me think of the future.

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Love Gaia: The Diary Directive by TL Clark – Review by Laura Furuta

Love Gaia: The Diary DirectiveLove Gaia: The Diary Directive by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love Gaia: The Diary Directive
By TL Clark
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Love Gaia: The Diary Directive by TL Clark. It is a story that pulled me in from the very beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a story that had my emotions going up and down the entire time I was reading it. The book is written in such a way that I found myself lost in the storyline and the characters. I loved reading about the characters of Aroha, her classmates, and Dr. Rachel. Aroha and her classmates are learning lessons from the past so they do not repeat the same mistakes. As they learn how Dr. Rachel and those around her know they grew to understand how they survived and how they tried to have hope. Will Aroha and her classmates understand the choices that those so long ago had to make? Will they see them in a different light? Read this book to find out. This is a story that is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. I found myself wishing I could read faster as I just had to know how it all turned out. This is a thrilling tale and I found myself thinking about the characters and the story even after I had finished the book. I would highly recommend reading it.

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Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Laura Furuta

Boundaries (Scope of Practice, #1)Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1)
By Jessica Aiken-Hall
5 out of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading the book Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a book that had me turning pages at times wondering what was going to happen next. I liked the character of Valerie Williamson. She is a woman who has kept herself closed off from others except for her cat, Gabriel. She could not have realized the changes that were coming when she was forced to start a trauma support group. She doesn’t feel comfortable comforting others with what she has had to deal with in the past. How will the support group turn out? Valerie also is looking into the death of a young woman as well as letting a detective who she has always pushed away, get closer to her. With all the changes in her life will her boundaries become blurred? What does the future hold for Valerie? Read this book to find out. This story is a bit dark at times and does include a discussion of subjects that may be sensitive to read about. I couldn’t help but care about what happened to Valerie and want her to be happy. I also enjoyed reading about the romance that begins for her. There are other additional characters that Valerie interacts with and each has their part to play in the story. This is a book that had my emotions going up and down the entire time I was reading it. Don’t miss out on this intriguing story.

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Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Debi Kircher

Boundaries (Scope of Practice, #1)Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall

5 Stars

You talk about feelings and thoughts being all knotted up after reading a story…This one definitely had me all confused about how I felt after reading the last page.

Not sure how to review this book, do not want to give anything away but know that I really enjoyed it, there were times I couldn’t read it fast enough. I love how the story weaved around with a few different moving parts. I love how there were times it was a bit dark and then there were times I actually smiled. I loved the character development and wasn’t too sure about Valerie at first, as it didn’t really seem she was too sure about herself, but as her story came out and relationships started forming, I found myself completely connected to her and weirdly understanding all that happened in this book.

I really love this author and how she is able to make me feel what the characters are feeling and getting so wrapt up in my reading that nothing outside the book really registers till I’m done.

Awesome and I can not wait for more from this author!

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Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Kerry Baker

Boundaries (Scope of Practice, #1)Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall is the first book in the Scope of Practice series. This is a fast paced book that keeps you entertained.
I found it really easy to get into this book. The author has created an exciting story with plenty of twists and turns to keep that pace going. This was backed up with strong characters that were engaging.
This is a strong start to a series and I am definitely looking forward to what is next.

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Kerry Carr

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing adventure containing two of my favourite things, murders and paranormal.

Erzi is a newly appointed detective who’s job become a lot harder when she is faced with people being murdered. There seems to be no connection between the victims but Erzi can sense dark magic and feels that is the connection.
However she can’t voice this to her colleagues as magic and being able to do magic is unheard of by normal humans.

But Ezri isn’t a normal human. She is a witch and the last in the bloodline of Harrow witches. Not only does she have to deal with her job, she also has the pressure of knowing that she is the saviour who needs to defeat the dark magic that is rising.

Add all this stress her need to find out the truth of what happened and why her mum was murdered and this story is gripping and compelling.

Can she stay strong enough to find out who is committing these murders? Can she defeat the dark forces? And who can she trust? Her magical family who deceived her over her mother’s death or her police family who don’t know her secrets.

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Heather Bass

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read from this author and she now has a new fan. I absolutely love a good slow burn romance but this author exceeded all my expectations. This is the third book of The Calderone Family series. It can be read as a stand alone but there are previous characters in this story as well. You can not help but to fall in love with these characters right from the beginning. I was hooked to the story line so much I devoured this amazing book in a few hours.

Caroline Winters is a very well known architect and she loves her job. Her number one rule is No Relationships. Caroline is so excited that she gets a job from the well known Calderone family. She is hired to design a brand new office building. Caroline’s rule is put to the test when she finds out that she has to work with the owner’s handsome son Charles. She feels a strong connection to Charles but she doesn’t understand what it is. Can Caroline and Charles put their differences aside and work together or will both of their jobs be in jeopardy?
Review by @heatherbass

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Night Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 1) by India Kells – Review by Susan Mowdy

Night JusticeNight Justice by India Kells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m a big fan of India Kells’s books. She writes such gripping novels that will hook you from the very beginning and not let you up until the very end!

Night Justice is the first book in her Chicago Vigilantes series and I’m completely enthralled with it. In this book we follow Orla who is a reporter who is set on her mission on stopping the drug trade that is running rampant through Chicago as well as the Vigilante who has his own version to justice served. Miss Kells has a way of writing such deep and meaningful story that hands you many twists and turns to the plot that keep you on the edge of your seat guessing what will happen next. I cannot wait for the next installment!

Review by @listersda
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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Chantelle Smith

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Being my first read by this author I wasn’t sure what to expect but this a was an amazing fantasy read that was full of action from start to finish. This was a mentally visual read that I couldn’t put down, it followed effortlessly from chapter to chapter and along with it made me connect to the characters and really enjoy following their journey. This book has you on the edge of your seat and keeps you guessing. This is a great book that shouldn’t be missed!

Reviewed By @tillytillzz
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Satan’s Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5 (Satans Devils MC Series) by Manda Mellett – Review by Katie Matthews

Satan's Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5Satan’s Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


What an amazing set of books! From the beginning of book 1 until the end of book 5 I was completely captivated! I absolutely adore this author – her MC books are by far the best I’ve ever read. They are always different and the characters have their own issues/troubles to overcome but they are always characters who you fall in love with! The 5 books included in this box set are Turning Wheels, Drummer’s Beat, Slick Running, Targeting Dart and Heart Broken.

Turning Wheels
I loved this book so much! Sophie and Wraith’s story was so heart-breaking at times. Wraith was everything I love in an alpha male! Hot, protective, demanding! Oohhh I loved him from the start! I really liked Sophie also, I thought that she was really selfless and I felt for her at times. The chemistry was definitely there between these two as well!! The story was really well written and had a great pace to it! Definitely 5 stars for this one!!

Drummer’s Beat
The second book in this series and it definitely did not disappoint! Drummer and Sam’s story is probably one of my favourites by this author! I was swept up in it straight away and I was really disappointed when it finished! I love the family feel of these MC stories – they are so important to each other and the bond they have is great! They really do protect each other and when you become a lady of an MC Brother you know you are theirs for life! Sam and Drummer may have had their troubles being together but in my opinion they were the perfect match!!

Slick Running
If I could I would totally insert the crying emoji first for this book! What a way to start the third book in this series! Talk about emotional!! Slick is one of those characters that when you start reading about him you really question him and his personality but he’s been hurt and I can kind of understand him but it really didn’t take long for me to fall in love with him just as I have with the other brothers in this MC. Once he realised what had happened to Ella that MC protectiveness took over! The story is really cleverly written as the storyline kind of begins in book 1 (so I highly recommend these are read in order) but the writing is so smooth and seamless that it’s really easy to read.

Targeting Dart
I’m going to be honest that although I absolutely give this 5 stars because the writing is great and the storyline it’s probably my least favourite of all the stories and I can’t really put my finger on why. Maybe I didn’t connect with the characters as much as I wanted or something I’m really not sure but what I do know is as usual the story is excellently written with a great pace and flow. The characters were a little harder to get to know but they were really well developed and I liked to see other characters from previous stories pop up as well. I did like the connection that Dart and Alex had – I just wish that Alex knew how special she was regardless of how she thought she looked!

Heart Broken
This book is aptly named – ‘heartbroken’ – this was definitely me at some point over this story! The story is so beautifully written that it has to be my favourite now! So much pain and grief in this story yet so much hope and love too. Heart and Marc, they shouldn’t even talk to each other let alone help each other out but the connection between them was undeniable! I could feel every emotion that Heart was feeling, the grief and the pain from losing his wife. This story was a real emotional rollercoaster and I absolutely loved it!

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Bottomed Out (Moto X Series Book 4) by Brooke May – Review by Sara Oxton

Bottomed OutBottomed Out by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bottomed Out by Brooke May a thrilling five-star read. This is number four in the Moto X series, but they can be read as stand-alone as this is my first read in the series and my first by this author and I don’t feel lost in the story. Jax Hunt will make you warm to him, no matter how much he doesn’t want to accept it. I started this late the other night and then couldn’t put it down until I had finished the story, it just wrapped me up in the pages. It also started a great reading curve, that I am loving as it started a great curve of amazing reads. Jax and Lennox have such chemistry they light up the page, but as with all chemistry you need to make sure you do everything correctly or it can be explosive and that’s where Lennox brother steps in, and the secondary characters in this story make the story, it’s the little chats that happen that start with no consequence but give you the greatest insight. I will be going back to check more from this author especially as I just discovered two on my TBR pile!!!

Review by @saraoxo

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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (The Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine – Review by Sara Oxton

Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy)Forgotten Chance: Book Three by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forgotten Chance by Virginia Wine a five-star read you won’t forget. This is number three and the final piece of the Forgotten Trilogy and in my eyes it was the best part, it feels like this was a culmination of all of the blood, sweat and tears the characters went through in the first two, and just as you think they have made it, boom bottom falls out and you are left reeling. That being said Bryer and Nathan have a will like no other and they are so strong, but will strength be enough, aahhh you need to read this trilogy to understand their story the highs, the lows and all of the drama in between, if you don’t like steam there is another version which I just think is the coolest idea, as I find a great read, but cant share it with my bestie as she is a prude, so this was ideal for us, I can only hope for more.

Review by @saraoxo

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Deleted by Ruth Mitchell – Review by Sara Oxton

DeletedDeleted by Ruth Mitchell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Deleted by Ruth Mitchell a four-star read you won’t want to delete from your collection. This was a thrilling ride of a read, the take is fascinating and will keep you hooked as there is so much going on it could be too overpowering but the author has a great way of keeping it all together and making it all make sense. This was a great story that will make you care and make you worry about technology and its part in or lives. What I enjoyed most though was the fact that I thought I knew where the story was going then boom, plot twist and the rug was pulled, it just makes a rich and complex story. I am only bumping it to four-stars as there were a couple of messy quips, but I am sure they will only get better the more this author writes.

Review by @saraoxo

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Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1)Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. It is a mystery, suspenseful story that is engaging and fast paced. It is a well written story that has characters that I had no issues connecting with. They made the story realistic. They are strong and supportive to each other. The twists and turns kept me turning pages to the end. This story is about Valarie. She is a social worker that has had trauma in her past. She is more comfortable with the dead than the living. What will happen when she is asked to run a trauma support group? Her boundaries are tested, will she find herself letting down walls she has built up? I enjoyed watching her grow throughout the story. I highly recommend this book.

Review by @bjwagner
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Love Gaia: The Diary Directive by TL Clark – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Love Gaia: The Diary DirectiveLove Gaia: The Diary Directive by T.L. Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this dystopian war-romance story. This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites by her. It is a well written story that has details that make the story pop off the pages. I had no problems connecting with the characters. They are engaging and made the story enjoyable to read. This is a story of hope and survival. In this story Aroha and her friends will learn that to not make the same mistake twice, harsh lessons need to be learned. This book could be a trigger but if you can get past that it really is an enjoyable story that will keep you turning pages. When everything rides on Aroha and her friends what will happen? I highly recommend this book to find out what happens next in this thrilling tale.

Review by @bjwagner
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Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall

🔲🔳*¨*✶*¨`*🔳🔲 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🔲🔳*¨*✶*¨`*🔳🔲

Boundaries (Scope of Practice Book 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall


#JESSICAAIKENHALL #BOUNDARIES #CRIME #MYSTERY #THRILLER #ScopeofPractice #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Crime

Page Count – 296 pages

Cover Designer – Victoria Cooper Art

Goodreads –

Valerie Williamson is known as the Anti-social Social Worker by her colleagues at Lawrenceville Regional Hospital. After a traumatic event, she closed off her world sixteen years ago to everyone, except her cat, Gabriel. She is more comfortable with the dead than the living and her job as a deceased patient coordinator keeps her content.

Everything changes when she is forced to start a trauma support group. How can she comfort people with trauma, when she can’t even talk about her past? And then, the death of 19-year-old Carmen Davidson leaves questions that eat away at her every thought. With her walls down, she let the detective she’s been pushing away get close to her. With all of this, can Valerie keep her boundaries from blurring?


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 Jessica Aiken-Hall, author of her award-winning memoir, The Monster That Ate My Mommy lives in New Hampshire with her husband, three children, and three dogs. She is a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence and is a fierce advocate. Her mission is to help others share their story.

She has a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, with over a decade of experience   as a social worker. She is also a Reiki Master and focuses her attention on healing.

When she is not writing, she enjoys listening to Tom Petty, walking along the beach,       looking at the moon, and watching murder shows.

Author Interview With Jessica Aiken-Hall




Love Gaia: The Diary Directive by TL Clark

Love Gaia: The Diary Directive by TL Clark



Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Dystopian

Page Count – 258 pages

Cover Designer – Robin Ludwig

Goodreads –

The future is history!

To avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, Aroha and her classmates must learn harsh lessons.

Having led a sheltered life, their history is shocking. Nobody should have to endure what Dr. Rachel and her inmates were put through. Yet it was seemingly necessary.

The burden of responsibility lies heavily upon their shoulders.

Remember to maintain, “Honesty, Respect, Fortitude,” as you read this thrilling and agonising tale of devastation, survival and hope.

– A post-nuclear war, dystopian vs. utopian, environmental romance

NB/Mature content

Not suitable for those with claustrophobia

The events in this book are supposed to be fictional


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TL Clark is an award-winning, best-selling British author who stumbles through life as if it were a gauntlet of catastrophes.

Rather than playing the victim, she uses these unfortunate events to fuel her passion for writing, for reaching out to help others.

She writes about different kinds of love in the hope that she‘ll uncover its mysteries.

 Her loving husband (and very spoiled cat) have proven to her that true love really does exist.

Writing has shown her that coffee may well be the source of life.





The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods Book 2) by Luciana Cavallaro – Review by Faith Jackson

The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods, #2)The Labyrinthine Journey by Luciana Cavallaro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As Evan continues to voyage on as Servant of the Gods in the Labyrinthine Journey. He’s still attempting to find the revered object adds insistence and uneasiness between he and his allies, the Atlanteans. Evan is at a crossroads and must learn to adapt but he’s butting heads with Zeus and he’s at odds with his surroundings which could derail the way he lives his life and could implode all around him.
Crossing through the mountain-like terrain of the Peloponnese and Corinthian Gulf in the middle of the spiritual world where he meets Pythia, Oracle of Delphi who share a life-altering prophecy from both of his worlds which change in the process.
Will Evan and his friends succeed in their mission to find the artifacts and save the world as they know it?

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Bottomed Out (Moto X Series Book 4) by Brooke May – Review by Angela Hayes

Bottomed OutBottomed Out by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Bottomed Out is the fourth book in the Moto X series by Brooke May. This is a great contemporary romance, with chemistry, drama, realism, interesting characters, motor cross, family friendship, banter, and more.
I have read a few of Ms. May’s books now, but this is the first book from the Moto X series for me. I enjoyed the story, and am happy that I was able to read it as a standalone. I will be going back to read the rest of the series to see what happens there, too.
I really like the way Brooke May brings her characters to life, giving them so much realism and true believability. I also like Ms. May’s emotive and inviting writing style and how she is able to make me ‘feel’ everything her characters have, and are, going through.
Jax Hunt is such an interesting character. He is so determined not to let his disability define him- wanting to prove to himself and the world, just what he is capable of. Then Lennox Austin walks into his life- and gives him a bold new goal. But will a protective brother get in the way and ruin any chance they might have had?

Thank you, Brooke May!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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A Book Signing To Die For: Beach Reads by Judy Moore – Review by Faith Jackson

A Book Signing To Die ForA Book Signing To Die For by Judy Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bookworm Beck O’Rourke and her grandmother live a picturesque life above a bookstore/coffee shop in Manatee Beach, Florida. Lizzie, Beck’s younger lifeguard sister, lives with the two.
As Beck is set to host a book signing with one of the finest mystery book writers, an audience member is murdered. Beck is thrown in the forefront to pursue her detective chops to the test as she’s on a trail to catch that murderer. As she’s got her suspects lined up, the murderer is none too pleased about Beck’s involvement but neither is an old flame of Beck’s, a new police detective.
This is a book with wonderful characters, great scenic detail for great world building, a pinch of romance with Beck and her ex plus the suspense of the mystery.

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Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot – Review by Faith Jackson

Love the Way You DanceLove the Way You Dance by Allison M Boot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Adopted by the king and queen of Starrycrest, Kara has lived a pretty charmed life with loving parents and a key role in the kingdom’s production of “Nutcracker.” All threatens to fall apart when Kara has to face her comes face to face with doubt and a partner who doesn’t even like her plus the opposition from the royal family to help orphaned kids find their forever families.
Taking matters into her own hands, Kara is put to the ultimate test by Trovella, the evil troll who attempts to avenge the death of her cousin. To overcome so much, Kara must embrace everything she is to overcome it all.
This book is beautiful and so sweet because as always these characters overcome so much. Another great read by Allison M. Boot!

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Night Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 1) by India Kells – Review by Jenni Bishop

Night JusticeNight Justice by India Kells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Night Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 1) by India Kells is a romance story full of danger and intrigue and it is a great start to this new series. I must admit that I have not found anything I have read by India that I have not liked. Be warned before you start that it is so engrossing it is hard to put down. If you are anything like me you will read it all in one sitting and be up till all hours. You will find there is a crossover of characters and old friends. The mystery and suspense is palpable as we race through time into the drama and tension.

The next one can’t come fast enough.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Heather Lovelace

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Utterly fantastic! I’m not sure I can put into words how I feel about this book author spoiling it. Suffice it to say, if you enjoy a well crafted modern urban fantasy, this book and author need to be added to your one click list immediately. Biglow has proven time and again to be a master storyteller. Pick this one up now – you won’t regret it!
Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Satan’s Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5 (Satans Devils MC Series) by Manda Mellett – Review by Candida Hopper

Satan's Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5Satan’s Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Satan’s Devils MC Boxset 1 Books 1-5: Brothers protecting their own
by Manda Mellett

I was so excited to get my hands on this box set!! I have read a lot of the MC books by Manda Mellet but I had not read these five until now. I enjoyed every single one of these stories, I don’t think I could pick a favorite because each of them are special in their own unique way. I was most excited to read about Sophie and Wraith’s story, and Drummer and Sam’s but I did fall in love with every story. Of course each of these books has hot biker guys but they also have so much more. Each story took me on an emotional rollercoaster with its action, danger, suspense, drama, friendship, and love. Manda Mellett has become one of my favorite authors because of her extraordinary gift in telling a wonderful and intriguing story, as soon as you start reading one of her books you won’t be able to put it down. I cannot say enough wonderful things about this entire box set. I highly recommend this box set.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Heather Lovelace

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was fascinated by the synopsis but certainly didn’t quite know what to expect within these pages. What a thrill ride. A domestic tale charged with emotion and suspense – and it all hinges on one witness of an event – a child. The fabric of a family and a small town are explored with grace. I found the story to be captivating and emotional. Loved it and highly recommend it!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (The Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine – Review by Katie Kearney

Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy)Forgotten Chance: Book Three by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine. First of all let me just say wow this book is definitely in my top favorite books for this year. I recommend reading these books in order. Once again these characters pulled me into their world so completely I forgot time and simply couldn’t put it down. I love a story that keeps me on my toes and has plenty of romance and steam but also has a well thought out storyline. The characters are complex and relatable so easy to connect with. Each character brings something unique to the storyline. I’m definitely looking forward to more from this author. Five stars all the way and highly recommended.

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Sheri Schrader

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow is the first book in A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel. If the rest of the series is as good as this first book, I am in for a great reading adventure. This book has action, adventure, fantasy, and more which kept me reading nonstop until I finished. The main character Ezri Trenton is a Boston Police Detective and kin to witches from the Salem witch trials. She is a great character and I really enjoyed her story in this book. I do not want to give anything away, but if you like fantasy set in the current day with adventure this is for you. I look forward to reading more from this series as well as this author in the future.

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