
Thief of Magic (Shadowed Minds Book 1) by Bree Moore – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Thief of Magic (Shadowed Minds, #1)Thief of Magic by Bree Moore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lee is a regular human gorl with an extraordinary ability, since humans were gifted by a race called the Ceteri with Thaumaturgy, different types of magic have been found and the type Lee has is slowly killing her, it is like a cancer which tears her cells apart each and every time she uses her power. Her power is a useful one, it is the ability to cross the veil between realms into the Liminal Realm, a place where she is neither seen or heard by others, but she can travel long distances by using Ley Lines as a power source, it is great for her profession as well. Lee is a professional thief, she is the member of a group of people who are just trying to survive, however, their money doesn’t come from legal ventures and because there aren’t enough jobs to go round, they are currently flat broke.

Lee is realising that her usage of her ability is bringing her closer to death than ever before and all she wants to do now is find out how she can travel to the planet which the Ceteri live on, ask them to cure her of her Liminality and save her life, but in order to get there, she has to find some directions. This is where she starts to keep things from her crew and goes on a job by herself to steal something that she can use to pay for the information she needs, however, when a member of her crew turn up, she has no choice but to let them in on the job, much to her annoyance, because she doesn’t want them to know what she is up to. The heist goes wrong and they are nearly caught and by the FBI no less, however, something strikes her as odd when one of the agents seems to be able to follow her into the Liminal Realm, but she has no time to think about it when all she can do is stay alive and Liminal long enough to escape their clutches.

When they return to the hideout, Lee finds that she is going to be watched and that if she wants to leave the crew, she is going to have to be more stealthy, however, as they realise how much money they will need just to get by, they decide to plan a last ditch effort heist. In order for this to go ahead, the boss decides that they need more muscle and much to her annoyance, the new muscle’s test is to take her down when she returns from one of her night-time walks. They pass the test and it is then that Lee finds out that this new muscle is her new bodyguard, much to her annoyance and theirs, but will this foil Lee’s plan to get the coordinates to the Ceteri’s home, or will it be the FBI or her own demise which will find her before she even has a chance to try? This is an urban fantasy with a magical twist where all the sides are hostile and the odds are stacked against the underdog as they race against time and mortality to achieve their deepest desires.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Practically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Magical LivingPractically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Practically Pagan is a guide to rediscovering your passion for life and the skills you need to look after yourself, it starts with Maria DeBlassie talking about her life and how she realised that she had disconnected from herself and how this is not just from being a bruja, it is from her culture and heritage as well. She goes on to talk about how important finding the magic in the everyday actions each of us may take for granted this can include cooking a home cooked meal, taking a walk somewhere that brings you peace or even those daily chores which have to be done and how turning these into something deeper and more meaningful through infusing them with a little magic can make the world of difference. It is using simple tools to enrich and reconnect you to life in all its highs and lows, it isn’t expensive or hard to find, it is just using what is around and within you.

The book starts with explaining what everyday magic is and what can block it from engaging with you, then it moves on to talking about the Goddess within and how radical self care can bring her back to the fore and how to do this through making routine into ritual. Pleasure is the next section and how finding joy in the everyday is as important as looking into the shadows and finding joy there too, how to explore what brings you joy and also what brings the opposing emotions and tensions into it as well. Finally, she talks about how being open to the synchronicities in life can lead to living beyond the expected and how little by little, things will start to flourish as the path you are on becomes the one you were meant to travel.

This book is an inspirational way to finding yourself and what makes you happy and magical in everyday life, it is about what needs to be learned and unlearned through experience, hard work and determination to bring you back to you and thus the magic within you as well.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones, #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ian Troy is a Shinree, a race of magic addicts whom have been taken into slavery, drugged and made to forget their history, identities and their addictions, but Ian was brought up differently, he was brought up to be a soldier for Rella, a kingdom in a perpetual war, but underneath is an innate talent for wielding magic which he wishes he could use more, but the Queen forbids it, until one day, in the midst of the latest battle, there is an earthly upheaval and during the throes of it, Ian starts to feel the vibrations of magic nearby. As he searches for the item, Ian is unaware of the power he is about to unleash, so when he finds the Crown of Stones, all he can feel is the magic within it, the pleasure and the pain combine and block out all sense and all he wants to find is peace, so he casts using the magic he has found, however, it isn’t until afterwards that he realises the price that he has just paid to achieve that wish.

As the years pass, Ian is devoted to another addiction, regret, his regret for what happened and the losses he still feels, so he tries to drown the pain and the need to cast with wine, women and bounty hunting, but as he is chasing his latest target, he is confronted with something entirely different. He has been chasing this particular woman for what seems an age, however, when she finally confronts him, nothing is as it seems and he is thrown back into that seamless addiction he had ten years before, but this time, Ian is not sure that he can control, or curb it again, but that is not the only thing that has him worried, this encounter has made Ian sure that the Crown of Stones is being sought by another.

As he makes his way back across the realms to Rella, he encounters more than he bargains for in both the people and the places he travels through, but deception surrounds him, as does magic and that is the one thing that he does not want. Will Ian be able to get to the Crown of Stones before anyone else has the chance to use it with nefarious intent, or will the danger and his addiction prevail? This is a race against time through a fantasy land filled with adventure, bravery, truths, lies and most of all magic as one man has to face his demons head on in order to find the peace he truly desires.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Fall to Pieces by Becky Flade – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Fall to PiecesFall to Pieces by Becky Flade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alexandra Danvers is a Homicide Detective in Philadelphia where she has a close circle of friends and a job she lives for, but that is all she has, her job, past events have shattered her and she is just about holding herself together, the problem is that others have seen it too and that is where Detective Xavier Knight comes into things, he is someone who investigates officers fitness for duty, but because of the need to move around a lot, he has no friends, family, or ties in any place and now his next assignment is Detective Danvers.

As Xavier heads into work for the start of his latest investigation, he is thinking that the man sat in front of him has no idea what he is doing as an officer, that he is more adept at being a politician, however, today, he is going to introduce Xavier to his new partner, Alexandra Danvers, but it is the attitude of his superior which irks him. The way that Danvers is described is as a sub standard cop with a chip on her shoulder, but her record says otherwise and when they are introduced and immediately sent out on a case, he can see why. It is the murder of a child and Xavier sees a whole new side to Danvers as she deals with the scene and the aftermath, however as the two investigate the crime, Alexandra is convinced that it is someone called Arthur Book, but nobody else believes her, apart from Xavier.

When things don’t go quite to plan, the two partners agree to start their own investigation on the side, they both know the who, but now they just need to figure out how to prove it before things turn deadly, or a known killer walks free. This is a thrillingly fast paced story with more questions than answers and mysteries that run deep into the lives of those surrounding the tragedy, while trust is gained, lives are lost and games are played throughout in this race against time.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite Book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite #3)Born in Darkness by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stefano Rossi is the Underboss of the Rossi family, his has been a life of darkness from the start and his father is the main cause of it, however, losing others in his family has had a deep affect as well, but there is one spot of light and that is Emiliana Vitale, but she has her own darkness within that she fights on the daily as well, they would appear to be the perfect match, however, danger is always on the horizon for the two.

The Five Families have found out that there is a rat within their ranks and they have their suspicions, but they don’t have any solid proof, but hopefully that will soon change, Stefano is investigating with the other heads of the Five Families, but he has to play the slow game and when he is with his father, he has to project a cold demeanour where nothing and nobody mean anything to him, it is the only way to keep them safe from harm. Meanwhile Emiliana is slowly recovering from a past trauma which was inflicted by the rat they are all trying to catch, is still affecting her now, but she tries to do a bit more each day to break its hold over her, however, when she is triggered by an event in a supposed safe place, she realises that maybe she isn’t as far forward in her recovery as she hoped. The only shining light is Stefano, he can hold the demons at bay and calm her raging emotions like no one else, but the feelings she has for him are deep, strong and undeniable, but the stolen moments they share aren’t enough any more.

As the danger around Emiliana becomes apparent when she is attacked and Stefano realises that he cannot keep the necessary distance between them any longer and for them to truly be free, his father needs to go and he will target anyone who hurts Emiliana in the process, now they have made the first move it is no holds barred. Emiliana insists that she isn’t the fragile Princess everyone assumes her to be and she demands to be able to be part of the plan to defend herself. Will Stefano and Emiliana be able to remove the obstacles between them and their future together, or will they be torn apart before they can even begin? This is an action packed Mafia romance which draws you into their dark world and the danger surrounding the Five Families as they work together to ensure an insecure future for the next generation of bosses.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Mom Is There A Santa Claus? by Susan J. Berger, Illustrator: KC Snider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Mom, Is There a Santa Claus?Mom, Is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J. Berger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lucas is a young boy who is growing up quickly and as another Christmas arrives, he is excited that Santa will be coming again this year, but this excitement is dampened by his friends at school who tell him that “Only babies believe in Santa!” So when he gets home, he asks his Mom whether Santa really exists, this is where he is offered the chance to be a Dream Keeper and be a part of a big secret.

This is an illustrated tale of the part of growing up where things once strongly believed in, become things which children want to believe in, but feel like they can’t anymore because of their age, but does it also hold the key to something more? This a short and heartwarming story for all ages which keeps the magic of Christmas alive.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Diabolical Sword: An Urban Fantasy Mystery (The Charm Collector Book 1) by Melissa Erin Jackson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Diabolical SwordDiabolical Sword by Melissa Erin Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Harlow Fletcher is a human living in an unbelievable city, the city of Luma in California where the humans live with other magical creatures and magical items, Harlow is someone who collects these items and sells them on, she is a Charm Collector. Harlow was born in Luma where her parents were bounty hunters, they were called in when crimes were committed and someone needed finding, that was until her father died and her mother left Luma forever because of it, since then, Harlow has become well known among the criminal underbelly for her talent for finding unusual and rare objects and selling them to the highest bidder.

Some days were more lucrative than others, so when she intercepts a message that a person well known to Harlow had been apprehended and she couldn’t resist checking out the merchandise which had been left behind, but when she does, it is more than she ever thought possible. As she sneaks into the warehouse where the items are kept, she enters the room and sees weapons, charmed necklaces and items galore, so she picks out the pieces which attract her and which she knows she will get a good price for until she sees a sword which looks beautiful and dangerous, but try as she might, she cannot leave without it and this is where her trouble begins.

As she is leaving, she hears some guards come in and hopes that she can get away before they see her, but unfortunately, this doesn’t happen and she ends up being cornered, however to her and the guards surprise, the sword she picked up which she swears has dragon magic in it comes to life and defends her. She cannot believe it, especially when it takes a shine to her and refuses to let her leave without it, but when she gets it home, things take a turn for the worse when she is rudely awoken from a deep sleep by the police and she is accused of murder.

As she tries to profess her innocence, the sword appears covered in blood and Harlow has to run for her life away from the police who turn out to be government trained shifters. Will Harlow and this sentient diabolical sword be able to work together to prove her innocence, or will the shifters catch her before she has the chance? This is a fast paced fantasy adventure where nothing is straight forward and the mysteries increase at every turn, it keeps you on your toes throughout as you try to figure out what will happen next in this rip roaring adventure.

Review by @roxsannel

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Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow Duet Book 2) by Amy Argent – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow #2)Whatever Tomorrow Brings by Amy Argent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tori and Will are back in this tale of one terminal cancer patient and the woman who started out wanting to be his friend and turned into something much more. When she first walked into his room, all she saw were glorious and intense green eyes both challenging her to stay and telling her to leave all at the same time, there is vulnerability and strength, loneliness and determination there, but he has had nobody to visit him, this young man who is suffering all alone. Tori decides at that moment that she will be there for him and asks him whether she could “come back tomorrow?” and she did, everyday and each day she spent with him, each day she fell deeper in love.

What she didn’t want to think about is that Will was going to die, but she knew she was in too deep regardless, but the day she was going to tell him that is the day that she never expected. As Will is struggling to breathe as the pneumonia takes its toll, but between breaths he is trying to talk to Tori, saying that “He is scared and that he feels like he is falling apart and that he has nothing to hold on to to get him though.” this is where Tori says he can hold onto her, but he replies that “He wants her to leave and not to come back tomorrow, in fact not to come back at all!”

This absolutely destroys Tori, but she doesn’t realise just how much until she hears the alarm of “Code blue, code blue in room four-twelve” and she knows then that it might just be too late to tell him how she feels. However, when her best friend Jenny comes into the room and tells her that he hasn’t died and that in fact he has chosen to live, chosen to love, chosen to fight and chosen Tori over death, all she feels is relief that she has a second chance and this time, she isn’t going to let it pass her by and she will fight by his side, as he fights everything else. This is an emotional rollercoaster which will wrench you by the heartstrings throughout as the fight continues in this epic journey of uncertain tomorrows.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Strega: Magic: The Spirit Never Dies by Lynne Russell – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Strega - Magic: The Spirit Never DiesStrega – Magic: The Spirit Never Dies by Lynne Russell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Angela Scotti, also known as Annie is a woman who was born in November on the day that the baptismal font cracked in half at the local church, this is not a good omen, or at least not to her Italian-American family. When she was baptised in her grandmothers salad bowl, her family were up to their usual tricks and her Godfather was frantic and constantly clockwatching throughout as he was late to a meeting, but none of this surprised the priest who was running the baptism. She has been through a lot in her life from experiencing multiple tragedies to having an unusual childhood and family dynamic, but she has dealt with it all, however, the whispers she has been hearing at night all her life have started to become louder and more urgent, but her fiancée is not accepting what is happening and refuses to believer her, being the straight laced lawyer that he is. Meanwhile, she is learning how to become a healer, but the person who should be a mentor to her in the workplace has instead become someone who is against her with every fibre of their being, but what Annie doesn’t realise is that the stress she is under is about to send her on a quest to find herself and to a tiny town on the coast of Massachusetts.

While we learn about Annie and her life, we also learn about her family history, from the year 1617 where it all began with her ancestors, their destined meeting and the skills which were to be passed down through the feminine line of magic and witchcraft and it’s roots in Benevento in Italy land where a Strega, or witch was able to live freely and have a legendary place in that Southern Italian land and the mysterious liquore famed for its potency and enablement of everlasting love.

At the same time, the history of the small coastal town is being revealed to Annie piece by piece, but what she finds out leads her to both joy and despair as the events detailed in the year of 1899 weave themselves into an unexpected place in history. Will Annie be able to recognise the signs around her and live up to the Destino, or destiny which has been laid before her, or will she crack under the pressure and let defeat destroy everything she holds dear? This is a story of strength, weakness, happiness and sadness which takes you on an emotional rollercoaster as hidden truths and connections are revealed to the unprepared and told in a magical way which pulls you along, as you learn how past, present and future are all interlinked.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Broken Chains by Karina Kantas – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Broken ChainsBroken Chains by Karina Kantas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is only for those over 18 due to the graphic nature of the content within.

Liz Finley was a lounge singer and she was good at it, with a steady job and a steady life, but something was missing, excitement, she needed something which would thrill her and so she decided to start writing a book, she was inspired by a tv series and wanted to see whether that life was really like how it was prortrayed there, so that is how she ended up in the café and how she ended up meeting with Alex. This was a meeting which would change her life forever and in more ways than one, it was a meeting which left her both excited and scared all at the same time and it was that meeting which put her on a path she did not expect.

Liz left her job and returned to education so that she could follow her new dream and the job which it was centred around, however, what she expects to happen doesn’t, it is far worse, but she perseveres and attains her goal, but this is where things really start to go downhill. Danger soon comes for Liz and she soon finds out is because of her name and the blood which runs in her veins, so when she falls into the hands of the mafia she is tortured and abused for information, but she has no idea what her destiny has had in store for her and how she now needs to learn to live with it and accept it, but before she can, another mafia boss takes matters into his own hands and she goes through the abuse and torture all over again.

All through this emotionally and physically taxing time, she uses her brain to try and keep her sanity alive as she puts the pieces together and realises that she is wanted by three different mafia bosses and although she cannot understand why, all she wants is for it to end. Will she be able to survive long enough for someone to come along and be her knight in shining armour and help her through the turmoil, or will the chains that are binding her to her destiny be too strong to break and allow her to become free once and for all? This is a dark mafia romance with twists and turns which are full of action and is a definite rollercoaster of emotions, which does not let up until the very end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Fate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Fate, Frankincense & FuneralsFate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kharon is known as the city of the dead and this is for good reason, it is where the dying go to live out their last days and be prepared for the afterlife by the shifters who live there, they are the jackals and the vultures and they are the ones who tend to the dead and dying. The High Priest is in charge of the temple and is the one who deals with the final requests and hands out the dying to their caretakers, today Acheron, a vulture shifter is going to meet with him, he has been feeling extremely restless of late and the time off he has been given hasn’t helped, so as he makes his way to the office, he is wondering if he has done something wrong. When he arrives, he finds that he has not done anything wrong, but he has been given an important job, however, to complete it, he has to leave Kharon and travel to the city of Mandara, this is forbidden because of ancestral laws and the fact that because he touches the dead, he is not welcomed with open arms, but despite the danger Acheron accepts the request and prepares to leave.

Thankfully, the journey is completed at night and therefore is less dangerous for Acheron, however, when he arrives, he is greeted by the nurse looking after his client, Errapel, but Acheron is shocked when he isn’t met with disgust and tolerance, but instead with kindness and compassion, this continues when he meets the person he will aid to the other side. Acheron cannot deny that he feels a pull towards Errapel, however, his kind are also forbidden from taking a mate, so when he realises that Errapel might be his, he does not know what to do, will Acheron and Errapel be able to defy ancient laws, or will this forbidden life be taken away from them before they can even enjoy it? This is a shifter romance with an edge of danger which you will not be able to put down, as hope and wariness war in the emotions of a shunned shifter stuck in place by societal values.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Box: A Greek Myth Paranormal Romance (Her Three Immortals Book 4) by Hazel Storm – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Box: A Greek Gods Urban Fantasy Romance (Her Three Immortals Book 4)The Box: A Greek Gods Urban Fantasy Romance by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vanessa Maan is back and is still surrounded by both mortals and Immortals, more of the latter mainly and some of whom she wishes she wasn’t around, but after she wakes up with her gentleman Raef in a sumptuous bed, she prepares for the day in more ways than one. Unexpectedly though, she finds herself hungry, which is unusual for a dead person, however being away from the Underworld can apparently do that to you, so after she eats breakfast with Raef, Grey and the newly reunited Gods Aroz and Antaroz, she goes to pick up the object she needs to return to the Underworld, but it looks different and before she knows it, she is being whisked away again!

When she arrived at her destination, she can’t believe her eyes, it is the hairdressers she used to work at, however this one is made of ice and as soon as she enters it and comes face to face with a other Goddess she has annoyed, she knows that another task is probably coming her way. She isn’t wrong and this time it is the Aroz’s mother and it turns out that this Goddess wants some eternal beauty and is sending Vanessa to collect some in a specially made golden box, but the kicker is that she has to go to Tartatus to get it, yes Tartatus, the place where monsters of all kinds go to die.

Next thing Vanessa knows is that she is in the ferryman’s lift and off back to the Underworld and without her men to keep her company, all the while they have been trying to figure out where Vanessa is and what she might be doing, Grey has an idea and takes Raef to the human Realm whole Aroz decided to go and see his mother.

Grey finds that he cannot leave the mortal realm thanks to a contract which he has to see to completion, so that leaves Raef to find a way of getting to Vanessa himself, but a friend helps him to get to her. Vanessa meanwhile is getting some friendly and not so friendly advice of how to get to the tallest mountain in Tartatus and see an old crone about some eternal beauty and once the party of Gorgonita, PK the prettiest kittiest Underworld Moth and Raef, now he has convinced Vanessa to let him come along despite the danger are ready, they set off on this next adventure.

Will their mortal souls be in more danger than ever crossing Tartatus and will they fail at the first hurdle, or will Grey and Aroz be able to come to their aid in time? This is a fantasy romance with action, annoying goddesses and sexy Immortals galore as this adventure flies across the realms in this gripping series finale.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Shadows of Doubt: A Crawford Mystery by Merissa Racine – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Shadows of Doubt (A Crawford Mystery)Shadows of Doubt by Merissa Racine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stenographer Lauren Besoner is back and this time she is working freelance, but she is desperate to earn some money, so when an opportunity comes up to report on murder trial in her own home town of Crawford, she jumps at the chance. The only drawback is that she has to work with her ex husband and she isn’t looking forward to that in the slightest, she only hopes that she can put her negative feelings aside so that she can do her job successfully.

As she arrives at the courthouse ready to set up, she has to go to her old office and with it her ex colleague, who seems to be as useless as before, however, eventually, she sorts out the paperwork, powers up and connects her machines. She is surprised to hear who the victim and accused are and how quickly it has been brought to trial and as the testimonies start, she is wondering whether they have accused the right person.

The more she thinks about it, the more things start to not add up and as she starts to investigate further herself, she is more than sure of her convictions, especially when a second murder occurs. As she asks her own questions and puts together her own evidence, she has to ask herself whether it is really worth jeopardising her job to prove somebodies innocence and are the secrets it is dredging up from her past life going to remain hidden to all but her?

Will Lauren be able to convince anyone of her way of thinking, or is she going to find herself another heap of trouble? This is another thrilling mystery full of hidden truths and contentious behaviour which will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Blood Oath (Mafia Elite, book 2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Blood Oath (Mafia Elite, #2)Blood Oath by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enzo Vitale is the Underboss in a branch of the Chicago Mafia, he is the heir to the throne and as such, has a large target on his back and is surrounded by danger at all times, but it also means that he is left alone by the authorities because of his blood. Sofia La Rosa is a Mafia Princess who is surrounded by friends and family who love her and will do anything for her, but she is also faced with danger because of this. Her best friend has always been Enzo from a very young age and they know that they would do anything for the other, but everything which seems clear cut as a child, isn’t that always way in adulthood.

Sofia is a fashion designer and one day as she is working in her studio in preparation for her first fashion show during Fashion Week, she is confronted with an unexpected and disturbing sight, this leaves her on edge, even though her best friend who has come to see her is pretty oblivious to the danger. She calls her brother and tells him what is going on, however, they are overprotective of her and soon give her orders to stay where she is until some guards arrive to escort her sagely home, she is annoyed, but understands, so she packs everything she will need up and prepares to go home. Enzo finds out about what happened at the studio and cannot believe what he has heard, he thought that Sofia was safe there and is now worried about her safety, he has tried to keep his distance, but she makes it harder for him at every turn, even though it is the last thing he wants to do.

As the next few days pass and Sofia and her friends try and figure out why this new danger is here and what it means for the present and the future, Sofia hopes it isn’t related to a past event which she has had to swear secrecy about, but as time progresses, she realises that it is indeed that. The danger increases around Sofia as she tries to regain some semblance of normality and because of this she is thrown towards Enzo and despite his best attempts, he cannot deny her anything, however, he is holding onto secrets of his own. Will these secrets destroy everything that Sofia and Enzo have worked towards on their own paths, or will they explode and rip the two best friends apart? This is a battle of past and present to secure a future where nothing is certain and trust is hard to find, earn and be earned as this mafia romance violently flies through from one event to the next in a flurry of action packed storytelling until the conclusion is reached.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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No Way Out: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Liliana Brambilla is the daughter of one of the Five Families in the Cosa Nostra, they are all Italian-Americans and are all a part of the Mafia and because Liliana is a Mafia Princess, she is known to be untouchable to those around her, as much as they may want to. Max is another member of the Mafia, however, he has been brought up by the Sicilian branch of the families and knows Liliana’s grandfather, but when he goes to America to infiltrate into an arm of the five families, he changes his appearance and his name to Matt Trambino so that his identity remains a secret, all so that he can protect Lilliana.

Liliana has graduated from college and returned to the fold and her family home, however, life isn’t as straight forward or as pleasant as it seems from the outside, the only saving grace is that she has her small circle of best friends who would do anything for each other and in the past have. To anyone outside of that circle though, her life is perfect, a loving family and wants for nothing, but behind closed doors, she is trapped and will only gain her freedom when her father deems it the right time. Max’s plan is right on schedule, he is disrupting the branch of the family he has chosen in order to become vital in their day to day running, this all changes when he becomes her bodyguard, he realises that the feelings he had from looking at her photograph were nothing compared to real life.

Lilliana is introduced to her new bodyguard, or as she sees it, another soldier under her fathers thumb, but can she trust him to keep her safe, or will her father marry her off to the person who can offer him the best deal in exchange, moving her from one gilded cage to another first? This is an action packed dark romance with an undercurrent of violence which will keep you engaged and on your toes as a mix of truth, lies and secrets threaten to tear apart the life of a young woman who only wants her independence and the ability to be free.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Check In (Bobbins Sisters Series Book 2) by Debra Parmley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Check InCheck In by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Leann has just graduated college and is about to strike out on her own with a new job in the towns bank as its new manager, new apartment and a new boyfriend, a local cop who works for the Bartlett Police department. After a stressful couple of years and a bit of bad luck, it seems like things are starting to look up for her and when she meets her new boyfriend, she is all smiles and happiness, something she has had in short supply, apart from when around her family and he seems just what she is looking for, meanwhile, he is just as happy to be around her and they try and either talk or message at least once a day around their shifts at work, but one day there is a robbery at the bank and Leann has just one opportunity to tell her boyfriend what is happening, but will he get there in time to stop the robbers, or will he be too late? This is a romantic suspense with sweet romance and danger combined to keep you on your toes throughout while also indulging in the innocence the romance provides.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Twilight’s Curse: Book 1 Twilight Realm Trilogy by K.M. Wray – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Twilight's CurseTwilight’s Curse by K.M. Wray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Zoe and Nix are elves from the Twilight Realm, both of them have their secrets and a past which haunts them every day, Nix in particular has the same dream where he relives the deaths of his parents, the King and Queen of the Twilight Realm at the hands of Elves from another Realm. He watched them being killed because he wouldn’t come out of hiding at the killer’s request, but now his dreams have changed and he is wondering if now is the time he has been dreading all the years since the event happened. He has been living with this dread for years and has been trained by the elf who helped him to escape and to blend in with the elves living around them so that he wouldn’t be found and killed himself, however reluctant he is to take on the mantle of King when he is older.

Zoe has been experimented on from a young age by her parents when they discovered that she had strong magic running through her veins, but not just any magic, living magic and so they used tattoos to try and subdue and control her, however, their plan didn’t work, or at least not in the way they expected, instead, they have become living things all of their own who help Zoe to deal with the experiments. The last time she was brought in for her mother to complete one of her procedures, something went wrong and now Zoe feels like her magic has been fractured, but the last straw comes when she sees that they are starting to experiment on another young elf like her, so she gathers her things and the child and escapes.

After Zoe escapes from the fortress she grew up in, she comes across a tree which doesn’t look like any other she has ever seen and inside she is welcomed by an old elf who offers her food and a bed to rest in, he appears kind and both her and the elven child are exhausted so she accepts his offer. As the time passes, she stays with the old hermit and helps to rescue street children and give them a home and a new life, but still she is drawn back to her old home despite the dread it instils in her.

One day, Zoe and Nix meet accidentally while listening to an announcement in a local town square, the contents of which shock Nix into a realisation that he will have to confront his past, but while starting on this process, bumps into Zoe again and they get in each others way, however, when they help each other on another night, it leads to them having an open and honest conversation, however, this is interrupted with news that Zoe’s home has been attacked and the children taken back to the fortress. This is where their paths align, but will Nix be able to convince Zoe that they could make a powerful team and that their goals are the same, or will their combined secrets lead to them failing the Realm and its inhabitants in their hour of need? This is a fantasy adventure full of magic and secrets which pulls you into a different world where nothing is as it seems and danger lurks around every corner as futures are fought for while pasts are revealed.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Mating Call (Long Claw Pride Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Mating Call (Long Claw Pride Book 1)The Mating Call by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cheyenne is a mountain lion shifter from Long Claw where she is surrounded by her family and beautiful, mountainous scenery, but all she wants to do is live her life on her terms and decide her own fate, so she leaves for the big city to build a career in radio. Lane is a mountain lion shifter from a broken family who has spent more time alone and wandering the countryside with only a horse as a companion and finding work where he can.

One day, ten years after she left Long Claw, Cheyenne is preparing for another radio show when all of a sudden she feels a painful internal tug to which takes her breath away and surprises her with its intensity. Meanwhile, Lane is also struck by a painful pull and he almost falls off of his horse because of it, but when he realises what it is, he reads straight off in the direction it points out.

As Cheyenne and Lane both heed the Mating Call and head towards Long Claw, they are both anxious about what the future holds and whether they will be attracted to the other or clash like two titans. Lane is the first to arrive and is immediately wondering about what he has let himself in for and how comfortable he already feels in this small town, while Cheyenne feels happier than she has in a long time and a sense of belonging she didn’t want to admit to. Their first meeting doesn’t go quite to plan and over a family meal, Lane begins to wonder why Cheyenne keeps her distance and practically runs as far from him as she can, but Cheyenne is worried that the past could be repeating itself.

Will Lane be able to break down the walls around Cheyenne’s heart, it will past experiences stop their future before it can even begin? This is a romance with ups and downs where pasts taint futures and collide with each other to bring secrets into the light, all while exploring the meaning of belonging and connecting with those around you.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Red’s Peril Part 1: The making of an MC Prez (Satan’s Devils MC Vegas Chapter) by Manda Mellett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Red's Peril Part 1: The Making of an MC Prez (Satan's Devils MC Vegas #1)Red’s Peril Part 1: The Making of an MC Prez by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is only for those over 18 due to the graphic content within.

Red’s story starts with a death, after living in a regimented home life and working hard the rest of the time, Red is desperate for a change and when the opportunity arises, he gives his two weeks notice in and says goodbye to the man who gave him a chance and a place to both learn a skill and keep his sanity. He leaves after a small sending off gathering which reminds him of what he is leaving behind, and for a moment or two wonders if he is doing the right thing, but soon he is all packed and ready to head south to escape to a warmer climate on his refurbished bike.

A couple of days pass in a haze of riding, stopping at diners and motels, as well as a bit of sightseeing dotted in for good measure, that is until he arrives in a small town and is captivated by the woman working in the local diner, there is just something about her that intrigues him and so he decides to stay in the town and see what happens. As he spends a bit more time with the lovely lady, he ends up inviting her to stay the night, which shows how compatible in bed they are, as well as being kindred spirits at heart and in the morning, she asks to tag along for the ride and Red agrees. Things aren’t all good though when after only a couple of days, she decides that the life isn’t for her and she wants to go home, Red isn’t impressed with the sudden change of heart and leaves her on the side of the road at another small town diner to make her own way back.

He regrets this almost immediately and wishes he knew how to make sure that she got home ok, but as the miles pass and he travels around and gets talking to a couple of old bikers, he takes some of their friendly advice and finally decides on a destination to travel to, however, when he finds that he only employment he can get is with an MC club, he is initially reluctant. As he sees and hears more about the MC and that they are on the straight and narrow, he decides to give the club a change and agrees to prospect for them and as time passes he becomes more comfortable with the idea and starts to enjoy this new stage in his life, but now and again, he still thinks of the woman he left behind, but will his future lie with the MC, even after the novelty of it has worn off and he realises .exactly what he has let himself in for, or will he decide that the MC isn’t for him after all? This is a story about finding where you belong and how sometimes it isn’t where you would expect it to be, as well as how the plans you start out in life don’t always end up being how you finish them with lots of action and entertainment throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Elements of the Crown (The Elements of Kamdaria Book 1) by Kay L. Moody – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Elements of the Crown (The Elements of Kamdaria, #1)The Elements of the Crown by Kay L. Moody
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Talise is only a child living in the empire of Kamdaria, but she is also one of the lowest caste of people who live there, she lives in the third ring known as Storm, it is a brutal place where the only people who survive there are criminals and there is no way out, once you are sent there, every generation which follows remains. Talise however, has something which the others around her don’t and because of this, the only other member of her family takes her to the middle ring of the empire, known as the Gate, it has taken years to get her there, but now they have arrived, they will not take no for an answer to their demands.

The reason Talise has come to the Gate region is so that she can be tested to see whether she can earn a place at the Academy where those with a talent for shaping the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are tutored and taught all they need to become Shapers. Nobody from Storm has ever been a Shaper and so when they turn up at the end of the day, they are automatically dismissed as vermin and treated like scum, however, when her family is about to be assaulted, Talise shows exactly what she can do and earns herself a place in the Academy.

After she says goodbye and promises to become a Master Shaper, Talise spends the next ten years preparing to do just that, she is determined and works harder than anyone else there and surpassing them at every stage, that is until a young man in the same year proves that he is a worthy adversary. As the day of the final testing and competition arrives, Talise is struggling to concentrate and makes a decision which has consequences she never dreamed of and because of this, she has to share the title of Master Shaper with the one person she couldn’t stand and now thanks to a daring scheme, they have to work together, however, hating each other is harder than expected. As they face numerous trials, an unexpected attraction builds between them, however fate is not on their side as dark secrets emerge all around them, but will they be able to work together in order to survive, or will the future be as bleak as if they were still in the Storm?

This is a fast paced rollercoaster of action, magic, secrets and emotional turmoil as decisions are made and consequences are rendered in this world where elements are used to the advantage of some and disadvantage of others, all the while asking the hard questions of how war and prejudice can affect the society around it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Come Back Tomorrow (Embrace Tomorrow Duet Book 1) by Amy Argent – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Come Back Tomorrow (Embrace Tomorrow, #1)Come Back Tomorrow by Amy Argent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The narrator of this story is a practicing psychologist who loves her job helping people to work through their grief either as someone who las lost someone, or someone who is about to die, but sometimes she takes the time to befriend someone who is terminally ill, but has no other visitors, however, after the last couple, she has decided to take a break from it, however, when her friend tells her she is needed to befriend someone again, she agrees to at least go and see them.

As she makes her way to the Oncology floor, she is thinking about who she is expecting to see, he is called William Everson Jr and he is young, only in his late twenties, but what she sees when she goes into his room for the first time isn’t what she is expecting at all, in fact, he is gorgeous and doesn’t look ill in the slightest. She soon realises that the happy, smiling, young man is actually high on morphine, so she overcomes the shock of her first impressions and asks if she can “Come back tomorrow” and see him again, he agrees and then she leaves.

The next day when she arrives, she meets a completely different person and this one doesn’t want to talk to her at all and just wants to give up the fight to live completely, however, she stays and talks to him about herself, she asks the same question and he reluctantly says yes. As the days pass and the two spend a couple of hours together every day, the two become closer until it is him that starts to say “Will you come back tomorrow?” and this is where everything changes. What will happen between the two as William’s illness takes more of a hold and fluctuates between highs and lows and will he change his outlook on life and death? This is an emotional rollercoaster of a book which will take you on highs and lows as you feel your way through the decisions one young man has to make and see what life is like from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have much of one left.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Spell of Rowans by Byrd Nash – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

A Spell of RowansA Spell of Rowans by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Ding dong, the witch is dead” is the first thing that Victoria, Phillipa and Liam Rowan think when they have confirmation that their mother has died, there is no love lost there and because of this, they have grown apart, however, her death will bring them back together again in their home town of Grimsby. As they reunite, all their past traumas and experiences come back to haunt them, but their gifts don’t make that easy for them either, in fact, it only makes it harder.

As Victoria packs for her trip, she mentally prepares herself for the emotional turmoil which her upcoming train journey will bring, the battle to keep her emotions separate from the crowds around her, so she times it for when the commuters will be heading home, so that it is more like white noise than anything else, but an unexpected companion throws her off her game. As she is doing this, her brother Liam is going about his usual routine at their mothers antique shop Rosemary Thyme, he is checking all the furniture and listening to what each piece has to say about its past and what it wants for its future. Meanwhile, Phillipa is doing her best to keep to the plan she has created to work through all the issues which come with her having Power Of Attorney for her deceased mother, both financial and emotional and the fallout of the things she has been told by said woman.

When the three reunite, they haven’t met face to face in years and the changes wrought to them all shock Victoria a little, but they start to work through Phillipa’s plan, however, things start to go wrong as soon as Victoria enters their childhood home, when someone throws a stone through the window and the next day her brother is arrested for as crime he did not commit. Will the three siblings be able to untangle the mess that their mother has left behind, or will they be drawn back into a life they desperately want to leave behind? This is an action packed and thrilling mystery which will keep you guessing right until the end as the riddle is solved in an unconventional way.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1 by Feather Chelle – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1Stranded: Cetacea Chronicles Volume 1 by Feather Chelle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cherish is a Pilot Whale and she lives with her family in the Atlantic Ocean, it is a large group made up young and old, males and females and mothers to be, they are close knit and keep each other safe from harm, that is until they find out that a mysterious disease has been seen infecting dolphins and whales in their vicinity and despite their best efforts to avoid it, some of them have become sick.

As they travel to find somewhere safe for the sick to recover, danger surrounds them and in their efforts to escape, they find themselves in danger of a different kind, they send an SOS message for help in any shape or form, but will anyone answer?

The Dolphin Riders are preparing for another day on their island home when they receive a distress signal from far away, so they speed to the rescue as quickly as they can, but will these saviours arrive in time? This is a beautifully written story for all ages and is full of interesting facts and anyone who reads it will be enchanted by both the characters and the information contained within it as you are brought along the current of the adventures within.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Snowfall Serenade (Soul Connection Book 3) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Snowfall Serenade (Soul Connection, #3)Snowfall Serenade by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Zelda and Scott are back and as if life wasn’t complicated enough between marriage, parenting and the ghosts which only Scott can see, their life is complicated at best, but they are trying their best, but the ghosts especially are coming between them and Scott is overwhelmed with the amount surrounding him everyday and he feels like he is missing out on time with his family. Although they have things to work through, Scott and Zelda are faced with a life changing decision, one that will change their family forever and while they are trying to make it, Scott keeps being called away by the dead searching for closure, but one day the worst happens and Zelda is involved in a hit and run accident and because of her injuries, Scott has to make a decision bigger than any he has before, but which will change both of their lives forever.

When Zelda wakes up from surgery, Scott has to break the news of the choice he has made and the consequences of his decision and it almost breaks them, the grief they have known before is nothing compared to this and Zelda fears that this, as well as the stress they were already under is leading her to a place she never wanted to return to. As they are reeling from this unexpected change, they begin to think that maybe they can start to get a handle on life, however, things go from bad to worse when a particular ghost turns up, one whom they are both familiar with, but no-one more so than Scott.

A blast from Scott’s past whom he never thought he would see or hear from again, has reappeared in death, but has brought along a living, breathing child with them, a child which is Scott’s, a child from a time he wanted to forget, but he needed closure for. As Scott communicates with and works through all the turmoil around him, Zelda is also battling demons of her own and the one person she needs is the one person she is pushing away, but will they be able to work through all of the stress and turmoil in their lives together, or will it break the bond they have tried so hard to maintain? This is another fantastic book in this series where secrets are revealed when past and present collide to create a maelstrom of emotions, experiences and events which spin you on a wild ride as you go through everything along with Scott, Zelda and those around them as you follow along their path until its conclusion.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Nightshade Guild: Sea Mage by Louisa Bacio – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Sea Mage (The Nightshade Guild, Book 10)Sea Mage by Louisa Bacio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Serena Moon is a member of The Nightshade Guild who lives on the coast of SoCal, she embodies what from the outside looks like the typical beach babe with long, blonde hair and a love of the beach and the sea, but underneath that lies the soul of a sea mage, she loves her life and where she lives, but it also helps that a handsome sea dragon shifter named Peder also lives in the sea nearby. As part of her responsibilities for the Guild, she has to take on a charge for a month, this charge is a very young elven queen who she needs to keep safe from those who would want to take advantage of her, however, although Serena has babysat before, she has no idea how to be a full on parental figure, even of it is just for a month.

When Serena meets up with the previous Guardian to take the small elf into her care, she asks about anything which happened but only received an evasive answer and what looks like a whole lot of relief to be rid of the responsibility she now holds and that worries Serena more than she thought it would. When she takes the young girl home with her, strange things start to happen around her and she has to seek the help of Peder to keep them safe, all the while being plagued with doubt that she is enough.

As they work together, they become closer, however, Serena is worried that if she lets her guard down that she will hurt both herself and Peder if she has to choose between her responsibilities and her heart, but she wishes she could allow herself to dream of a possible future for them. Will Serena and Peder be able to keep the small bundle of power safe from those who wish her harm, or will her worst fears come to pass and she fails her charge? This a fantasy with a romantic twist which is full of excitement and mystery as magic crosses paths with magic and adventures ensue, while the undercurrent pulls you along and keeps you there until the tide deposits you at the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Girl and the Demon : YA Paranormal Romance (The Girl and the Raven Book 3) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Girl and The Demon (The Girl and The Raven, #3)The Girl and The Demon by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lucy Walker is back and she is now a senior at the high school she attends, which means more homework and more responsibilities as she starts thinking about her future, but first she has to get through the first few days back at school, as the memories assail her of the last time she was there and also how to answer the inevitable questions her friends will have about her summer break. However, she is more than happy to see her best friend and the other girls in the friendship group they share, but maybe not so much with one in particular who is always tearing her down and making fun of her. Lucy is surprised when she is invited for a sleepover, but not when she finds out that it will involve a séance, she expresses her disinterest, but when most of the others think it is a great idea, she feels like she is being outnumbered, but she sticks to her guns nonetheless.

Meanwhile, she is trying to spend at least some of her free time with Marcus Turner, her boyfriend who also happens to be a protector as well, but he is distracted and tense when they are together and when he eventually opens up and tells her the reason why, that he has to go and visit with others of his kind, away from Chicago. she immediately starts to worry that he will leave her like everyone else has and that he will want to stay where he feels more normal. As time passes and the time for Marcus to leave comes around, it takes all of Lucy’s bet efforts to keep her mind on her schoolwork, training and other extra curricular activities until the evening of the séance arrives.

Lucy has a bad feeling about the sleep over and decides to prepare some form of protection and boy is she glad that she did when things go wrong and a malevolent spirit is summoned leading to Lucy having to reveal some of her secrets so that she can stay alive long enough to get rid of it, this is further complicated when her BFF decides to make some protective decisions of her own. Will Lucy be able to cope with the vulnerable feeling she has now her some of her protectors are out of the picture and she has endless catastrophe’s to deal with, or will she bough under all the pressure? This is a fast paced and exciting fantasy adventure full of the supernatural, which will keep you hanging on as you are whirled around the twists and turns until you reach the conclusion of the story.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Ashes of Aldyr (The Obscured Thorne Trilogy Book 1) by Russell Archey – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Ashes of Aldyr (The Obscured Thorne Trilogy Book 1)Ashes of Aldyr by Russell Archey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The land of Alda is broken, ever since an event known as The Rupture creatures of darkness have appeared and ravaged the land and its people, there was once a time where these creatures had been sealed away behind 55 seals created from different branches of magic and they held until a cult known as “The Black Gnarl” came along. Slowly this group have worked in shadows and secrecy to break these seals and bring forth the one known as the Obscure Throne into Alda, but they are still waiting to be released, however, they have sent their lesser creatures ahead to wreak havoc on the world in preparation for their arrival.

There are god and goddess like beings whom are both terrible and horrific in the way that their presence infiltrates and exerts their influence in the areas around them, bringing destruction, madness and all in between which leaves the land dying. The life giving and magical Aldyr trees are slowly dying and the elf-kind whose life is connected to them are dying as well, the dwarves are retreating from the lands they called home to the mountains where they hope to find solace and an escape. All the while, the humans are trying to survive in their newly made world and the dangers that come with it as they scrape together what little they can to live off.

This is a story woven from many threads which describe all aspects of The Rupture and the effects it has had on Alda as a whole and told through the eyes and tongues of the few survivors who have both mentally and physically survived long enough to share their experiences. The book leaves you both disturbed and needing to know more as you read through it to discover the who, what, where, when and why of The Rupture, The Obscure Throne and those whose lives revolve around it.

Review by @roxsannel

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Cursed Luck (Broderick Coven Book 5) by A.J. Renee – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Cursed Luck (Broderick Coven, #5)Cursed Luck by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Edward Broderick is a handsome male witch with intuition to match which he uses to help others in their business ventures, although, it doesn’t quite work as well when it comes to his own life, as he has watched his brothers and sister find their soulmates, he has always felt like he isn’t as strongly bonded as the others. He has felt like an outsider since he was a child and was extremely reluctant to let anyone close after seeing how it almost broke his family apart, but as he watches one of his brothers get married, one of the other guests completely throws him for a loop. Mia Hemlock is a witch who is friends with the Broderick family through their coven and for the first time ever, she has been invited to participate in a ritual with them, she is apprehensive, but she feels more welcomed than at any other time, apart from when she is with her parents, but what she didn’t expect was to run into the handsome man who seems both shy and awkward all at the same time.

As Edward and his newest sister in law talk on the patio at their house, he realises how much he has missed interacting with them all and it is at that point that they reveal that they feel the same way and that from then on it will change and he hasn’t got a choice in the matter. A few days later, Edward is talking to his sister when she suggests that they go and visit Mia’s shop to see if there are any ways he can help it to bloom, but all sense goes out of the window as soon as he walks in and sees her again. Mia is surprised when Edward turns up without his sister, however, her reactions towards him leave her confused and flustered all at the same time and no amount of grounding through the earth can change it. The conversations starts out well, but Edward reverts to a tongue tied teenager and messes up leading Mia to kick him out of her shop in a flurry of angry words, however, they cannot stay mad at each other for long and so when he goes to apologise, she accepts and they realise that they can’t resist the pull they feel.

This peace does not last long when Mia sees something she misinterprets and Edward isn’t given the chance to explain, but will they be able to reconnect and move past this event, or will they go against the wishes of the goddess and the pairing she has chosen? This is a paranormal romance which is full of sweetness and light while being tempered with awkwardness and a hint of arrogance, as you are swept away on the journey to see what the ending will be.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Guardian’s Legacy (Coin of Time Book 1) by Luciana Cavallaro – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Guardian's Legacy (Coin of Time, #1)The Guardian’s Legacy by Luciana Cavallaro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nik Zosimos is a history teacher in a local high school where his love of history is passed down to his students as it was passed down to him by his grandfather Iasos, over the years, they have shared many a conversation over food and wine, but when his grandfather calls him in the middle of the day and asks him to come over to his house, Nik is a little worried because it isn’t something that his grandfather would usually do. When he arrives at his grandfathers house, nothing is amiss, he is his usual healthy self and in good spirits as they enjoy a meal and some beers together, that is until his grandfather reveals something to Nik which is about to blow his whole world wide open.

As Nik leaves his grandfathers house in a state of astonishment, the first thing he does is get straight onto the internet and do some research to try and verify what his grandfather has told him, but although some things are confirmed, some of the most vital parts aren’t, but he continues to dig and even asks a colleague for some hints about where to look as well. As he researches, more of his grandfathers revelation makes sense, but now he has to make a decision as to whether he wants to find out more.

Nik takes a couple of days to think about this decision and how serious his grandfather had become while telling him the little he was able to confide in him and it set Nik, it is this and the intrigue his grandfathers words caused him which leads to his final choice. As Nik finds out more about the history of his grandfathers responsibilities and what it means for his future, he also discovers how deep the mystery truly goes and to what lengths people have gone to acquire the knowledge he now has. Will Nik be able to rise to the challenge his grandfather has set him and become the latest guardian, or will time be against him? This is a gripping story which transcends time and which you will become engrossed in the twists and turns within it as the characters themselves.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Last Danann (Titanian Chronicles Book 3) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Last Danann: Titanian Chronicles 2The Last Danann: Titanian Chronicles 2 by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kailen is the last of the race of the Tuatha Dé Danann living on the earthly plain since he bargained their safe passage to the Tir na nÓg after their time on their current plain was over thanks to an unseen betrayal and in return, Kailen would remain and pledge his sword to first the Seelie Court and then to the Titanians. When he fights with them in a remote valley against a daemon horde, they beat them back and magic wielders sent them to another plain of existence, however, there were casualties and one was Kailen’s love who was killed during the fight to protect him, despite him telling her not to.

A thousand years has passed since that fateful day and Kailen hasn’t opened his heart to anyone else since, he has engaged in the pleasures of the flesh, but nothing more, that is until he comes face to face with Talaith, a powerful druid sorceress who is engaged by her mentor and a friend of Kailen’s to aid him during an operation when she is needed to save the life of Soren, a high ranking Titanian. Neither of them has ever forgotten the other, even though many years had passed between them meeting for the first time and the present day, especially the feelings they hide from both each other and themselves, the reunion, however is short lived as dangers surround them.

As usual, there are complications when the Titanians receive word that the exiled daemons may have returned, this leads Kailen and Talaith on a journey which is both dangerous and filled with the undeniable passion which ignites between them. As they try investigate the sightings and attempt to hold off a renewed attack from the daemons, will they be able to protect each other, or will the death magic surrounding the daemons tear them apart? This is an action packed paranormal romance in which you are whirled along with the current of events as good fights evil to keep the natural order and balance of things intact.

Review by @roxsannel

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