The Girl and the Demon : YA Paranormal Romance (The Girl and the Raven Book 3) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Girl and The Demon (The Girl and The Raven, #3)The Girl and The Demon by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lucy Walker is back and she is now a senior at the high school she attends, which means more homework and more responsibilities as she starts thinking about her future, but first she has to get through the first few days back at school, as the memories assail her of the last time she was there and also how to answer the inevitable questions her friends will have about her summer break. However, she is more than happy to see her best friend and the other girls in the friendship group they share, but maybe not so much with one in particular who is always tearing her down and making fun of her. Lucy is surprised when she is invited for a sleepover, but not when she finds out that it will involve a séance, she expresses her disinterest, but when most of the others think it is a great idea, she feels like she is being outnumbered, but she sticks to her guns nonetheless.

Meanwhile, she is trying to spend at least some of her free time with Marcus Turner, her boyfriend who also happens to be a protector as well, but he is distracted and tense when they are together and when he eventually opens up and tells her the reason why, that he has to go and visit with others of his kind, away from Chicago. she immediately starts to worry that he will leave her like everyone else has and that he will want to stay where he feels more normal. As time passes and the time for Marcus to leave comes around, it takes all of Lucy’s bet efforts to keep her mind on her schoolwork, training and other extra curricular activities until the evening of the séance arrives.

Lucy has a bad feeling about the sleep over and decides to prepare some form of protection and boy is she glad that she did when things go wrong and a malevolent spirit is summoned leading to Lucy having to reveal some of her secrets so that she can stay alive long enough to get rid of it, this is further complicated when her BFF decides to make some protective decisions of her own. Will Lucy be able to cope with the vulnerable feeling she has now her some of her protectors are out of the picture and she has endless catastrophe’s to deal with, or will she bough under all the pressure? This is a fast paced and exciting fantasy adventure full of the supernatural, which will keep you hanging on as you are whirled around the twists and turns until you reach the conclusion of the story.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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