
Something Lost (Funerals and Weddings Series Book 1) by Bernadette Marie – Review by Shelly Kittell

Something LostSomething Lost by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a truly beautiful book. It is so romantic with bits of tragedy within. Rachel has overcome some deeply tragic stuff. She has used that to become a social worker. Craig comes back into her life. He was her high school sweetheart. Together these two overcame a history filled with so much drama and have come together to create a new life. Rachel, Craig and their friends are created to feel so real that you can feel their pain, angst, happiness and every other emotion. It’s just so real. Parts of the story ripped my heart out because it could have come straight from the news. So much heart ache, yet they could turn it around. You have to read this book. Run don’t walk, to pick up this book. I highly recommend. It would get 10 stars

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The Bow (Her Three Immortals Book 3) by Hazel Storm – Review by Carrie Reed

The Bow (Her Three Immortals, #3)The Bow by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars!

I have never wanted a series to go on and on like I do this one. The Bow is the 3rd book in the Her Three Immortals series and you will need to read them all in order. I love a reverse harem so much and in this one, Grey, Raef and Aroz/Bow are just perfect! It seems that Vanessa has a path that was predestined, she is to complete tasks in order to fulfill a prophecy. All of the God’s mothers are just terrible, and I can’t wait to see all of them knocked down not a couple pegs but all pegs! I love all of the men for always looking out for and protecting Vanessa the best way they can, and it is so nice to see Grey not as grouchy anymore. I did think Aroz wasn’t going to make it with Vanessa, but he did change especially when Bow was introduced. I can’t wait for the next book to continue Vanessa and her Gods and their next adventure!

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Stand Your Ground by A. J. Ullman – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Stand Your GroundStand Your Ground by A.J. Ullman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this suspenseful story. This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites yet. I enjoyed being pulled into the story by the characters. I also enjoyed what they brought to the story as well. This is a well written story where the growth of the plot was great throughout the story. This is a fast paced, engaging story that is full of action and twists and turns. I enjoyed how the characters are connectable and gave life to the story. This is a story about Cady and how life throws her some unexpected situations that change her. She is now faced with standing her ground and murder, will these two cross? The question remains will she run or stand her ground for justice. This is a great story and I really enjoyed what Cady brought to the story. She is a strong character that I felt for with the different things happening to her. She truly made the story for me. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through Book 2) by James Talisman – Review by Hansini Wasalamudalige

Journeys Through TimeSpaceJourneys Through TimeSpace by James Talisman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

‘Journeys Through TimeSpace’ by James Talisman is the second entry of his ‘Journeys Through…’ series and picks up from the events of the first book to primarily focus on returning characters from the EarthVerse and Elipsson worlds. It was rewarding to see familiar faces like Matt and Tysson again and to witness the next phases of their journey. Talisman’s decision to mainly cast a spotlight on these two rather than all six of ‘Journeys Through SpaceTime’s’ protagonists was a smart one- allowing the author the time and space (ha!) to flesh out Matt and Tysson to a greater extent and to concentrate on the cultivation of their abilities and powers.

The narrowing down of characters also permitted for a deeper exploration into the worlds Matt and Tysson hail from and further build upon their unique cultures, structures and histories. The space expeditions and lizzard hierarchy of Elipsson was joy to learn about like last time and, while in theory, Matt’s familiar realm of Earth should not be as interesting, Talisman manages to make the setting fresh and intriguing by not pigeon-holing the narrative in one location- following Matt and his friends and family all around the globe on their adventures. It’s evident that Talisman did his research before going into this book- he paints such a vivid and accurate picture of different countries like Nepal and France with an appropriate level of sensitivity and cultural care, nor does he render the inhabitants of such places mere caricatures or stereotypes.

Another thing that Talisman manages to knock out of the park even further than in ‘Journeys Through TimeSpace’s’ predecessor is his exploration and analysis of his series’ unique wisdoms and ideas of the collective consciousness binding many as one. As Matt and Tysson learn to harness their abilities and develop their skills, the audience’s knowledge of the powers holding the fabric of the MultiVerse deepens. It’s a delight to see the clear influence drawn from eastern, western and religious tradition as Talisman continues to further distinguish and develop the distinct lore of his story.

A sequel is only as good as its capacity to build on themes and storylines of its predecessor, and ‘Journeys Through TimeSpace’ does not come up short in this regard. The events of the first book are seamlessly incorporated and followed here, allowing for natural story progression and character beats and development. Never once did a plot-point feel bizarre or odd- the first book was clearly written with the second one in mind and vice versa with consequences from the former shaping the latter and some aspects of character evolution explored being direct repercussions of the happenings of its preceding book.

If you loved ‘Journeys Through SpaceTime’, then picking up ‘Journeys Through TimeSpace’ is a no-brainer as it reaches even greater heights than its predecessor. For a story spanning the MultiVerse and time itself, you could not ask for better.

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The Boss Prince (It’s Raining Royals) by Alix Nichols – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Boss Prince (It's Raining Royals, #1)The Boss Prince by Alix Nichols
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Boss Prince: a royal romance with humor and suspense (It’s Raining Royals) by Alix Nichols is a romantic comedy and a wonderful fantasy story with a French twist. It reminds me of those Hallmark movies. This is the first book that I have read by Alix and I found it entertaining, fun and witty, with a little steam. There is a little suspense, intrigue, and mystery in this unknown faraway place. On the hunt for a key, the fun journey begins.
9 keys are key to keeping their little part of the world, so I look forward to reading the other Raining Royals books.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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My Soul to Give (A Demon’s Love Book 1) by M. A. Fréchette – Review by Kerry Carr

My Soul to Give (A Demon's Love #1)My Soul to Give by Magali A. Fréchette
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. It had everything I look for in  a book, murder, Paranormal and romance. The author does an amazing job at making the story grip the reader from the start and the twists and turns the reader goes through keeps you gripped until the end. The romance is hot and steamy and with descriptions of murder it is def an adult book.

Celina has it all. A perfect home, perfect husband, life couldn’t get much better. Until her husband gets murdered in front of her. After Celina escapes and almost dies herself she is filled with rage and vows the get revenge on the people that killed her husband. Her wish gets answered in the form of a demon. He can grant her the wish to get revenge but the price will be her soul.

So now Celina is on the journey to find the people responsible for her husbands death and on the way she discovers thing weren’t as she thought they were. Her husband has secrets that could have been the reason for his death.

After finding all this devastating news she turns to the one person by her side. The demon Mekaisto. His charms work on her and their relationship grows. But when her time comes near to surrender her soul does she stay with the devil she knows or risk the path of the unknown?

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Something Lost (Funerals and Weddings Series Book 1) by Bernadette Marie – Review by Jenni Bishop

Something LostSomething Lost by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Something Lost (Funerals and Weddings Series Book 1) by Bernadette Marie is a sweet contemporary romance story. He broke the rules and loved her anyway and she loved with all she had. Childhood sweethearts seeing each on the sly but being young and naïve they had their lives in front of them. The Fav Five return to town for a funeral and friendships are rekindled and once they see each other again sparks fly. But with it comes drama and longing, emotions and feelings, loss and sorrow, love, secrets and lies. Will our characters find love again or will the past keep them apart?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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THE BOW (HER THREE IMMORTALS Book 3) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

The Bow (Her Three Immortals, #3)The Bow by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars

The Bow is the third book in the Her Three Immortals Series by Hazel Storm. Wow just wow! Just when I thought this series couldn’t get any better then this book steals the show. This is my favorite yet so much packed into one book that once I started I had a hard time putting it down. I had to know what was going to happen next. I do highly recommend reading the first two books if you haven’t already started as they are just as good as this one plus you get a better understanding of what is going on. This one picks up where book two left off. Get ready to be taken on quite a ride as Vanessa is assigned a task by the Queen of the Underworld and her soul is at stake if she fails. I highly recommend reading this to find out what happens next. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

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THE BOW (HER THREE IMMORTALS Book 3) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Bow: A Fated Mates Greek Myth Paranormal Romance (Her Three Immortals Book 3)The Bow: A Fated Mates Greek Myth Paranormal Romance by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Bow: A Fated Mates Greek Myth Paranormal Romance (Her Three Immortals Book 3) by Hazel Storm follows on from the first two books. This paranormal romance is unique and original and is a quick an engrossing read that will leave you laughing. There is mystery and suspense, passion and chemistry, Greek Gods, and mythology. This intriguing sexy and sizzling series is addictive. It is fun and titillating and the clever narrative leaves you wanting more. I love the characters and love that it is told in multiple POV’s. When you have temptation and three sexy immortal Gods who have set their attention and sights set on you what’s a girl to do?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Debi Kircher

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley

5 Stars

WOW!! She has done it again! This book was everything and more of what I was expecting from this author and her new series. I loved reading every single word in this story. I was completely wrapt up in it from the first chapter. I have come to realize I love the mafia style stories, especially when they are written like this. The secrets, the twists to the story that just flow out while reading that become those awesome wow moments. The many characters that I never had a problem sorting out while reading. The absolute bada** lead characters that left an impression, making them a lead couple I will never forget. The best friends, Oh my goodness I love them, they actually cracked me up alot of times while reading. The cousins… oh i hope there will be so much more with the best friends and cousins.

I could literally go on and on about this book, as well as this author. If you have not read any of her books yet…Grab this one, I promise it has every little thing you ever wanted while reading.

I was left with a huge question when I finished this book, someone that was mentioned way back in the beginning. I’m so hoping that since book 2 is Enzo and Sophia that I’ll get my answer. I CAN NOT WAIT!!!

Deserves so many more than 5 stars!! I loved it!!!

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Kiss Me Before Flight by Thia Finn

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
Kiss Me Before Flight by Thia Finn
Genre – Contemporary romance, women’s fiction, romantic suspense
Page Count – 273 pages
Cover designer: Dana Lamonthe-Designs by Dana
He’s going to kill me. My life depends on a meticulous plan to escape my abusive husband, and I know I’ll only get one chance. When my kind neighbor involves her attractive brother-in-law, I begin to believe my dream might come true. I need to make it on my own once they whisk me away, but how? All I’ve ever known is how to be what he told me to be, a homemaker and mother. Do I take the chance and live a real life, or stay with my husband of twenty years and simply exist? Why is the choice so difficult?
CC, Conrad, Chapman
Intervene in messy situations of life or death, not me, but I work for a team who does. I take the easy part, fly them in and out of danger. When sister-in-law, Jane, begs me to help an abused woman escape from the iron fist that will eventually kill the woman, I have doubts I’m up for the challenge. Sure, I can fly her away but what then? I have responsibilities which don’t include helping a beautiful woman live the life she deserves.
Trident Security
In a spin-off from the highly successful Trident Security Series by USA Today Bestselling author, Samantha A. Cole, follow the story of CC Chapman, pilot for Trident Security, as he’s forced to make quick decisions which can change his life forever or end the life of a beautiful stranger.
**Part of Samantha A. Cole’s Suspenseful Seduction World


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Growing up in small town Texas, Thia Finn discovered life outside of it by attending The University of Texas, only to return home and marry her high school sweetheart. They raised two successful and beautiful daughters while she taught middle school Language Arts and eventually became a middle school librarian. After thirty-four years, she retired to do her favorite things, like travel, spend time off-roading with family and friends, hanging out at one of the Texas Hill Country’s beautiful rivers, reading, and writing. She currently lives in the same small town where she grew up, with her husband and Chihuahua, Josie. She can often be found stalking on social media, watching Netflix or Hulu.

Author Interview With Thia Finn




Raven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber – Review by Heather Goodman

Raven Woman's TavernRaven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was very interesting. It was a little bit hard to follow at first but it’s just because it is different peoples stories that weave together for an entrancing story. It had a twist at the end. Definitely worth the read.

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Drew (Perfectly Independent, #1)Drew by Amanda Shelley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is awe inspiring. Pure determination, sheer will, and commitment are the traits I see in Drew and Abby. In the beginning of this book it shows a deep friendship blossoming between classmates. I think it’s a big coincidence that both Drew and Abby want to attend medical school. I loved this book it had a flow to it so it was a easy fast paced read.

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Rachel Moss

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

No Way Out was a really good, entertaining read! Amy McKinley never disappoints with her novels and this one was no exception. My only complaint to this novel was it felt like there were a few plot holes and missing concepts. A few scenes had me confused because it seemed like some content was left out. Other than that I could hardly put this book down! It was entertaining, spicy, thrilling and full of action. I absolutely can not wait to read the next installment of this series and see what happens next!

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Desiree Ottinger

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am a fan of Amy McKinley! Her stories are written well. Her characters are believable and realistic. And you can’t help but root for the good guys to deliver justice to the bad guys!

I enjoyed the drama of the families involved in the mafia storyline. Ms. McKinley introduced the families in Chicago, their ties to Italy, and also what I believe will be the overarching mystery to the series in a brilliant way! The women that stick together are strong and not necessarily damsels in distress. However, what woman doesn’t want a strong man to treat them like a queen, to show them they are valued, and that they are worth the battle to win??

Truly looking forward to reading the next books in this series!! I can’t wait to see how the rest of the Mafia Elite end up with the love of their lives!

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Betsy Melano

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

No Way Out is the first installment in the Mafia Elite Series by Amy McKinley. It is full of suspense, action, and has a wonderful romance vibe (who am I kidding, it’s love at first sight kind of romance!) The book starts out with blowing up a warehouse full of drugs and somehow a few pages later we’re reading about finding out how Matt (aka Max) and Liliana meet for the first time. Their chemistry sizzles from the start. The author shares information about many characters and TPN hat happened in the past to make this a book I didn’t want to put down. I can’t wait for the next installment in the series.

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Journeys Through TimeSpace (Journeys Through Book 2) by James Talisman – Review by Trish Ann

Journeys Through TimeSpaceJourneys Through TimeSpace by James Talisman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Since I read the first one, I wanted to also read the second one to see how it picked up. I really appreciate the author’s attention to details and the pictures he paints of such creative places. The three friends, Matt, Julia and Dan have good chemistry and really bring the reader on the adventure with them. I appreciated in the first installment the ways the character faced challenges and the portrayal of different moral perspectives. This story was definitely easier to follow in terms of characters, setting and the overall plot. It was a good continuation in the series.

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley – Review by Stephanie Banks

Drew (Perfectly Independent, #1)Drew by Amanda Shelley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Drew by Amanda Shelley, is a story of two truly independent characters on a journey of “will they or won’t they”. I smiled, laughed, and cried throughout the book. Drew and Abby encapsulate the theory of being more than what meets the eye. Lovely written with complex characters that I enjoyed so much that I did not want it to end. I can not wait to read the next book by this author.

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Ashley Dover

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From the first words of this book, you will become enraptured with the story. Mafia princesses, sultry hot men…what more could you ask for?

Being a Mafia princess has its rewards, but Liliana Brambilla cannot figure out what those are. She’s entrapped in her house by her father Benito, who is one of the five heads of the Italian Mafia residing in Chicago. When she was a young girl, Liliana watched her mother take a bullet from her, and her father has never let her forget it. Now as his empire is falling he looks to make a deal with another family to finance a Mafia war. Unfortunately for Liliana, that means marrying someone that she can’t stand to share the room with.

Max joins Benito as an assassin but is quickly put in charge of guarding Liliana. For Max that plays right into his hands. He has come to infiltrate and takedown Benito for his mentor, Liliana’s Sicilian grandfather. Max plans to take his rightful place as the head of the Mafia in Chicago, but first, he has to win Liliana’s trust after being her bodyguard.

Can Max win Liliana over, or will this be a futile attempt at a coup?

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SPOOKED BY A SUSPICION by Risa Nyman – Review by Jo Frizzell

Spooked by a SuspicionSpooked by a Suspicion by Risa Nyman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was great! Reading it, I was thinking about elementary and middle schoolers reading it. The conflict was super relatable for that age. The friendships that were shown, and the familial relationships showed were realistic. Rocky’s imagination and his adversity to change is very much like any kid at thirteen whose world feels like it’s imploding. It was a fun read and I would definitely recommend it, and have recommended it to kiddos I’ve talked to through work.

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Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Trish Ann

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was definitely something outside of my comfort zone. I was interested in giving this book a shot because is is so different than what I normally read. I was not disappointed. The only drawbacks for me were personal. There was so much detail and characters to keep straight in my head. I did enjoy the Multiverse concept as well as the attention to detail with how the character explored the challenges they were facing. I also appreciated the allusion to cultures we are familiar with but with its own spin. This is definitely a good read for someone that is into the sci-fi/fantasy genre!

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley-Review by Amanda Kimble

Drew (Perfectly Independent, #1)Drew by Amanda Shelley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley

This is the first book I’ve read by Shelley. It won’t be my last book by Shelley. Drew and Abby are so darn cute and I loved it!

Abby has her mind set on getting into med school. When in chemistry she finds that her lab partner isn’t such a jerk after all. She ends up falling hard for him and is scared that it won’t work out. The quote I chose for Abby is: “It won’t take me too long. I’ve worked on it between classes so if I focus, I should be able to knock it out sooner.”

Drew is a basketball player and doesnt have time to date with his schedule. Getting into med school has been a priority since college came into play. Then he meets Abby and things change. The quote I chose for Drew is: “You’re not a slacker. Trust me. If it wasn’t basketball season, I probably would’ve done the same thing and waited to work out this afternoon. But I don’t exactly get to choose my schedule most days, so I’m stuck with what I’ve got. Those are the breaks for being a Division-One athlete and trying to graduate on time. It’s all about time management. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining about my circumstances. I’m just sayin’ that in the off season, my schedule’s a bit different.”

Highly recommended for Sports Romance lovers.

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Drew (Perfectly Independent, #1)Drew by Amanda Shelley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley is a fun, entertaining, and easy college romance read. Not only does Ms. Shelley give us great characters, and a wonderful plot she also gives a real feel for how hard life is with all of the pressures of college. I’m personally a romance novel lover and Ms. Shelley just made it so easy to fall in love with this charming and wonderful piece of work. Her main characters on paper seem to be complete and polar opposites, but doesn’t chemistry teach us that opposites attract? So even though these two are completely different will they attract to one another? You’ll have to read Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley for yourself to find out.

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley – Review by Shelly Kittell

Drew (Perfectly Independent, #1)Drew by Amanda Shelley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness, this was an entertaining read. Drew set out to avoid the ladies. He though he found that from his lab partner. Boy, did she prove him wrong. The chemistry is awesome. I personally loved the interaction between them. Their friends were an integral part and helped bring it together. The epilogue just about ripped me up. It was so beautiful and heartfelt. You must read this. I don’t usually read sport romance but it was soooo worth it. Strongly recommend.

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Fight for it by Amy L Gale – Review by Shelly Kittell

Fight for It (Sunset Cove)Fight for It by Amy L. Gale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fight For It by Amy L Gale is an entertaining, quick-read. Ray is a “retired” boxer and Lysa is Ray’s best friend’s little sister. Ray moves back to town to take over The Kracken, a popular restaurant from their youth. Over the years, Lysa was married to jerk, Jarred. He makes life hard for them. Lys and Ray overcome several challenges throughout the story. Can they overcome the biggest? Ray wants to have one more big fight in Vegas? Well-written story with realistic characters make for a quick and exciting rush. Well worth the read. The world needs more stories like this for those that need quick wake ups. I will be adding this author to my favorites list.

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THE BOW (HER THREE IMMORTALS Book 3) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Erica Fish

The Bow (Her Three Immortals, #3)The Bow by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Bow is the third book in Her Three Immortals series by Hazel Storm. I enjoyed this book as much as the first book in the series. I have to say the series gets more steamy than the previous book. I highly recommend reading the first two books to get the full enjoyment of this book. The details are in the writing of Hazel Storm. From the first page of this book until the last page, I could not put the book down. The details really paint the picture of the scenes in my head as they are laid out in the book. If you like mythology you will love this series. The only problem I had was that there was a cliffangery ending.

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SPOOKED BY A SUSPICION by Risa Nyman – Review by Erica Fish

Spooked by a SuspicionSpooked by a Suspicion by Risa Nyman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Spooked by a Suspicion is the second book about Rocky and his adventures. Rocky has been through some rough times. He is going through the transformation from middle school to high school. If that was not bad enough, his mother tells everyone she will be marrying Ted. Rocky has gone through a lot but now he is getting accused of stealing. Is someone else playing with Rocky’s life? Is Ted out to get him? This plotline held my attention because I felt the need to see what happens to Rocky. The characters are fully developed and complex in nature. With all good books, I needed to see what Rocky’s fate had in store for him. I highly recommend this book.

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Code Name: Vulture (The Order of the Condor Series Book 1) by Maya Daniels and Sylvia Black – Review by Jaclyn DeTullio

Code Name: Vulture: Dark Vampire Romance (The Order of the Condor Series Book 1)Code Name: Vulture: Dark Vampire Romance by Maya Daniels
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I feel like vampire romance has been done, and done and done so it’s not often I stumble on a plot that feels genuinely fresh to me. But this did! The auction at the beginning really pulled me in, and I enjoyed finding out about the relic, about the Purebloods. There was lots of action, both the gorey kind and the steamy kind. Wink wink. The romantic aspect of the book didn’t feel as genuine though, it was hard for me to keep up with Danielle’s constantly changing emotions. But still, it was a solid read!

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Something Lost (Funerals and Weddings Series Book 1) by Bernadette Marie – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Something LostSomething Lost by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Something Lost is a second chance romance and I loved this book. This is the story of Craig and Rachel whom were dating back in high school up until graduation. Craig and Rachel go their separate paths but return when Rachel’s father passes away. Chemistry and romance rekindle when they meet up again. Will their coming together again give Craig and Rachel the second chance they deserve? Definitely read the book to find out, I really enjoyed this second chance romance.

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THE BOW (HER THREE IMMORTALS Book 3) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Beverly Finnie

The Bow (Her Three Immortals, #3)The Bow by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was so excited to dive into The Bow by Hazel Storm and it DID NOT DISAPPOINT! I absolutely LOVE the Her Three Immortals Series. A bigger adventure with it’s own obstacles to overcome to get to the conclusion.
This would be Aroz & Vanessa’s story/connection. Picking up where The God left off the whole story takes place within a 72 hour period. Being this is Aroz’s journey with Vanessa, there’s less Grey, which is a little depressing(I definitely have an affinity for him.) There’s also some more Raef, which was lost during book 2.
Hazel Storm presents this story in mainly four different points of view, with a minor fifth, it’s easy to follow! Taking place in all three realms, Underworld, Overworld, and Upperworld, more questions are answered and more come about. I would like to wish this series would never end, even if it does it will always have a place in my mind & heart. Please if you come across this book but haven’t read the first two, read those first. It’ll be well worth it.
Now time to sit back and wait for The Box to be released!


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