
Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot – Review by Katie Kearney

Love the Way You DanceLove the Way You Dance by Allison M Boot
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot. This story was sweet and I enjoyed every minute of it. This isn’t just a good book with a sweet story it’s also a bit inspirational. Kara is a wonderful character that any aged person would like. Each character is Easy to connect with and they definitely draw you completely into their world and I couldn’t stop until the very last page. It’s a well written and is a bit of a faster pace with lots going on. But the author does a wonderful job of writing it all without overwhelming the readers. It’s characters and wonderful and you won’t be forgetting them anytime soon after you finish. Four stars and highly recommended.

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Katie Kearney

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3) by Victoria Grant. This was my first time reading this author and I’ll definitely be looking for more. This is book 3 but they can definitely be read as a stand-alone because there wasn’t anything that left me confused or lost in the storyline. The characters are complex and relatable, truly drew me into the world. I liked the sassy main character Caroline. The characters bring the story to life and I was hooked from page one. The storyline is well written and paced nicely never feeling rushed or lacking anything. Can’t wait to see where this author takes readers next. Four stars and highly recommended.

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Not So Far (Love Grows Series Book 3) by Renee Regent – Review by Robin Rankin

Not So Far (Love Grows series, Book 3)Not So Far by Renee Regent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not So Far (Love Grows series Book 3) by Renee Regent

I really wanted to savor this book and and tried to read it a bit slower than I normally do. There was something about Audrey and her life that called to me and I felt a connection. We really don’t have much in common and I haven’t been able to figure it out.

Silas made his mistakes but when he finds himself back home after almost twenty years he decides to meet up with someone from his past. He has no idea what to expect, but what he does find out is beyond even a wild thought.

I really liked the way Audrey and Silas were together, could have been their age or the fact that they have learned how precious everything is.

I hope to see more of this series. I have really enjoyed each of the books and hope to enjoy more.

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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (The Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine – Review by Meg Tyrrell

Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy)Forgotten Chance: Book Three by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Forgotten Chance: Book Three (The Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine. It is the third story in a trilogy that I have loved reading ever since the first book. The story had me turning pages and wondering what was going to happen next. Every character is important and amazingly written. If you like books with mystery, bad guys, love and steamy scenes this book and the other two (I wouldn’t read them out of order) are for you!

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Liz Vrchota

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I must say I am so excited for this series to unfold! Spring’s Calling in the first book in a long line to be expected in the series by Sarah Biglow. I was sure I would love this one when I found out it was all about a modern witch from the blurb, and I was never disappointed. I loved reading every moment of Ezri’s story and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next novel in the series.

Ezri Trenton is our main gal like I mentioned above. She is a direct descendent of the Salem Witches and is well aware of it. She is set to be the one to [protect the prophecy etc. but she is haunted by the death of her mother and the community’s lack of care and justice. She is determined to find the killer herself and in the process finds herself joining the local police force. The newest case that is plaguing her will give her magic and herself some serious grief. I love the drama and mystery that is well woven throughout this read, but the magical feel that you read is almost as if I am enjoying an adult fairy tale. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for this series but I am for sure along for the whole ride!

Review by @lizaileen
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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (The Forgotten Trilogy) by Virginia Wine – Review by Liz Vrchota

Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy)Forgotten Chance: Book Three by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forgotten Chance is the third book in the Forgotten Trilogy by Virginia Wine. I would recommend reading all the books and in order or you may find yourself a touch lost from time to time, and these stories grow from one novel to the next so you won’t want to miss that. I really was looking forward to getting my hands on the conclusion and I had some pretty high hopes for it. I am happy to say the book took those hopes and superseded them making this one of my favorites of the series and written by Virginia Wine so far.

Bryer and Nathan are finally to the culmination of their romance and looking to say I do. They have the planning to get through that is stressful for any couple but a twist is on the horizon in the name of Cash. I am not a fan of this man, he thinks he is the only one available or Bryer and will stop at nothing to make sure their dream wedding isn’t to be. Will Nathan and Bryer come out on top or will Cash ruin her chances of a happily ever after? This book keeps you on the edge of your seat as you read trying to figure out what may come next and hoping so much that there is a happy ending to the beautiful disaster that is playing out on your kindle screen. I can’t wait to see what we get next from Virginia now that this series is complete!

Review by @lizaileen
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Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot – Review by Meg Tyrrell

Love the Way You DanceLove the Way You Dance by Allison M Boot
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my second book by Allison M. Boot. This story follows Kara. Since being adopted by the King and Queen of Starrycrest two years ago she’s living her best life. Kara has to face a dance partner she doesn’t like, a new dance instructor, and her family’s disinterest in starting a program that will help orphans find their forever families. What does the future hold for Kara? Read this book to find out.

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Satan’s Devils MC Boxset 1 Books 1-5: Brothers protecting their own by Manda Mellett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Satan's Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5Satan’s Devils MC Boxset Books 1-5 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is definitely a book that should only be read by those over 18, as there is profanity, extremely graphic and explicit scenes throughout, and not just of the adult variety. If you have any trigger points, or PTSD, this may be a series for you to avoid, but these books are great if you like hard hitting books that are full of emotion. They can be read individually, however, I would recommend reading them in the order in which they were written.

The stories are written from two viewpoints, the MC member and a woman and while you read about their experiences happening, it brings you even closer to the characters within each story as they have to battle their own demons, as well as help others to overcome theirs, an exhilarating ride (in more ways than one) and leaves you wanting to know what the next challenge over the horizon will be.

An exceedingly well written set of stories that leave you breathless and for a taste of the adventures awaiting inside, keep on reading!

Book 1 – Turning Wheels.

The book starts with a girls night out with Sophie talking to her best friend about their sex lives and jobs, you then follow their Friday night get togethers for another few weeks, until they stop altogether when sophie’s best friend meets someone and gradually stops meeting her. This is until her best friend turns up injured on her doorstep needing help getting away from her abusive boyfriend. Sophie helps her and then hears nothing for a while again.

We next see Sophie at home in bed, with someone banging on her door to get her attention. She decides between either her crutches or wheelchair to go answer, but chooses the crutches and ends up rushing and falling over. Upon hearing this, the person at the door kicks it in, thinking she is in trouble and after making sure she is, calls a friend to come repair her door.

While they are waiting, Sophie asks what is going on, her visitor introduces himself as Horse and tells her that he has been sent by her best friend and also tells her that she needs to leave her home, so that she is safe, she is admittedly shocked and doesn’t understand why.

This conversation carries on until the man’s friend arrives and starts to repair the door, Sophie then gets another visitor who comes to take her to see her best friend’s ex. It is at this point and after this visit and sophie’s demand for answers, he proceeds with an explanation of why he is there and she explains how she got injured in the first place. Sophie is asked to pack some items and after the confrontation between all three men and the conversation she has with Horse, the reality of her situation finally hits home.

She is whisked away and arrives with the Satan’s Devils Motorcycle Club and this is where she embarks on the journey that will change her life forever. This is a story with twists, turns, shocks, disappointments, hard work, but also happiness, celebration and a lot of sex.

Book two – Drummer’s Beat.

The book starts with Sam running out of gas on a trip to the Satan’s Devils Motorcycle Club, to confront one of its members. Drummer comes across her as she is considering what to do and starts to talk to her, she explains her situation and why she is heading to the club and decides to get her some gas and escort her there.

As she enters the compound, she is watched with eager eyes as she is a woman, but not one they know of with a vintage motorcycle that elicits questions and appreciation from the bikers.
Sam then goes to Drummers office, where she confronts the member she was searching for and explains her situation to him as well. This does not go to plan and she is not believed, she is then invited to spend the night at the club, as it is late, but that she has to leave the next morning.

When she wakes up, Sam is invited for breakfast and as she is preparing to leave, she finds the bikers crowded round her bike, only to find that it had lost all its oil and broken overnight. After a heated discussion, Sam is allowed two hours to fix it before another decision has to be made. Again, this does not go to plan and so Drummer decides to allow her to stay until the bike is fixed, much to the consternation of the other member.

This is where her story truly begins, as she fixes her bike, discovers that feelings she wanted to keep hidden come to the surface, there are fights, agreements, disagreements and sex. Boundaries are tested, broken and remade throughout the story as discoveries are made and life changes for all involved.

Book 3 – Slick Running.

This book starts with a link to “Turning Wheels” and a confrontation with another MC where the Satan’s Devil’s brought in a woman, Ella, to help them deal with the situation. She ends up getting hurt and although claimed by Slick, she abruptly leaves without a word to anyone apart from Drummer. We find ourselves revisiting her after she contacts Slick again, as she needs some help. Slick ignores the calls she is making and denies her his help (without consulting the rest of the club) in a spiteful manner because he is still hurting from when she left. She happens to call when he is in a meeting with Drummer and so he demands to know what is going on Slick explains the situation and Drummer demands that he goes over to see her and sort the issue out, as they owe her a lot.

When Slick goes to see Ella with one of the club Prospects, she is being harassed by her housemates boyfriend and when Slick sees that he is claiming that Ella is his. all the old feelings are brought back and neither of them quite knows how to deal with it, so when Ella makes it clear that she is not with the guy and gets into an argument with him, Slick and the prospect escort him out and tell him that he is not allowed back to the house. After this, Ella tells Slick why she has called him and why she needs the club’s help. Ella explains that she is worried about her younger sister because her behaviour has changed dramatically over the last few months, Slick agrees that he will ask the club if there is anything that they can do.

After this, Slick asks why she left him before and they both get angry and shout at each other, but she eventually gets to the point where she starts sobbing uncontrollably and the truth of her experience, that she has been hiding from everyone, comes out in all it’s foul reality. At this point she breaks down and Slick has to call Doc to come and see her. When Ella comes out of her faint, she finds that she is back at the club and doesn’t want to be there, in her mind, it is the last place that she wants to be. When the club find out exactly how much they owe Ella.

This is a story of revelations, revenge, protection, loyalty, trust being broken and remade, relationships being rebuilt and as always in this series, a lot of sex.

Book 4 – Targeting Dart.

This book starts with a sisters night out where we are introduced to Alex and Celine, they discuss their lives and what next steps that Alex needs to take, to become independent again and not to have to rely on her sister’s generosity for longer than she needs to. They notice and eye the two bikers entering the bar and start to discuss them and what they get up to, both professionally and personally. The older sister (Celine) tells her younger sister (Alex) about the club that they own and that they employ people as dancers and then Celine tries to convince Alex that it could be her perfect job as she is really good at it as a hobby and why not try! Alex takes a lot of convincing and muses on the suggestion while Celine goes to the bar. Alex then sees her talking to the two bikers and before she knows it, Celine has her set up with an audition at the club the next morning. Alex is shocked and appalled at the suggestion claiming that they won’t hire her because, for one, she is a woman of colour and two, not the typical body shape of what they would be looking for. In the end she agrees to the audition and goes to the club the next morning.

It is at the club that we meet Dart and another of the MC members who are going in to watch the audition as they have a spot that needs filling at the club. They know that they are expecting someone called Alex and what time she is turning up, but nothing about what she looks like, so they are shocked as well when Alex turns up bang on time. They take one look at her and do not approve of her looks, not her skin colour, but her body shape, so as Dart prepares to let her down easily, before they have even given her a chance, he goes over to talk to her. After inviting her to sit on a bar stool, her height issues come to the fore as she is unable to sit on it and after establishing that she is not a dwarf and that she is just short, Dart starts to discuss the position. During the conversation, Alex shows the fire within her when she is sure that they are going to dismiss her before even showing them what she can offer them, this show of attitude convinces the bikers to give her a shot on the pole and so she goes up and dances for them.

When she does this, Dart realises how good she is and what effect she has on him while she is dancing and it takes him by surprise, as it does the other members as well. This encourages him to make the decision to take her on, but when she says that she has conditions to attach to her employment, Dart starts wondering why she chooses the particular ones she does, he asks her to go into a bit more detail and when she does, he decides to take it back to the club to ask whether this is something that they may be able to help with.

As the story develops that Alex’s worries become reality, this is where she realises that she has to learn to trust, overcome and learn from the experiences she is going to have and Dart has to do the same. There are hurdles that must be crossed, decisions that have to be made and action that has to be taken. The MC has to decide whether to pull together and deal with hardship, friendship, relationships, sex and barriers to see whether their lives are going to change and what is going to come from it.

Book 5 – Heart Broken.

We start this time with Heart who we discover has been temporarily kicked out of the club after he was hospitalised by a motorcycle accident which killed his wife. Heart is out on a road trip which they had planned and is angry, grieving and lost in the feelings that this loss has left behind. He is just going through the motions, both physically and mentally, not really looking after himself and constantly berating himself for his wife’s untimely death. He is hurting deeply and cannot understand why he is doing what he is doing, apart from because it was the thing that they were going to be doing when she died.
He does not know what to do with himself and so, while he is trying to decide his future, he continues travelling until he can make that decision. There are things that he is remembering during this trip that remind him of his dead wife and he struggles to deal with it, all the while he is in contact with the police woman who has been dealing with the case from her side.

Marc (the detective) is struggling to convince her superiors that the report she has written about the case is valid and that she is certain of the facts that she has written in it. Unfortunately, her superior doesn’t want to hear any of it and maintains that her partner (who is, we find out, missing) is not involved in what she is stating in her report and that she is falsifying and twisting the truth to that end. She is put with another detective to work and sl;owly comes to the realization that he is just trying to keep her out of the way, so that she cannot work further on the case in question.

As Heart and Marc discuss the case over the phone and any developments within it, as they speak, they share some more personal details that they probably shouldn’t and so start to become more than just detectives and witness. This becomes apparent when Heart comes to a decision about his future and starts to plan how this will be realised. He receives a timely call from Marc who can sense what is going on and becomes someone who he realises has felt the same way as he is feeling now and their connection deepens because of this.

As this connection grows and becomes more complicated, life starts to get even harder for both of them and the reality of both their situations strike them in ways that they didn’t want or need in their lives. There is danger, sex, tenderness, beauty and hardship on the horizon and neither of them is prepared for it. As these issues arrive, loyalties are tested and reforged, life will never be the same for any of them, on both sides of the coin and deciding which side the coin lands on, depends on how the story will end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Love the Way You DanceLove the Way You Dance by Allison M Boot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love the Way You Dance is the charming sequel to Allison M. Boot’s Just the Way You Are. Where the previous book focuses on Misty, this book’s protagonist is Kara.
Kara is a young girl who, after worrying that her disabilities would mean she would never find a family, was adopted by none other than the King and Queen of Starrycrest. Now a princess, Kara has plenty to worry about including whether she’ll nail an upcoming dance performance, and whether the Queen’s pregnancy is threatening Kara’s place in the family.
The world Boot has created is fun and exciting. In a fantasy land, anything goes and Boot has certainly had fun with this! Kara has access to all the delicious food a person can dream of (thanks, in part, to the friendly and talented chef Tony). She has a super wheelchair designed especially to enhance a dancer’s performance, and excellent instruction from pink-haired dance teacher Stella. There’s a cinema in the palace with a fairly comprehensive collection of Rom-Coms. And also trolls, which will grant wishes but always with an aim to furthering their quest to wreak havoc on Starrycrest.
This is a fun book, suitable for YA and teen readers (but also very enjoyable for adults!). It addresses emotional topics, including disability and foster care, but the fun and vibrant setting keeps the tone light and friendly. For me, this is a five-star book. I’m enjoying the series, and hope there’s more to come! (perhaps a book focusing on Tyler? Or a chance to revisit Kara as a young adult?).

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Lisa Helmick

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a good story. At times I did have a hard time connecting with the main character but others I really enjoyed her. I enjoyed following her around on her job and how she is trying to figure out the scenes. I like the characters she works with and those that she meets along her journey. Granted they are not all good some are evil. But they all serve a purpose.

The writing is good and the story engaging. There is a lot of action and magic mixed together. This is a good urban fantasy read.

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Erin Wolf

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Spring’s Calling: (A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel) by Sarah Biglow, 5 stars.

Urban Fantasy is my favorite genre so I was really looking forward to this book. I didn’t recall reading this author before, so I had no idea what to expect. The beginning of it was interesting, but I want more. I wanted to see Ezri have people on her side to help her. You can see that she has depended on just herself for so long and everyone needs at least one person they can go to. When more people got involved in helping her and she started letting those people in, that’s when the book went to phenomenal. Not only doe she have to find the bad guy, she has to be the savior to the magical world.

This book has just what you want in an Urban Fantasy book — a strong female lead, magic, suspense, laughter, tears, love, heartbreak; and it is all woven into a story that pulls you in from the very beginning and you cannot stop until you are finished. I was so ready to read the next book, but I have to wait because it’s not out yet! That’s ok, this book is so good, I will not forget this characters any time soon.

If you are a of urban fantasy, this book is for you.

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Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot – Review by Debi Kircher

Love the Way You DanceLove the Way You Dance by Allison M Boot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot

5 Stars

I loved this story, Kara was an awesome character and the adventure and fantasy aspects of this book had me hooked. I love the lessons involved in this story that anyone that doesn’t think the most of themselves could learn from.

This is not my first book by this author and absolutely will not be my last. It’s nice to take a break sometimes from the heavier books I read to let myself into another world, it was like being in a fairy tale land and you get really comfortable in all that is Starrycrest.

I have a couple granddaughters that I’m going to give this book to, as well as the first 2 I’ve read. I truly believe they will love everything about these fantasies and walk away with some truly helpful thoughts to carry through their teenage years and beyond.

Loved it and can’t wait for more from this author.

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Saint Code: The Lost (Saint Code Book 1) by Megan Mackie – Review by Lucy Berson

Saint Code: Lost: Book Four of the Lucky Devil SeriesSaint Code: Lost: Book Four of the Lucky Devil Series by Megan Mackie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Saint Code: Lost: Book Four of the Lucky Devil Series by Megan Mackie. This might be the fourth book in the Lucky Devil Series but is can be read alone and you would be able to follow the events. This is an urban fantasy book that was fast paced and kept you completely wanting more. While this genre is out of my “norm” I truly enjoyed it.

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Angela Shirley

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When you have one rule in life is “No Relationships” will a handsome man throw that rule right out of the window.

Caroline is a independent, strong, sassy woman who is good at her job so when she is asked to design a new building for her best friend’s company she jumps at the chance to prove herself and create a gorgeous creation, but when the VP Charles has been put in charge of the new project things are due to get serious.

Charles is the VP of Calderone business but when asked to oversee the new project for the new build, but when he encounters Caroline who pushes his buttons and is not frightened to tell him some of his ideas are stupid. There is something about this woman who frustrates him but is attracted to which is something he does not do.

This story is full of chemistry and steam, the two main characters are a great couple as they antagonise each other which is great reading. This is the first book in this series I have read and this does not distract from the story at all, this reads perfectly as a standalone book but would love to read the others just to get an insight into the other characters which pop up in this book.

I recommend this as a easy read, with hot scenes and great character interaction and a great well written story.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Sara Oxton

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy On Hold by J.D. Spero a very detailed and compelling five-star read. This was my first by this author and won’t be my last as I flew through this one, I adored getting to know Hen. This is a compelling story filled with family drama with Mum Marcella struggling to get everything done, working hard, then we have Tyler older brother and struggling with his own fate, then there is young Henry or Hen as he is more commonly called, he is an enigma all of his own. This tale has a wonderful way of unfolding before your eyes, you don’t get any detail before you are ready and that shows us the talent of the author. I am becoming a fast fan of this author and was very sad when this story ended as it was such an emotional rollercoaster I didn’t want it to end.

Review by @saraoxo

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Blind Magic: The Sanctuary Chronicles by India Kells

💜•➹⁀✵‿➹⁀💜• BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 💜•‿➹⁀✵‿➹⁀💜

Blind Magic: The Sanctuary Chronicles by India Kells


#BlindMagic #IndiaKells #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Paranormal Romance

Page Count – 282 pages

A blind witch.

A broken werewolf.

A forbidden love spell.

Powerful forces collide and revelations about the past turn deadly.

Orphan Sera Dover’s entire world revolves around magical knowledge and her precious grimoires. She wants nothing more than to leave behind her sad past and focus on the future—a hope that is quickly dashed when she is struck by illness just as the most dangerous threat she’s ever faced comes barreling through her door.

Ian Macon’s soul is in tatters after the loss of his mate and he knows his heart can never beat for anyone else. Yet, from the very first time he lays eyes on her, something draws him to the local witch. Ian sees an undeniable light in Sera, bright and strong, making it impossible for him to stay away. And he can’t help wanting to protect her, even from afar…


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India Kells is a romantic suspense and paranormal romance author with many books under her pen. Her love for strong female characters, wicked alpha males and sexy tense situations, where villains and danger are lurking nearby, help her weave captivating stories that will leave you breathless and wanting for more.

Author Interview with India Kells






Girl Trap (A Madeline Dawkins Mystery Book 3) by Cynthia Hamilton

╔═🔳*¨*✶*¨`*🔳 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🔳*¨*✶*¨`*🔳══╗

Girl Trap (A Madeline Dawkins Mystery Book 3) by Cynthia Hamilton

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#GirlTrap #mystery #suspense #MadelineDawkins

#OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Crime / Thriller

Page Count – 318 pages

Cover Designer – Six Penny Graphics

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Appearances can be deceiving. And in Southern California, where the sun shines almost every day and make-believe has its own industry, it’s hard to tell what is real and what is merely illusion. Two inquiries come to MDPI on the same day that seem like fairly straight-forward missing person cases. But it doesn’t take long to discover there’s nothing ordinary about the disappearance of two beautiful sisters from Minnesota and an estranged heiress who has never touched her eight-figure fortune.

While Madeline’s partner, Mike Delaney, heads down to Los Angeles to search for his cousin’s vanished girlfriend and her sister, Madeline heads to San Luis Obispo in hopes of picking up a twelve-year-old trail at a Catholic boarding school. Their separate pursuits lead them into a world where a frightening reality hides behind a glossy veneer. With several lives hanging in the balance, Mike and Madeline are faced with daunting odds and ruthless criminals who will kill to keep what they have taken.


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Cynthia Hamilton turned to writing while fighting a mystery illness that went misdiagnosed for nine years. Forgetting that she couldn’t write if her life depended on it, she wrote her first book in secret, just in case it didn’t amount to anything. Nineteen years later, she has written twelve books and published ten of them. She writes general fiction and mystery-suspense novels, as well as some non-fiction. “Once Upon A Lyme…A Tale of Two Journey” documents her harrowing odyssey through late-stage Lyme disease and the unexpected upside of becoming a writer. The Patience of Karma—her latest novel—is the fifth book in her Madeline Dawkins Mystery Series.






Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant

Designing Love is the third book in The Calderone Family Romance Series by Victoria Grant . From the very beginning I was hooked and couldn’t stop reading till the end. I had to know what was going to happen next . Caroline has set rules for her career and the number one rule is no relationships. But when she gets selected for a new job will that change? Will Charles who is the VP of the family business. Will Charles be the one who gets her to break her own rule? Find out what happens next in this series and I highly recommend reading this book. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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A Book Signing To Die For: Beach Reads by Judy Moore – Review by Jonell Collins

A Book Signing To Die ForA Book Signing To Die For by Judy Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved A Book Signing To Die For: Beach Reads by Judy Moore. A great little who-done-it. Kept me guessing almost till the very end. A little romance, (good clean reading), intriguing mystery and I really liked that it was a family affair. Really great characters, and the beach town was marvelous. Made me want to go to the beach. I look forward to seeing Beck and her family in more stories like this.

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Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Angela Hayes

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Spring’s Calling is the first book in the Season’s of Magic series by Sarah Biglow. This is an action-packed urban fantasy, interwoven with a crime drama, mystery, suspense, magic, witches, prophecy, sinister forces, and a pending apocalypse. The fate of the world hangs in the balance and it is a bit of a race against time to unravel everything, whilst also embracing a destiny that was foretold in a prophecy centuries ago.
Ezri Trenton is the subject of that prophecy- and as the last remaining descendant in a long line of witches, the responsibility falls on her to save the day. But, Ezri is haunted by the murder of her mother ten years earlier. She left the magical community, feeling betrayed by their lack of action after her mother’s death. So, she decided to hunt down the killer herself, and has since joined the police force a stepping stone in that direction. She loves her job and takes it seriously. But hiding her ‘abilities’ is going to become a little more difficult, especially when there’s a phantom serial killer to track down. Keeping her magical abilities on the down-low just got a whole lot more difficult. How will Ezri juggle the advancing prophecy, saving the day, as well as hunting down a serial killer with paranormal abilities? Well, this book is well worth the read to discover just how everything plays out!
Looking forward to more in the ‘Seasons of Magic’ series!

Thank you, Sarah Biglow!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Grace’s Ghosts by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Felicia Bates

Grace's GhostsGrace’s Ghosts by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grace’s Ghosts is a book suitable for children as young as 9 to 12 years of age. I am not ashamed to say, at 31 years of age, I loved it.
From the very first page I was intrigued and drawn into the storyline. I can honestly way, I don’t recall reading a story like this in the past. It was fast paced, exciting and unique. I feel as though Grace was a character kids could relate to or feel empathy towards. I can’t say enough about Grace’s Ghosts but I will stop here as to not spoil anything. Regardless of age, if you’re looking for a short, fun read, I recommend this 5 star book.

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Grace’s Ghosts by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Heather Lovelace

Grace's GhostsGrace’s Ghosts by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was unprepared for how immediately I was pulled into this story. The author does a beautiful job creating a story that truly speaks to all ages and does a fantastic job keeping your interest and attention. Loved every page and am an immediate fan of this author. Looking forward to more!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Candida Hopper

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)
by Victoria Grant

This was a sweet, funny, and sassy romantic read. When Charles and Caroline found themselves as best man and maid of honor and his brothers and her best friend’s wedding the attraction was off the charts. Caroline has a no dating rule because she wants to concentrate on her career and be the best architect she can be. Charles works for the family business and his last relationship didn’t end so well and he has taken a step back from dating. Caroline has a very strong personality and I found her to be very argumentative, unyielding, and she has quite the temper. Charles is smart, attractive and romantic and gives her a run for her money. I think their personalities balance each other out. I enjoyed this story and found it to be very well written. I have not read the previous two books and I will now be going back and reading those. I recommend this book.

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Saint Code: The Lost (Saint Code Book 1) by Megan Mackie – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Saint Code: Lost: Book Four of the Lucky Devil SeriesSaint Code: Lost: Book Four of the Lucky Devil Series by Megan Mackie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saint Code: The Lost (Saint Code Book 1) by Megan Mackie


Saint Code: The Lost (Saint Code Book 1) by Megan Mackie was an exciting and fun read. I loved this book and I could not put it down. St. Augustina had a lot going on in this book and I loved learning more about her character. She really caught my eye in The Finder Of The Lucky Devil and I am excited there was more! This book was easy to get lost in and it carried me away. I highly recommend it!

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Night Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 1) by India Kells – Review by Jana Teppih

Night JusticeNight Justice by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Night Justice is the opening act of India Kells’ new series of Chicago Vigilantes series. I absolutely adore India Kells and the universe that she has created with her Women of Purgatory and Dark Sparrow series and with her crossover series with Maddie Wade, and now she is adding to it, fantastic! I love how the characters from different series cross paths so be prepared, that is also the case with Night Justice and the new series!
When you pick up a story by India Kells, you know that hours filled with enthralling story are waiting for you and be forewarned, plan enough time to get through the story with one sitting as stopping is not an option, trust me … I tried and it didn’t work, my brain could not shut down so I had to get up and just continue …
Night Justice will give us Vigilante justice, in the windy city of Chicago where we are taken along on a ride that a reporter, Orla Karlsen, is on with the Vigilante. A race to take down the suppliers who are bringing a new drug into the market that has no mercy on its users. A simple ‘going undercover’ for a story turns into something more and in the end both need to decide what matters most!
Every time I finish a book in one of India’s series I cannot wait for the next one and I truly hope she is not making us to wait too long and we can go back to the Noctem and Chicago!

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Grace’s Ghosts by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Meg Tyrrell

Grace's GhostsGrace’s Ghosts by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grace’s Ghosts is the first book I’ve read by Stephanie Wilson Peterson. This was the best children’s book I’ve read in a very long time. Honestly- it was full of emotion and great plots with amazing characters. I read this in a few hours because I couldn’t put it down! This story follows Grace who’s able to see ghosts, and have conversations with them. You get to meet her family and the people that go to her school. Every one who’s important is so deeply created, I either loved or despised them – whichever emotion Stephanie wanted me to feel. I hope there’s more of Grace’s story because I can’t wait for more!

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Love the Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot – Review by Rachel Moss

Love the Way You DanceLove the Way You Dance by Allison M Boot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love The Way You Dance by Allison M. Boot was a great book! It was a great continuation/sequel of her previous novel, Just The Way You Are. Still read just like a fairytale, was just as funny and entertaining, and heart warming as the first novel as well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and was very entertained while doing so, even with the slight juvenile-esque feel to the story telling and words. I can’t wait to read more from this author in the future!

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Spring’s Calling: A Season of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow – Review by Anna Hirsch

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Spring’s Calling: A Seasons of Magic Urban Fantasy Novel by Sarah Biglow
4 Stars

I really enjoyed reading this book. Ezri is a newly promoted detective and a witch. Her partner is human but the serial killer they are after is killing with magic. Trying to solve the case and hide her powers gets her into some awkward situations. A major event is supposed to happen on the equinox and Ezri is destined to save the world. She knows the murders is connected to that same event but she has to prove it.

This is an interesting fantasy filled with magic, drama and crime. The author did a good job weaving the three to create a story that will keep you captivated until the end. This is definitely worth reading.
Review by @Anna Hirsch

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Caroline is a career-driven designer with a no dating rule. She wants to focus on being the best at what she does and romance does not have a place in her world. When she is the maid of honor at her best friend’s wedding, she is paired up with the groom’s brother. Charles has put himself in a dating time-out since his last relationship ended quite badly. However, ever since his brother’s wedding he has had a hard time getting the maid of honor out of his thoughts. While sparks fly between the two, they are both hesitant to start anything when they both are trying to steer clear of relationships. When Caroline is chosen as the lead designer on the new building Charles’ company is building, will they be able to avoid the chemistry between them? Will they take a chance on each other or will they push each other away? You will have to read to find out!

While this is the 3rd book in the series, this book can be read as a standalone. Characters from previous books are a part of this book and I found myself wanting to go and read those books so I could find out their backstory. While Caroline is a strong and career-driven woman, she frustrated me at times with her constant need to argue over everything and get mad at the smallest situations. I recognize, however, that people are like that and tried not to let it irk me too much. I enjoyed Charles as he was searching for the balance between work, family, and love. He is a romantic at heart and I found myself rooting for him throughout the book. This is a nice romantic story that is also quite funny at times.

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Karyn Taylor

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Designing Love is the 3rd book in The Calderone Family Romance Series by Victoria Grant. This series centres around the 4 brothers and 1 sister in the Calderone Family. Each book in the series can be read as a standalone. I didn’t feel that I was missing anything having not read the first 2 books but having enjoyed this one so much, I need to add the first 2 to my ‘to be read’ list.
This book starts with the wedding of the couple from book 2. Bridesmaid Caroline Winters is an architect whose Number One Rule is ‘no relationships’. Best man Charles Calderone makes clear in his speech that he will never be joining the marriage club. Will both be made to have a rethink when Caroline is hired to design a new office building for the Calderone family business and company VP Charles is put in charge of the project.
I have to say that I absolutely loved this book. As much as the attraction simmers between Caroline and Charles, when working together they do not see eye to eye on anything. Caroline is feisty and outspoken and damn good at her job so isn’t scared to tell Charles that she finds some (all) of ideas stupid and does so in front of all the staff. Some of these exchanges are hilarious.
What all this fighting does is build up frustration which they happily burn off in the bedroom. This couple are sizzling in the bedroom.
I adored the camaraderie between the brothers (and sister) and their better halves. The family spirit is amazing between them all.
I can’t wait to read the 2 books that I’ve missed so far and then the rest of this series. 100% recommend.

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