
Summer of Mud by Rebecca Bischoff – Review by Mary Espinoza

Summer of MudSummer of Mud by Rebecca Bischoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Summer of Mud by Rebecca Bischoff is an interesting book about a young girl who has big dreams. There is quite a bit of emotion in this book and the author had a great writing style that brought even more depth to the story. Even though this book was made more for the younger audience, I found it to be extremely entertaining and the characters were wonderfully created and animated in the book. This is a magnificent coming of age story that intertwines adventure and emotion. The main character, Scoob, is a character that is so easy to follow in the book. She is engaging and relatable and I found myself willing things to turn out for her the whole way through the book. The journey she goes on is captivating and absolutely amazing to watch unfold, and I loved how she is learning about herself and how to handle life.
I felt that the overall pace of the book matched the feel of the story, Rebecca did a great job of making sure you didn’t feel lost in the story. The characters go through a major development, which only made reading about them even more enjoyable. This is a brilliant story that I would highly recommend to anybody who is looking for a great read!

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Mary Espinoza, May 2024

The Better Man (A Silver Buckle Romance Series) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Better Man (Silver Buckle Brides, #2)The Better Man by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Better Man by Laurie Lewis introduces us to a family, a realtor, and an ex who is trying to find his way back into the picture. I really wasn’t too sure what to expect when I picked up a copy of this book to read, but I will say I wasn’t disappointed at all! Laurie took two characters who had some big time, real struggles in and with their past lives, some crazy family dynamics, a ranch, and so much more!
Apparently, this is the second book in the series, (I am notorious for not ever reading the first book!) and I really felt like this could be read as a stand-alone. But I will say that I’m going back and am going to read the first book since some of the not main characters (lol) are mentioned in this book.
Laramee, finds herself going back to Colorado after receiving a disturbing phone call from her mother about her father’s health and the issues that her parents have had come up. Jamie is a realtor who is just trying to do is job and appraise the house and ranch properly and quite honestly has no idea what is in store for him! Laramee and Jamie have a rocky, funny and honestly, not very cute start to their “relationship”. It seems that each time they run into each other, it’s more humorous than the first time! At first, Laramee seems like the uptight, snotty, wound-up kind of character, but once you learn about what she is facing, you definitely warm up to her!
Now as for Jamie….he seems to be such a sweetheart, he’s patient, kind and has an all-around good guy demeanor to him. He gets where Laramee is coming from with her family issues, he has been there and knows all about what she is currently facing. I really enjoyed reading about how they had a rocky start and it slowly started to build into a friendship and more.
There is a sweet romantic dynamic between our two main characters that continues to build throughout the story. But one thing that really got me was how the author put themes of healing, learning and friendships into the storyline. She made me feel like we don’t have to be alone and struggle, there’s always that someone who can help you heal.
And just so you don’t think it’s all about sadness and struggles, there is plenty of humor and fun throughout the story to keeping it well balanced. But don’t take it from me…. pick up a copy for yourself and get lost in the story about Laramee and Jamie!

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Mary Espinoza, May 2024

4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Mary Espinoza

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle is actually 4 stories in one book! Each story focuses on a different couple, we are introduced to Sarah and Rafe in the first story, in the next we find out about Samantha and Jake, the third story brings us Serena and Mark, then in the final story we learn about Candy and Greg. Each couple has their ups and downs, and each couple has to figure out how they are going to handle the situations that have come to light. I enjoyed each of the stories, they are all quick reads that keep you entertained. Thankfully Julie didn’t “copy and paste” each story, she put a lot of work into making each story unique. We are given strong females who aren’t going to take any crap, and the men in the stories have to learn that they can’t take charge the way that they are used to doing. I don’t think that you will be disappointed by picking up a copy of this book and reading it for yourself! Great job Julie on writing such an entertaining book!

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Mary Espinoza, April 2024

Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Mary Espinoza

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a fun read, and quite honestly gave me Hannah Montana vibes! We are introduced to Kaia/Abigail, and we quickly find out that she lives a double life! Kaia is a popstar who lives on the road and does tours worldwide, well with that part of her life coming to a pause for the next few months, she decides that she wants to go back to life as Abigail, the student teacher. On Kaia/Abigail’s journey of being a student teacher, she meets Everett, her mentor…. but little does she know that Everett has some secrets of his own! There are plenty of funny moments between Kaia/Abigail and Everett and there are some serious moments as well. Everett is just trying to live life and work his poor little heart off because of some trauma from a previous relationship, little did Kaia/Abigail and Everett know that their first impressions of each other were soon going to change! To me, this story actually had quite a bit of moral lessons such as, Never Judge a Book by Its Cover! And this added quite a bit of appeal to the storyline between our main characters. The way that Kaia/Abigail has to keep her double life separated it very interesting and the dedication that she has to do so is even better! When I picked up a copy of this book to read, I had no idea that I was in for such a treat, I also didn’t realize that this is the third book of the Swan Cove Series by Christi Barth. I am definitely going to go back and read the first two books of the series, I can only imagine how entertaining those books are going to be! Christi had a great way of keeping you entertained throughout the story, and I never found myself getting bored while reading. I don’t think that you will be one bit disappointed by picking up a copy of the book and getting lost in the pages! It’s up to you if you want to read the first two books of the series’ first, or if you decide to read this one as a standalone!

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Mary Espinoza, April 2024

Murder on West Main (A South Shore Mystery) by I.M. Foster – Review by Mary Espinoza

Murder on West Main: A South Shore MysteryMurder on West Main: A South Shore Mystery by I.M. Foster
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Murder on West Main by I.M. Foster is a well written mystery that will keep you entertained from the first page until the last page! This is my first book by this author, and I was not one bit disappointed!! This mystery is set during the summertime when a young man named Colin finds himself part of a murder mystery and unfortunately for him…. all fingers are pointing to him as being the main suspect. Lucky for Colin, his sister Kathleen doesn’t think that her brother could be a murderer and she is set to find out who the true suspect is. We are also introduced to Daniel, the town’s coroner and from Daniel’s findings after inspecting the body in question, he doesn’t think Colin is the murderer either. Now Daniel is on a mission to find who could have done such a thing, but he’s having a hard time finding a murderer because as it turns out, our deceased gentleman wasn’t a very liked person in town. Kathleen and Daniel have their work cut out for them to figure out who could have done such a thing! I.M. Foster has a great way of telling the story with great detail! I felt like I was in the story trying to figure out the murder mystery with Kathleen and Daniel! It was very hard for me to put down this page turner once I started reading it! I hope that you will pick up a copy and find out for yourself if the mystery is solved or if Colin continues to be blamed for the murder! I look forward to reading more books by I.M. Foster!

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Mary Espinoza, April 2024

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Series) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Mary Espinoza

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Book 1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander is the first book in the Spicetopia series and to say that I really enjoyed this book is an understatement! Phoebe has written a story about a hardworking mother who is just trying to make ends meet for her sons, and a hot, rich boy who thinks he’s being slick by going in as an undercover boss.
Spicetopia is a place for adults to vacation, relax and have fun in an “adult” setting. It is original, fun, sexy and so much more! After experiencing some time at Spicetopia you will find yourself needing more than an ice-cold drink to cool down!
Cy (rich, hot boy) has orders from his parents to try to discover and infiltrate the enemy, his parents are convinced that the theme park they own is being compromised but have no idea where to start. This is where Cy comes into the story, but as time goes on, Cy realizes just who the true enemy is. However, Cy comes across an unusual situation when he meets the queen of Spicetopia, Jolie, and now he can’t get her out of his mind.
Jolie is a hard-working woman who works two jobs to make sure her sons are taken care of, and even with the two jobs it is just enough to scrape by. Jolie finds herself in a unique situation when a certain young man comes to work. Now she can’t get him out of her head, and it is really messing with her since she has a family to worry about. Jolie really worries about what Cy will think of her when he finds out her secrets.
This is the type of story you can find yourself lost in, this story has a little bit of everything in it, and it makes for a really great read! You will find yourself having a hard time putting down this book once you pick it up to read! Great job Phoebe on writing a great story, I can’t wait to read the rest of the books in this series!

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Mary Espinoza, March 2024

A Girl, Stuck (Found Families Series) by Kelly Elizabeth Huston – Review by Mary Espinoza

A Girl, StuckA Girl, Stuck by Kelly Elizabeth Huston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Girl, Stuck by Kelly Elizabeth Huston, is the third book in the Found Families series, and a new author for me, and I will say that this is an extremely fascinating book. This book took me on a ride that I did not expect and that I found myself not wanting to get off of! The book was so full of twists and turns and just overall mystery. There were people’s characters truly not being who you think they were. I felt that the character of Harry and Trey were two very strong, developed and likable characters, and that was a big part of making the story what it is. While the book is a series you can definitely read each of them as a standalone. I am very much looking forward to going back and reading the other books in this series! This book and this author did not disappoint, so pick up a copy and read it for yourself!

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Mary Espinoza, March 2024

Family Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden – Review by Mary Espinoza

Family Ties Family LiesFamily Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Boulden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Family Ties Family Lies by Jacqueline Bouldin is full of the unexpected! There is plenty of suspense, mystery and is full of love! In Family Ties Family Lies, we are introduced to a family that has its fair share of secrets and is a book that you will not be able to put down. In this story, we are introduced to Rose, a photojournalist from Philadelphia who finds herself on the way home to Lake Amelia to care for her mother who has fallen ill. Rose is a photojournalist, who is a busy city girl with small-town ways and is about to have her world rocked when some family secrets come to light. Rose quickly finds out that her quiet, quaint life has troubles brewing and Rose feels that she can’t help but get involved. Family Ties Family Lies will pull you into a world with wonderfully placed clues and characters, but there’s so much more than mystery. Beneath the bonds that hold Rose’s family together and the lies that threaten to tear them apart are people who will touch your heart and leave you wanting more. I don’t think that you will be one bit disappointed when picking up this book to read, you may find that you may need some tissues by your side as you find yourself indulged in Family Ties Family Lies!

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Mary Espinoza, March 2024

Murder At Music Hall (True North Murder Mystery Book 1) by A. J. Ullman – Review by Mary Espinoza

Murder At Music Hall (A True North Murder Mystery Book 1)Murder At Music Hall by A. J. Ullman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A. J. Ullman has created an awesome murder mystery! He truly set the bar high with the first book of this series, Murder at Music Hall. This first book seems like a very interesting series from A.J. and I love me some really good crime stories. A.J. has a unique way of writing dark crime stories and has a way of making you feel like you are part of the mystery. I started reading the book and before I knew it, I was completely consumed by the story. There was so much mystery and suspense, drama and angst.
True knows this case is going to take everything he has and is going to take some major thinking outside the box. The murder isn’t even his biggest hurdle he has to jump, it’s the rich, snotty, and pain in the butt people that seem to be making things more complicated for him.
It was a long night of reading because even if I wanted to, I could not put it down.
This story is full of lies and betrayal, and manipulation. I found myself lost in every word turning page after page and I am looking forward to reading more from A.J.!

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Mary Espinoza, February 2024

Out of Bounds (Game Time Series) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Mary Espinoza

Out of BoundsOut of Bounds by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Out of Bounds is a sporty romance and the second sexy book in the NA Game Time sports series. I appreciate a good romance story with some sports involved and this book delivered!
Tam writes the story in multiple POV’s making the story that much more interesting because you feel like get to live through the characters and their inner most thoughts and feelings. Tam really went above and beyond with the detail that was used, especially with the banter and thoughts.
There are all kinds of emotions, humor, drama, love and so much more that made this story a hot, intense tale. Bax is a person who knows what he wants, and he wants Piper, and Piper is just interested in a one-night stand. Bax goes with it, because he doesn’t want to scare Piper away, but if only Piper knew what was in store for her! Piper is done with romance and even though she feels something about Bax, she can’t let it become anything more than a one-night stand.
Who wins this battle? Does Bax make it to the endzone and score a touchdown or does Piper intercept the ball and take the play into her own hands? There’s only one way to find out and that is to pick up a copy and read for yourself!

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Mary Espinoza, February 2024

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series) by Debra Parmley – Review by Mary Espinoza

Dancing Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 2)Dancing Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dancing Butterfly is the second book in the Butterflies Fly Free Series by Debra Parmley. This was the first book I have read in this series and by this author, and I was pretty impressed! I liked that I could read this book as a standalone and not be completely lost about what was going on in the series. This book gave all of the feels of the Roaring 20’s and it was pretty entertaining! The language, flappers, and all of the glam you imagine with the Roaring 20’s was included in creating the storyline. In this part of the series, we learn about this life of Suki and her time with Frank, who happens to be one of Al Capone’s right-hand men. Suki finds herself in a whirlwind romance with Frank, and she isn’t too sure what is going to come from that relationship. As the story goes on, we are given quite the insight from Suki’s point of view and what it is like to be a flapper dancer in a club. She finds herself swept away by Frank who happened to save her life after she has an accident at the club and is able to escape a shooting. Frank basically claims Suki as his woman and makes sure that he is taking care of all of her needs while she recovers from her accident. Suki finds herself in unfamiliar territory because she is not accustomed to someone taking care of her the way that Frank is. This was an excellent and pretty quick read, that gives the reader a look into what life must have been like when a gangster and flapper fall for each other. There was a fair share of danger and love at every turn. I truly enjoyed reading this book and look forward to going back to read the first book of the story and I hope that there are more books to come in this series!

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Mary Espinoza, February 2024

Shifter Shorts by TK Lawyer – Review by Mary Espinoza

Shifter ShortsShifter Shorts by T.K. Lawyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

T. K. Lawyer is a first-time author for me, so I was excited to read something new and unique! I really enjoyed the fact there were 6 very different short shifter stories; it wasn’t just normal shifter stories. I had never really read a book like this one and it was kind of refreshing to be introduced to a different kind of book. There are stories about a big cat, a gargoyle, a Hellhound, a dragon/vampire hybrid, a wolf, and a great white shifter. Every story was very different but at the same time kind of similar. The characters needed a little bit more developing, but that could just be because they were all pretty short stories. The world building was pretty well thought out, even with the shortened length. I was taken into many different worlds with the stories, you were transported into forests, cities, the ocean, and even the underworld itself all through the creativity of T. K. Lawyer. Some of these stories I would love to see as full-length stories and some of these stories were better left as the short stories. Overall, a quick, interesting read by an author I wouldn’t mind reading more stories from.

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Mary Espinoza, January 2024

The Scent of Snow (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Scent of SnowThe Scent of Snow by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first read by Giovanna Siniscalchi and she did not disappoint! This was a well written sweet novella that had all of the feels. Pedro has had issues with some dark areas from his past and he is having a hard time with these all too familiar feelings. He receives news that his father has recently passed away and he is having a hard time accepting what this news means to him and his family. Anne (Pedro’s wife) wants nothing more than a child, but Pedro doesn’t know if he can have a child with her because of personal reasons. All Pedro can do is tell Anne that he doesn’t think it is a good idea for them to have a child yet due to her young age. Pedro is willing to do everything and anything for the woman he loves but giving her the child that she wants just may be Pedro’s breaking point. On top of the issues that Pedro is having with dealing with his father’s death and the persistent Anne wanting a child, he doesn’t know how much more he can handle, and life doesn’t seem to slow down any to allow him to process things. There is so much going on in their lives and they have to try to deal with all of their issues while entertaining their friends who have stopped by for a visit. Pedro and Anne must figure out how to resolve their problems together and keep the love that they have for each other strong This story had all of feels, it had its moments of anger, love, sadness, and joy. I plan on going back and reading the previous books in the series, but I don’t think that you will be one-bit disappointed reading this book as a stand-alone. Pick up a copy and find out for yourselves the rest of Pedro and Anne’s love story!

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Mary Espinoza, January 2024

Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance (Love on Tap Series) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Mary Espinoza

Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance (Love on Tap Book 3)Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What happens when you get the black sheep of the family and a runaway bride…. well let me tell you what happens…you get an AWESOME book! Miller, our main character has always considered himself as the black sheep of the family, cruising through his life not really knowing what he wants. The only thing that he has ever been sure of is that he wanted to be working in Blue Bigfoot Brewery with his brothers. If only he knew that his life was about to become so much more interesting!

Maisy, our other main character, finds herself in a unique situation, is marrying her friend really the best decision that she has made, or is this going to be a disaster. She quickly finds out that she is going to meet her knight in shining armor! Miller is the bad boy she never knew she needed in her life but is the chemistry so strong that they will end up staying together, or will it fall apart in their faces.

I read this book as a standalone, but I will 100% be going back and reading the two previous books in the series! The author had a great way of bringing the characters to life and making you feel like you were in the book with them! The dialogue was awesome and that just made the book that much better! I read this book pretty quickly and I enjoyed every second of it! I can’t wait to see if there is going to be a continuation of this great series!

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Mary Espinoza, January 2024

Nessie and the Living Stone (Nessie’s Grotto) by Lois Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah – Review by Mary Espinoza

Nessie and the Living Stone (Nessie's Grotto)Nessie and the Living Stone by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven’t found a book by Lois Wickstrom that I haven’t enjoyed reading! Her books are extremely informative and beautifully illustrated! Nessie and the Living Stone is no different than any of her other children’s books, it is informative, entertaining and full of beautiful illustrations. In this book we dive into a chapter book for children that has adventure and mystery. I no longer have little ones, but I do enjoy reading these books to my younger nieces and nephews.
There are monsters, magic stones, and valuable lessons, “Nessie and the Living Stone” and all of this offers an enjoyable read for kids of any age. So, pick up a copy for your young ones and take a trip on an unexpected journey to see if Loch Ness remains a mysterious creature or if Nessie and all of the magic that comes with Nessie is found!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

The Alien & the Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Alien & the Crime BossThe Alien & the Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Naomi Valkyries new book The Alien & The Crime Boss is about an alien mafia romance tale.
I have read quite a few of Naomi’s books and there has not been one that I have not found entertaining! I like the way she makes the characters have huge personalities and I enjoy reading about their different backgrounds. In this book, we are introduced to Leilphun and we find out that he is alone and, on the run, and that it may be safer for him to stay on a brand-new world that to try to stay on his. Although Earth doesn’t exactly roll out the red carpet for him, he finds that this is an intriguing planet and is not at all what he had in mind. Leilphun finds himself in a battle of trying to see if he stays in fight or flight mode or does he find happiness on this newfound planet he has landed on. The only way to find out what happens is to pick up a copy of Naomi’s newest book and read it for yourself…I don’t think you will be one bit disappointed!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Tropic Heat (Flamingo Island Series) by C.A. King – Review by Mary Espinoza

Tropic HeatTropic Heat by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

C.A. King has done it again! Tropic Heat (Flamingo Island Series) is a really fun read by C.A. King that brings all of the feels. To me it gives romcom vibes with all of the funny, sweet, good feels, and is an engaging story about a groom, a nonrefundable honeymoon, his best friend, and so much more. This is a novella-length book that can easily be read from the front cover to the back in one sitting. I thought this was an entertaining story, and even though it is short in pages it delivers the whole picture!
For the longest time I didn’t know if I could ever find an author that was as good as Janet Evanovich, and C.A. King has been that author for me! She doesn’t disappoint with her novels and is constantly bringing us fantastic books! I don’t think that you will be one bit disappointed to pick up a copy of Tropic Heat and find out what happens for yourself! I can’t wait to read more from C.A. King especially what happens with Daniel.

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Faida (Heartstrings Book 2) by Brooke May – Review by Mary Espinoza

Faida (Heartstrings Book 2)Faida by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another great read by Brooke May! Faida is the second book in the Heartstrings series, and it is just as good as Aiko. This is a romance story about one of Cupid’s helpers, Faida and like Cupid’s other sisters, Faida has been given a new assignment to help to someone try to find love again. The thing is, Faida has been helping humans find love for so many centuries and like many of us, she gets to thinking about all of the relationships that didn’t work out. Will this one work out or is it going to be another bust? At one point this particular assignment has Faida wondering what she’s missed and how much more can she do for people and their love lives. I hope that you are able to pick up a copy of this book and enjoy it as much as I did!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Malayeka (Heartstrings Book 3) by Brooke May – Review by Mary Espinoza

Malayeka (Heartstrings Book 3)Malayeka by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Malayeka is the third book in the Heartstrings series by Brooke May and I have been enjoying this fun and original paranormal series, each book brings more fun, adventure, and romance and to me each one keeps building a bigger picture of the ‘Cupid’ world. Brooke May has crafted a wonderful, fun series, but these books do show us that things don’t always go according to plan. In this book, we accompany Malayeka as she seeks to ensure her mission doesn’t end up in a complete disaster, unfortunately this is something she is all too familiar with. Is she able to right the wrongs, work her cupid magic, and find a way to get a little of redemption along the way? All I can say is pick a copy of this book and find out the answers yourself!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Aiko (The Heartstrings Series Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Mary Espinoza

Aiko (Heartstrings #1)Aiko by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Aiko by Brooke May a sweet and salty read by Brooke May, and it was not what I was expecting, but it ended up being such a great surprise. I don’t like to do things the traditional way and decided to read this book after I had already read the fourth book of the series. I found that I adored Aiko, even during her most annoying times…lol! I found that I warmed up to her, I mean everyone has their run of bad luck, hers just seemed to be worse than others. This was a great story and one that I feel will hook you from the first page and not it won’t let you put it down until the last page. So, if you do decide to pick it up, make sure you have time to fully enjoy it!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Seraphina (Heartstrings Series) by Brooke May – Review by Mary Espinoza

SeraphinaSeraphina by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in the series and if you’re like me and didn’t read the previous books…you will be able to understand without the backstories. This is the first one that I have read in this series, and I found it to be such a cute, fast read and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I was really pulled into the idea of Cupid’s helpers and the whole scheme of romance idea that Cupid brings. This story has a good blend of characters that are quick witted, quick tempered, and have truly unique personalities. This book was a really fast read for me as I couldn’t put it down because I needed to know what was going to happen next. I suggest this book if you are looking to be able to sink into your couch, get away from reality for a while, pick this book up and give it a try! I don’t think you will be one bit disappointed!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Mary Espinoza

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hope For a New World is the first book in The Hope Series (Gaia Series) by Renee W. Peek. This is the first book that I have read by Renee Peek, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from one of her stories, but the cover pulled me in, and I figured that I would see what it was about.
What I discovered is an original story with quite a bit going on, there are multiple characters, and multiple point of views going on also, which makes the story seem interesting. This is a Sci-fi fantasy, with a bit of a ‘message’ about the environment, and the part we play in it all. So, the setting of the story is over a hundred years into the future, and it depicts the changes that we have brought about to the environment.
I appreciated the story and messages it contained, but I did find it difficult to fully connect with some of the characters, because I felt like there was quite a bit going on with each of the characters. I hope that Renee continues to make books in the series which explain each point of view.
The only way to find out if your thoughts of this book, is to pick up a copy for yourself and read the book…I don’t think you will be disappointed!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery) by Alice Bienia – Review by Mary Espinoza

Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery #6)Knight In Peril by Alice Bienia
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Knight in Peril by Alice Bienia is the 6th book in the Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery. This book is part of a series, but can definitely be read as a standalone, even though I doubt you will want to! I am going to go back and read the previous books in the series just to get the full idea of who Jorja Knight is and her back story. Jorja Knight is a Private Investigator from Canada who is supposed to meet her friend Gabriella Rizzo in Istanbul, Turkey for a little bit of R&R, and soon finds out that she is going to have to use her investigative skills to solve a mystery involving her friend. When Jorja arrives to Istanbul, she finds it odd that her friend hasn’t showed up to meet her at the airport as planned, but then thinks that maybe messages were crossed and goes to their hotel to check in. When Jorja arrives, she quickly finds that Gabs things are in the room, but Gabs is not! Jorja starts to worry especially when Gabs doesn’t show up the next day, Jorja gets the feeling that something is very wrong, and decides to report her missing to the police who do not take Jorja’s concerns seriously. Jorja knows that she has no jurisdiction in Istanbul to look for Gab, but she knows that something is very wrong, and she can’t just sit by and hope for the best. That is when Jorja decides to take things into her own hands and starts investigating what possibly could have happened to Gabs. Will Jorja be successful in solving the mystery about what has happened to her friend, will she find herself in a bigger situation? The only way to find out is to pick up a copy of the book and read it yourself! I don’t think you will be disappointed at all!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Detective Dylan and the Case of the Missing Mail (A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book Series) by MJ Murray – Review by Mary Espinoza

Detective Dylan and the Case of the Missing Mail: A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book SeriesDetective Dylan and the Case of the Missing Mail: A Youth Sleuths Chapter Book Series by MJ Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Who didn’t want to be a detective when they were younger? I know that I did, and this is a story that opened so many doors for thought. This is a cute story about Dylan and how his little sister Emily grow closer, especially when they have to learn to work together. Dylan wants nothing more than to be a detective, he has saved his allowance to pay for a detective kit. Dylan has even watched every episode of Youth Sleuths so he can learn how to be a good detective. This story is well written and easy for the little ones to follow and enjoy. I loved that the author answered the readers’ questions at the end, and that she thought to add a new word to each chapter. Later, she puts a vocabulary list from the book and the definitions at the back for the little ones to continue to learn. This is a great start to this series, and I look forward to reading what comes next for Dylan and Emily.

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Mary Espinoza, December 2023

Lottery of Secrets by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Mary Espinoza

Lottery of SecretsLottery of Secrets by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author and I really enjoyed reading this book. I can honestly say that I look forward to reading more from this author. This was a pretty suspenseful and wild story. The author had a unique way to add quite a bit of twists and turns that make you feel like you’re on this journey with the main character. This is about how winning the lottery may not be all that it is cracked up to be, it just might plain deadly. I enjoyed how the characters pulled me into the story with ease and it didn’t take awhile to get into the story. They had me turning pages fast just to see what would happen next. I enjoyed watching the growth of the characters as well as the plot throughout the story. This is a fast paced, action filled, suspense, page turner that you don’t want to miss!! I look forward to reading other books by this author! I highly recommend this book!!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2023

Themes of Kismet by A. Akinosho – Review by Mary Espinoza

Themes OF Kismet: A Multicultural Meet Cute RomanceThemes OF Kismet: A Multicultural Meet Cute Romance by A Akinosho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Themes of Kismet
By: A. Akinosho

This book was honestly a pretty good read, it was the first book that I have read from this author. A. Akinosho introduces us to two people, the main characters who met the person they love from a young age. The problem is, they didn’t realize that it was fate until they grew older. Throughout the years, they keep bumping into each other and every time the feelings that they have had since a young age…still burn deeply, but they don’t get the sign until years down the road. This leads to so much of the story line, especially including the many cultural differences the main characters have to deal with. This doesn’t stop the two main characters finding their way back to one another. I definitely recommend reading this story! It is so good and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2023

In Plain Sight (Logan McKenna Mystery Series Book 8) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Mary Espinoza

In Plain Sight: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 8In Plain Sight: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 8 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In Plain Sight by Valarie Davisson is the 8th book in the Logan McKenna series. Just like the previous books…it is extremely entertaining! Logan thought that life was going great…she was finally getting her life together. Logan married her boyfriend Ben, she has been volunteering at a local raptor enclosure and is becoming friends with the main vet. But unfortunately Logan just can’t seem to stay away from drama!
Logan jumps in to figure out what has happened to the vet and this drags her into the midst of this mystery all while the killer desperately tries to erase any clues that might tie the murder to them and it has to be before they get caught. Logan and her friends find themselves in grave danger! I enjoyed that I didn’t immediately solve the mystery and couldn’t figure out the suspect and I felt like I was alongside Logan trying to figure everything out! This book gave me clue vibes…and I was all for it! You definitely need to pick up the other books to get to love all of the Logan McKenna series!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2023

Lost and Found (Logan McKenna Mystery Book 9) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Mary Espinoza

Lost and Found: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 9 (Logan McKenna Series)Lost and Found: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 9 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 9th book in the Logan McKenna series and Valarie Davisson has delivered a great book once again! Valerie doesn’t fail to set the perfect mystery with great detail. This book can be read as a stand-alone but I highly suggest that you go back and read the previous 8 books in the series…that’s the only way to fully understand Logan and her many murder mystery adventures! In this book we find that Logan finds herself yet again in the middle of crime and violence. It seems that no matter where Logan is, mystery follows her! The more Logan tries to solve the murder mystery, the more she finds that she has a target on her back. This is a page turning must read! I promise you will be throughly entertained and won’t want to put the book down once you start! Happy reading!!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2023

Shattered: a Logan McKenna Mystery Book 1 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Mary Espinoza

Shattered: Logan Book 1 (The Logan McKenna Series)Shattered: Logan Book 1 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In this book we are introduced to Logan McKenna and the recent activities of her life. Her life recently seems to be falling apart. Logan recently lost her husband in a car accident a couple of years ago and is put into the position of having to sell the business that she and her husband built. Since the sale of her business, Logan finds herself being called into being a teacher, everything seems to be going great until she is accused of helping her students cheat. Logan is appalled because she can’t help that she is such a great teacher, and her students are excelling on the standardized tests. Now Logan is a position that has her job on the line. Logan moves to California in hopes that maybe reconnecting with an important part of her past life might help her on her journey to rediscovering who she is.
Everything is going well, until a body is found, and her friend is being considered as a person of interest. Logan now has something to do that will help her try to forget everything that has been going wrong for her.
I loved this story and the amount of detail that Valerie put into Logan and her story. I am impatiently waiting to see what happens to Logan next and to see if she continues to find herself in unique murder mysteries.

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Mary Espinoza, November 2023

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Mary Espinoza

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery by Valerie Davisson is book two in the Logan McKenna series, and I personally think that it is just as good as the first book! All Logan is trying to do is figure out what has happened, and why weird stuff keep happening with her around. Logan is just trying to piece her life back together after losing her husband a couple of years before, and it has been an adventure trying to do so! Logan decides to take vacation to Portland Oregon, and she happens to witness an explosion at a food truck and the kicker is that she realizes she knows the deceased. Valerie, our author has a very creative way of explaining in great detail what is going on with our main character and what she is doing. Valerie makes you feel like you are right next to Logan as she tries to go through life. Good job Valerie on writing such awesome books and keep them coming!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2023