
Rise of the Hunter (Blood Prophecy Series) by Barb Jones – Review by Kerry Baker

Rise of the HunterRise of the Hunter by Barb Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a great story and a brilliant addition to the series. I also enjoyed the fact that it is the start of a new series too. The book is a well written fantasy story that was so easy to engage with. I was pulled in to the story straight away and loved how the author built the story up.
I enjoyed the combination of old and new characters. They all added some thing to the overall story and made the book much better to read. Although I have only read a few books by this author I have enjoyed them all and I am looking forward to more.

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The Hussar’s Duty (The Winged Warrior Series Book 3) by Griffin Brady – Review by Kerry Baker

The Hussar's Duty (The Winged Warrior #3)The Hussar’s Duty by Griffin Brady
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the series and is a great addition overall. This book can be read as a standalone but is one I would suggest is worth reading in order. This book is detailed and such an interesting one to read. I like how varied the story and the characters felt. The characters really brought this book to life. They added a dynamic to the book that made it even more enjoyable.
This author is a very new author to me but I am really enjoying their writing style. It has a good, easy to read tone to it and I always connect with the story being told. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and I can wait to read more from this author.

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Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Kerry Baker

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the sixth one in the series and is just as good and as endearing as the others. I seemed to connect with this book much more than the others, the characters and the story. I loved the connection between the characters. It seemed so natural and real.
The story the author has created is fun and lighthearted. It is the perfect feel for this kind of book. I easily engaged with this story and wanted to see how things would play out. I always really enjoy books by this author and this one is one of my favourites.

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The Passion of 3: A Second Chance MMF Romance by Ariella Talix – Review by Kerry Baker

The Passion of 3The Passion of 3 by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The characters, and their chemistry, is everything about this book for me. I loved how interconnected they were and just how strong their bond is. Even after so many years it was obviously still there.
I thought the story was really well written. Usually, this type of book is fairly predictable but with this specific one I found myself unsure as to how things would play out a few times. I enjoyed getting lost in the story and the characters and I am looking forward to the next book from this author.

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Bound by the Hinterlands by Bree M. Lewandowski – Review by Kerry Baker

Bound by the HinterlandsBound by the Hinterlands by Bree M. Lewandowski
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has to be one of the better developed books that I have read this year. From the moment I started reading to the moment I finished, I was fully taken on the journey the author wants you to go on. The characters are well thought out and it was lovely to see the connection build between them over time, rather than have it all instantly fall into place.
The story was a really interesting one as well. It could have gone a number of ways at anytime and yet the author never seemed to lose control of it. I was fully invested in it and the characters, especially Cressida. I fully enjoyed reading this story and cannot wait to see what is next from this author.

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The Boys of Alpha Block by Nancy Nau Sullivan – Review by Kerry Baker

The Boys of Alpha BlockThe Boys of Alpha Block by Nancy Nau Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When i started reading this book I did so based on word of mouth. I didn’t read the description or look at any reviews, I just started reading. So to say I was surprised by the story is an understatement. This book is emotional and heart wrenching. It is so easy to n imagine this group of boys and everything they have experienced. It felt b like this book had me b on the edge of my seat the whole way through. It was fanatically written and simply captivating. I loved this book and would highly recommend it to anyone.

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Acting Counsel (Kings of Screen Book 3) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Kerry Baker

Acting Counsel (Kings of Screen, #3)Acting Counsel by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story is a great forbidden romance book. Ad the third book in the series it can be read as a standalone however I think it is worth reading all of the books in the series. The characters in this book are great. They clearly have a strong connection from the start, but with so much to overcome you have to question if it will be enough. They v are v easy to engage with and I enjoyed getting to know them.
The overall story of this book was great. I wanted to see how everything would work out.  This book had left me excited to read the next book in the series.

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The Messy Kids by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

The Messy KidsThe Messy Kids by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is yet another fun and entertaining book that the whole family can really enjoy together. Our entire household has become such a huge fan of this author and we are yet to come across a book we don’t enjoy. I loved this one so much. I loved how it teaches kids to use their imagination. My daughter really enjoyed this book too. This is the first book by this author that she has tried to read herself, and not just listen to me read it for her. These books are great for those who are learning to read as they are short and punchy stories. I am already looking forward to the next book and having it read to me!

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Editor Kill Fee (The Taylor Browning Cozy Mysteries Book 3) by GG Collins – Review by Kerry Baker

Editor Kill Fee (Taylor Browning Cozy Mysteries #3)Editor Kill Fee by G.G. Collins

I was very excited to get my hands on the next book in this series. Although it is the third book this can be read as a standalone. This is such a fun cozy mystery story that is pure entertainment from start to finish. I thought the story had been so well put together. It was intriguing and kept you turning the pages and yet maintained a lighthearted feel to it throughout.
I thought the characters were such fun and contributed to the lighthearted feel. I enjoyed getting to know them and watching them develop as the story did. This book is a great combination of fun and mystery and I would definitely recommend it.

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Ghosts of Alda (The Obscured Throne Trilogy Book 2) by Russell Archey – Review by Kerry Baker

Ghosts of AldaGhosts of Alda by Russell Archey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fantastic follow up to the first book in the series and I couldn’t wait to start reading it. I loved delving into this continuation of the story and refamiliarizing myself with the characters. I would definitely suggest reading these books in order. As with the first, this book is well written, creative and utterly engaging. It took no effort for me to connect with this world again. I thought the story followed on so well, it really didn’t feel like anytime between reading the first book and the second.
The characters in this book feel like they have been carefully selected to create an imaginative story. They weave so well together and are all interesting to read about. I enjoyed every part of reading about them. This book is fantastic and well written. I cannot wait for more.

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Stalked by the Devil (To Kiss a Stalker Series) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Kerry Baker

Stalked by the DevilStalked by the Devil by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This author certainly knows how to write a book that will grab your attention. This book is fact paced and edgy. It is the kind of book you have to read quickly because you n want to see how it will turn out. I loved the characters and the dynamic between them all. Each really added something to the story. Although i only discovered this author recently, I have really come to enjoy her work. This is a great book that is worth the read.

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Huff… Puff… Grind! (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

Huff...Puff...Grind!: The 3 Little Pigs Get SmartHuff…Puff…Grind!: The 3 Little Pigs Get Smart by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a brilliant adaption of the 3 Little Pigs story. This author is already a favourite in our house but I think this book has to be the best by far. Or at least in my opinion. I thought it was so clever and well done. And I loved how much fun my kids found in it. This is a story that we are familiar with already and this take was so much fun to read.
This is one that we have all engaged with and the entertainment it has brought us has been endless. This is the first book by this author that I keep requesting we read, although I hear no arguments when I do. This author really does know how to create an amazing story that gets the whole family involved.

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Twisted Proposal (Central Florida Stories Book 3) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Kerry Baker

Twisted Proposal: Central Florida StoriesTwisted Proposal: Central Florida Stories by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the third in the series but can be read as a standalone. This book is the very definition of hot and spicy. The chemistry between the characters was palpable from the moment they first met. You could feel it on every page and only seemed to grow stronger. I was pulled into their story and couldn’t stop reading.
The author has created a great story with characters that seem to fill the pages. It is just as good as the others in the series and I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I would definitely recommend this, and the series as a whole, to anyone.

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What Do the Plants Say? (Alex, the Inventor) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

What Do the Plants Say? (Alex, the Inventor)What Do the Plants Say? by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another great book by a firm favourite author. Both of my kids are always so excited when we get a new book by her. This book was fun and very entertaining, although not one of the best we have read. This book felt a little more flat compared to the others we have read recently, but that could be just because they were so good. Either way, we still got great enjoyment out of this book. It was engaging and the kids loved to look at the pictures and see what was going on. As usual, we read this book multiple times and I am sure we will read it many times more.

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Sleeping Love by Natalina Reis – Review by Kerry Baker

Sleeping LoveSleeping Love by Natalina Reis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting take on a well known fairy tale and it is one I have really enjoyed. I thought the story was well thought out and interesting. It caught my attention straight away. I lived thr characters in I felt their connection and was drawn to their journey.
This is an author that I have become very familiar with and I really love how all of her books are different. This one is nothing like any of her others but it is just as good. This is a great story that i would highly recommend.

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Seen by Lori Nelson – Review by Kerry Baker

SeenSeen by Lori Nelson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars a great sci-fi Book that is well written and unique. When I First read the description of this book I found it a little confusing. But I had heard good things about the story so decided to give it a try and I am glad I did. The booknwas exciting and fast paced from the moment you start reading. The characters were engaging and really added to the overall story.
This is the first book that I have read by this author but it won’t be the last. I thoroughly enjoyed it right from the start.

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The Guardian of Whispers (The Reeds of West Hills Book 1) by B. E. Padgett – Review by Kerry Baker

The Guardian of Whispers (The Reeds of West Hills #1)The Guardian of Whispers by B.E. Padgett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an entertaining story right from the start. The twins were brilliant characters. I loved their dynamic and the connections they built with the the other characters. They were engaging and easy to connect with.
The story itself was well written and fast paced. It was an exciting story that would appeal to all ages. I also really liked the cover of the book. It has a light hearted feel, which is unusual for this genre Book. This is a great story that is thoroughly enjoyable.

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The Synchronicity of Love: Stories that Heal, Transform, and Awaken by John David Latta – Review by Kerry Baker

The Synchronicity of Love: Stories that Heal, Transform, and AwakenThe Synchronicity of Love: Stories that Heal, Transform, and Awaken by John David Latta
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This isn’t b usually they sort of Book that I would go for, but something about this one caught my b eye. I love the fact that v it was s collection of stories, small glimpses into the authors journey. It was awe-inspiring reading about his discoveries and it felt like you made them right along with him. The boom was really well written. It slowly pulls you in and offers you wisdom and insight. Although I still don’t think this will ever be my go to sort of Book I was really glad I gave this one a try!

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Twisted Bond by Danielle Jacks – Review by Kerry Baker

Twisted BondTwisted Bond by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I always enjoy this auhmthir so was excited to see a new book to try. And what a book it was. Rose and Tristan are an unexpected couple with undeniable chemistry. I was completely pulled in by them and their connection, which developed and became so much more as the book went on.
The story was really interesting. It was different to other wolf books and I have read, which I find unusual for this genre. I loved this book from the moment instarted reading. I would highly recommend it.

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Secrets of the Sorcery War (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 2) by Elise Carlson – Review by Kerry Baker

Secrets of the Sorcery War (Ruarnon Trilogy #2)Secrets of the Sorcery War by Elise Carlson

This book is the second in the series, and a great continuation of the story. It was an easy book to engage with and I found myself picking up the story with no effort, as though I had read it straight after the first. I was excited to see where the author would take the story next.
I thought the characters were all interesting. They each had a part to play I loved how every one developed. The author has a detailed way of writing. It was easy to visualise what was being described and, for me, that made the book more interesting to read. I thought this was a thoroughly enjoyable book and I am looking forward to the next one.

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Brutal Days (Hidden Valley Elite Book 3) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Kerry Baker

Brutal Days: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 3)Brutal Days: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the other books in the series I could not wait to start reading this one. And I have to say this book is just a good as the others. I was pulled into the story straight away and could not put it down. This book is one of those I had to read in one sitting because I was so drawn into it.
I loved these characters just as much as the others. This author really knows how to write captivating characters that completely take over. The book was fast paced, exciting and written so well that I was never sure about how it would all turn out. I was engrossed from the moment I started reading and I would advise everyone to read this book immediately.

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Punk (Popov Boys Book 6) by Leslie Georgeson – Review by Kerry Baker

Punk (Popov Boys #6)Punk by Leslie Georgeson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This type of book isn’t usually my favourite, but I had read the others in the series so I knew I had to add this one on. I am so glad I did. It was well written and I really enjoyed the characters, which very much surprised me. I thought the connection was easy to engage with and very relatable.
This book fits in perfectly with the rest of the series. It is dark, intense and a great story to read. It wasn’t hard to get into the story and it was lovely to read about familiar characters again. This author is still a relatively new one to me and I think I am very much going to enjoy reading more of her work.

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Fee, Fi, Fo, Grow! (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

Fee, Fi, Fo, Grow!: The Real Magic of the BeansFee, Fi, Fo, Grow!: The Real Magic of the Beans by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We never go too long in this house without reading a book by this author and I think this book has got to be one of the most entertaining we have read so far. We all loved the unique take on the typical Jack and the Beanstalk story, especially my daughter who had just done this book at school.
As expected from this author, the book was engaging, fun, had great characters and yet was educational as well. I have lost count of the number of times we have read this book and I am excited to read it again. This author is a master at children’s books and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

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Hope and Lies (The Abredea Series Book 1) by C.H. Lyn – Review by Kerry Baker

Hope and LiesHope and Lies by C.H. Lyn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, what a book this was. I knew from the description that I was going to enjoy this book but I was surprised by how much the story pulled me in. I loved the world that it was based in. It was imaginative and so interesting. The combination of characters the author introduced fit perfectly. I could easily visualise what was going on from the writing.
This is a new author to me and I have to say I enjoyed everything about this book. The writing drew me in and the story and the characters kept my attention. This book also has one of my favourite covers that I have seen this year. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series.

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Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 3) by KG Fletcher – Review by Kerry Baker

Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #3)Breathless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It has been a while since I read a book from this author and as soon as I picked this book up I couldn’t understand why I had waited so long. This book is everything I have come to expect from this author – a fantastic story, brilliant and engaging characters and chemistry on almost every page. It took no time at all for me to connect with this story and before I knew it I was finishing the book in one sitting.
These characters were made for each other. They have such a deep connection and I loved to see it develop throughout the book. I was behind them the whole way and couldn’t wait to see how things would work out between them. This author really does know how to create fantastic characters. This is a fantastic book and I would highly recommend it.

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Stay For Me (The Balefire Series Book 5) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Kerry Baker

Stay For Me (The Balefire Series Book 5)Stay For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Although this book is the 5th in the series it can easily be read as a standalone story. This is a second chance romance that is fast paced and quite exciting. This is the kind of story I really like and I have to say I loved the part the band had to play within this.
Initially, I didn’t fully connect with the characters. However, as the story went on I found myself warming to them much more. I enjoyed watching their development throughout the book and by the end I was fully engaged with them. This was a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Cecily in the City (The Cecily Taylor Series Book 3) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kerry Baker

Cecily in the CityCecily in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a quick to read YA story that is engaging and entertaining. Cecily was a great character to read about and I thought she was really relatable, despite being a YA character. I think the author has done a great job of portraying the angst and drama of a young adult. It is exactly like the feeling I remember when I was of that age.
The story itself was well written. It is an easy read and perfect for an afternoon of reading. I enjoyed the fact we could see more of this characters development. I hope we get to see more installations of her journey still.

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Lap Baby by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Kerry Baker

Lap Baby: Emotional Women's FictionLap Baby: Emotional Women’s Fiction by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really found this book to be so emotional and utterly gripping. I connected with this story from the moment I started reading. I loved watching how it all unfolded and getting to know about the characters involved. Each were unique and interesting and their interconnecting journeys were fascinating to read.
This story really hit home as I could not help but to compare it to when I travel with my children. The whole situation is unthinkable and yet the author does an amazing job at navigating the differing emotions. This was a gripping and well written story and I would highly recommend it.

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A Monster for Meg (Giants and Monsters) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

A Monster for MegA Monster for Meg by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We always enjoy books from this author in our household but I think this one has to be one our favourites. The characters are brilliant and so easy to connect with. They were entertaining and fun and I loved the fact that they were sisters.
As usual, we have read this book multiple times but this is the first one from this author we read more than once in a day. Both of my kids really enjoyed this story, despite their difference in age. In a short space of time this author has become one of our most read and I can’t wait to keep reading her stories for years to come.

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Reaper (War Brothers MC Book 1) by Bianca Lee Ward – Review by Kerry Baker

Reaper (War Brothers MC, #1)Reaper by Bianca Lee Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fantastic MC story, which really pulled me in right from the start. I loved the story and I loved the characters. Their chemistry was undeniable and only seemed to grow with each page.
This book.had everything I like from this kind of story. It was riveting, intense and so well written. This is new author to me and I couldn’t have wanted a better introduction. This is a fantastic story that I would highly recommend.

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