
Nite Fire: Exit Strategy (Book 5) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Taylor K Stephenson

Exit Strategy (Nite Fire #5)Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

~ A Must Read in a Shapeshifter Fantasy ~

This is the final book in the series, and I have eaten up every single one. Dahlia has remained true to her core self, but without giving in spoilers away has also evolved into something quite new. Her supporting roles and friends along the way have developed, as well as the world(s) around her. This is such a unique story line, and is such an easy decision to pick up and read. You definitely won’t regret it.

I do have to say even the villains/anti-heroes I find myself empathizing with, or at least seeing from their perspective. This is such a nice wrap up to an enthralling fantasy series I know without a doubt I will be reading again. It was also, just a little bit of a shock I was not expecting!!! While Dahlia isn’t the most lovable character, she certainly is inspiring, strong, and extremely loyal. I haven’t met a character or being quite like her yet, and it was such a pleasure to hear her story. Love, love, love this series.

Reviewed By @taylorkstephenson

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Nite Fire: Exit Strategy by C. L. Schneider – Review by Shelly Kittell

Exit Strategy (Nite Fire #5)Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Here we are at book 5, the end of the series. Dahlia is one of my favorite characters. She is part dragon but she is also strong, brave and resilient. The apocalypse has finally come and the poo has hit fan. She is trying to save the world. She has so many things going wrong all at once that would make most people collapse. Old enemies return while she is trying to find her missing team. This author has again written a terrific book. A fantastic finish to the series. There is lots of action from the beginning to pull you in and keep you going all the way to the end of story. She writes in such away that the details make it easy to visualize this. The plot continues to flow smooth. There is no choppiness to the story. It flows well throughout. The characters each have their own unique personalities. I love the fact that the snark is in Dahlia. She gives as good as she gets. Her team does as well. This is one of the best fantasy series I have read. I’m sad to see ti done but I will be reading more of her books in the future.

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Nite Fire: Exit Strategy by C. L. Schneider – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Exit Strategy (Nite Fire #5)Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this series since book one, and this installment is no different! I found the suspense and the action multiplied highly in this one! Delia is a wonderful character, I really felt this one she had to fight for what she holds dear as well as her inner darkness, ended up really loving her more!

Delia has always been a character that I have been strongly drawn to. She is tough, but yet cares dearly about those around her. I found you really got to feel her more in this book. I know this is the end of an amazing series, though it saddens me, it is bitter sweet. I loved how things with Delia and her well. inner demon became the matter of the hour. A lot was at stake in this book, and it was up to our Delia to stop it as well as control it. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I was creeping up on the end! I loved the action and the suspense in this one! Could not put this one down at all! Simply loved the series finale!

Such an amazing series, and I know all good things must come to an end. I did not want this one to though. I wanted to cont8nue with Delia and her adventures! Amazing series that I truly highly recommend if you have not already had the pleasure of doing so! Not one to be passed up! A must read!

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Kaitlyn Leatherwood

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow

This is the beginning of a series, and it definitely sets it up for much more magic and mayhem to come. Ezri is a strong female protagonist while still being reliably human in her limits. There are so many moments I couldn’t help but sympathize with her and her struggles with both her family and work. If you’re looking for a paranormal detective story that kicks butt this is definitely my first pick for you. It will leave you on the edge of your seat and craving more. I will have to be getting my hands on book two to see where we will go now.

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By @katiecat

Nite Fire: Exit Strategy (Book 5) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jenni Bishop

Exit Strategy (Nite Fire #5)Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can’t believe we are already on the last book, book five in this series. Once I saw that the book was out, I grabbed it. I have enjoyed all the books in this series as the story is an apocalyptic urban fantasy that is action-packed and as always kept me glued to the pages. Dahlia the dragon shifter once again finds herself in a race against time, with half her team MIA, monsters on a rampage, and the rest of humanity facing destruction. But if that isn’t enough, they also have to try and stop the veil between the worlds eroding.

Dahlia Nite is brash and kickarse, loud and sassy and faced with a final battle Dahlia lets her dragon free. inside her is done sitting quietly in the background.

Be sure to start at the beginning of this series and work your way through. YOU will not be disappointed.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Nite Fire: Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Exit Strategy (Nite Fire #5)Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have enjoyed reading this series from the start. I enjoyed how the author’s writing skills and attention to details made the stories pop. I am sad to see this series end but excited to see what is next for this author. This is an author that I never hesitate to pick up as I know that I am in for a non stop adventure. This is a series that I highly suggest reading from the beginning. It will help you enjoy this series, the characters and this author’s writing style. This book is no different. I enjoyed being pulled into the story by the characters from the start. They are connectable, creative and supportive of each other. They took me on a nonstop adventure that was hard to put down. Dahlia finds herself in a race against time and dealing with the dragon inside that is itching to get out. You don’t want to miss what happens with her. She is a great character that truly makes the story for me. She is a strong character that brings the story to life and had me coming back for more. This is a fast paced story that is entertaining and easy to read. This is a great story that I highly recommend. A great series that you don’t want to miss by a great author.

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Review by @bjwagner

Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Mandi LaMiller

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn’t know what to expect when first opening “Springs Calling” by Sarah Biglow. I have to say Sarah did not disappoint. Springs Calling is an urban crime fantasy with tons of twists and turns that keep you on edge. After losing her mother to a murder that everyone pretended did not happen, Ezri Trenton vowed to solve the murder herself. Now as a Boston rookie detective she is finally has the resources to do it. Solving her mothers murder is not easy especially when Sarah is hiding that she is a Witch and if she doesn’t already have enough on her plate, she is trying to solve a string of murder which seem to be related to a prophecy that just so happens to declare Ezri as the Savior. Ezri has amazing character development and must learn how to trust others. After a bit of a slow start, I couldn’t put this book down and have already started the next one
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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

After reading the synopsis I was really looking forward to reading this book. I am not sure if I hyped it up so much that I let myself down but I found the book to be a bit blasé. The details were not impressively laid out and the storyline didn’t draw me into the story. That said the characters were good but needed fleshed out and some of the background information seems to make little connection with the story. Ezri could be a lot more than she is and I have hopes that the second book will have all those amazing, unique details that bring a story to life. I can see how this could be a really magical, suspenseful and captivating series. I truly hope book two will bring this interesting story to life.

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Alisa Boomer

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Spring’s Calling is one of the absolute BEST books I have read in the last couple years!! It is the perfect blend of relatable characters, action, & mystery! You can’t help wanting to be friends with the sassy female lead and root for her!! Not only is the story absolutely awesome, but the character development is a work of art. It is wonderfully written as well! I cannot recommend this book enough! Seriously, I have already ordered the next three!!

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Ashley Hasting

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ezri Trenton is a new detective with her partner Jacquie who’s been one longer. They have a murder that leaves to more and they work together to find the problem. From the beginning to the end of this book, they have gone through many obstacles. Ezri has past issues she has to deal with while trying to solve the crime and save the world. It was such a great read and can’t wait to continue the series!

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Desiree Ottinger

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ezri grows up knowing that she has a prophecy to fulfill. When her mother is murdered tragically, and everyone seems to be fine with sweeping it under the rug, she vows to find her mother’s killer. Once she becomes a detective, she sets out to find out more about her mom’s death. However, murders around the Vernal Equinox begin happening around the city and she has to solve them first. Can she solve the murders before she has to fulfill the prophecy? Or are they part of it? Will she be able to find her mother’s murderer?

This is my first time reading this author and I really enjoyed it! The story flowed smoothly with the backstory interspersed at the right moments in the book. Ezri is a very angry, hurt person that has to move past her feelings of self-imposed isolation and allow others to help her fulfill her destiny. Past friends and family that she cut off come to her aid and show her grace in their assistance. I feel like the author did a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life in my mind. I enjoyed the way they interacted and related to each other.

This book was a good, clean language, detective-fantasy book!

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Ashley Johnson

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first book from this author and it won’t be my last. It started out kind of slow but picked up and was action packed. I am excited to read the rest of this series and more Kayla. She was my favorite character. I hope we find out more about her past. Time to start the second book!

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Nite Fire: Exit Strategy (Book 5) by C.L. Schneider

•°•☆ •°•☆•°•☆ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ☆•°•☆•°•☆•°
Nite Fire: Exit Strategy (Book 5) by C.L. Schneider
Genre – Fantasy, Paranormal
Page Count – 400
Cover Designer – Eerilyfair Design

The life Dahlia built in Sentinel City is over, shattered by betrayal and crushed beneath the rubble of a world she’s come to love. But, in the apocalypse, grief is a luxury none can afford. Least of all, the scaled vigilante fighting to protect them.

With half her team MIA, creatures rampaging the streets, and humanity facing destruction, Dahlia struggles to put out more fires than one shapeshifter can handle. All the while, the damaged veil between the worlds is eroding faster. Exits are multiplying, giving the blight free reign to devour all in its path. Relishing in the chaos: the mad scientist bent on seizing Earth for his own devious plan. 

In a race against time, Dahlia must find a way to save what remains of this tragic new reality—before the Renewal extinguishes all life on the linked worlds. The dragon inside her is done sitting quietly in the background. 

Exit Strategy is the 5th and final book in the Nite Fire Series.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Nite Fire: Exit Strategy (Book 5) by C.L. Schneider

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Nite Fire: Exit Strategy (Book 5) by C.L. Schneider

C.L. Schneider is an award-winning author of immersive fantasy fiction, including The Crown of Stones Trilogy and the Nite Fire Series. Born in a small Kansas town, she resides in New York’s scenic Hudson Valley with her husband and two sons. 

To learn more about C.L. Schneider, and the worlds she creates, visit where you can read reviews and excerpts, subscribe to her newsletter, and join her Street Team. An active part of the indie author online community, you can often find her on social media, chatting about the daily ups and downs of a writer’s life.

Author Interview with C.L. Schneider 



Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Rayne East

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Magic, prophesies and mysteries

This book has an intriguing take on magic and loved the interwoven crime aspect. Ezri is a strong female lead and very easy to connect with. The book builds slowly towards the climax but then quickly races to the finish. This is the first book in the series and has set the pace for the rest of the books. There is a little teaser of things to come which I am very keen to check out.

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Stephanie nicole

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While I am a huge fantasy lover I haven’t read very many urban fantasies before but this one is just simply amazing! This book combined all of my favorite things including crime, drama, magic, and more. The character development was simply amazing, the plot was so perfect that I was on the edge of my seat most the book. Ezri is a strong cop with the Boston police department and I loved following her magical journey through this story and I personally can’t wait to see what our author gives us next.

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Vanessa Watts

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a new author for me but I love the genre so decided to give it a go. The beginning built a little slow for me but as I kept at it to see what came next the author delivered flawlessly. It is a slow build but understandable in order to fully understand the character and her abilities.

Ezri, a rookie detective, read undercover witch is pulled in on a case where she can smell that magic has been used in the crime. Could this be the beginning of the prophecy that has plagued her since birth? With the vernal equinox in the very near future, Ezri along with her partner Jacquie must work to solve the murders while Ezri keeps her magical abilities hidden from even her partner. Yet as the bodies pile up, it seems Ezri must turn to those friends and fellow witches that she abandoned decades ago after the death of her mother. Can Ezri tie up these murders with a nice little bow before she must face her own destiny in helping good overcome evil? Can she maintain the balance between her destiny and the life she chose or will she need to sacrifice one to complete the other?

This is definitely an interesting read with a new take on witches, magical abilities, and the fight in good vs. evil. Though a slow build if you can stick through it then it is quite an enjoyable read. I definitely plan to read the series so I can see what else happens for Ezri and the characters in this book.

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Spring’s Calling: (A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy Novel) (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ezri Trenton is a young woman, she is a Detective with the local law enforcement, but she is also a witch, but she has to keep these two sides of herself separate, no matter how much she wishes it could be different, however, she hasn’t had the easiest start to life, when she walked into her house, saw her murdered mother on the floor in front of her and at the time it was just too much for her to bear, now she uses it to fuel her career. Meanwhile, in the background there are the undercurrents of another facet to her magical life, this is the fact that she is destined to take part in a prophecy on the Vernal Equinox, but the when are where are vague and so she just has to build herself up so that she can be ready when the time comes.

Fast forward to today and she has just been assigned a new partner, a mundane, or person without magic and they pretty much immediately get a call out to a homicide, however, this isn’t any homicide, it reeks of magic and dark magic at that, but she has to keep the information to herself because of the secrecy surrounding her life at all times. As the investigation intensifies and more victims are found, Ezri knows that mundane police work isn’t going to cut it and is finding it more and more difficult not to use her magical skills in front of her partner, or how to explain when she has to and appears just to zone out from time to time.

While all of this is going on, the past comes calling as Ezri tries to solver her mothers murder while working though the evidence which is pointing the finger to the darkest of dark magic, she is also quickly coming to terms with the fact that it is this Equinox which the prophecy was talking about and she only has a few days to stop it. Will Ezri be able to solve both cases in time, or will time run out before she has the chance? This is a fast paced and addictive urban fantasy chock full of spells, action and adventure as Ezri races against time while dealing with past and present in one big jumble of emotions, revelations and magic.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Jo Frizzell

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I sat down to read this book, I couldn’t stop. I read the entire thing in 2 hours, completely captivated by Ezri’s story. Her suffocating grief, even as she was a true warrior focused on justice, was heartbreaking. Watching the pieces come together in the mix between remembering the past, learning more about the truth of the past and knowing what the future needed to bring was almost cinematic in its execution. The relationships shown were so genuine and truly made me want to know her. This book truly was a beautiful story that kept me completely engrossed from start to finish and I can’t wait to see what comes next for Ezri and the people around her.

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Shai Flores

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really liked this book a lot! It gave me some “Charmed” vibes with a cop with supernatural powers due to her being a witch and the Savior that will be faced with an upcoming event in which she has to save the world. I liked the characters and was quickly invested in their journeys. I really enjoyed the main character Ezri’s backstory and thought that this was a unique take on a character that is a witch since there was no silly family or familiar causing drama or interference. I would have given this 5 stars, but I thought the ending was rushed and a few of the explanations didn’t seem to fit, which made me sad since I absolutely loved the first 90% of the book. Looking forward to future books in this series, however!

reviewed by @puffprincess
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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Michelle Marlow

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in this series. We are once again met with Dahlia Nite. Our rough and tumble shifter investigator.

This book starts out with an excellent example as to why she has this job and just how terrifyingly close the worlds are becoming. Also, many questions about Dahlia are answered in this nonstop story.

I finished this in one sitting and CANNOT wait for the next.

Review by @michellerenee6590

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Spring’s Showers: Romantically Seasonal: Spring Review Penelope Kehrer

Spring's Showers: Romantically Seasonal: SpringSpring’s Showers: Romantically Seasonal: Spring by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Spring’s Shower is the first in the Seasons of Magic series from the highly entertaining C.A. King. It is the story of a bet made between Eros and four other gods; Mother Nature, Neptune, the Grim Reaper, and Santa Claus. The gods believe that Eros has the easiest job of all of them and Eros challenges them to do just that. Each god much make a true love match to win the bet. First up is Mother Nature, who goes by Greta for this story. She travels to a small town and finds a gardener named Spring, who is as in need of love as her plants are in need of water. Greta thinks she’s found Spring’s perfect match in a stranded celebrity but it soon becomes clear that nothing is simple in love and war.

This book was so light-hearted and wonderful. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser after a dark romance or just need something that will give you warm and fuzzy feelings, this book is perfect for you! It is well-paced and the detail is splendid. The unique personalities of the gods and the mortals come alive with King’s word choice. Although there is no spice in this book it is one I challenge you to not smile throughout. I look forward to reading the next book that features Neptune in the summertime!

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider

This is the fourth book in this series and boy was it a good one!! I love the way this author spreads out the details to both the characters and the story line. This story is the continuing antics of main character Dahlia Nite who investigates crimes of supernatural characters. The world this author has built is complex and intriguing and will hook you from book one. This is not a stand alone and you really need to read these in order. You won’t be sorry but be prepared because you won’t be able
to put these books down.

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Spring's Calling (Seasons of Magic, #1)Spring’s Calling by Sarah Biglow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story and start to a new series was amazing from start to finish. I could not get enough! I loved the main character Ezri . She was inspirational in her own way, and tough as nails. With her own version of feistiness. She had and has a lot going on yet, stayed true to all she believed in!

Story was very engaging. It was very easy to lose track of time while reading. I loved the paranormal version, also loved Ezri being a detective and a witch. I enjoyed reading to find out how she came to be, and the stuff that happened to her that she wanted to get justice for. It was great character development through out the entire reading. Leading up to the ending I was on the edge of my sea wanting more! The author wrote a great story and certainly knew how to keep the reader interested! Loved it truly!

Wonderful book and for sure a must read author. I can not wait to read the next installment in the series. I highly recommend this must read book. Defiantly not a book or a book of characters to miss out on!

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Ember Daley

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor… I can’t even begin with this series!! Dahlia is literally one of my favorite bad behind ladies in anything I’m currently reading. I mean come on! If you haven’t started this series you’re severely missing out. 10/10 would recommend and will continue to do so!

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Sunday Barnab

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nite Fire: Slash and Burn- Nite Fire Series Book 4 by
C. L. Schneider

Five Stars

This series keeps getting better and better. The twists and turns in this book make it my favorite. Much was revealed in this book that I didn’t see coming. This author has an awesome imagination. The depth of the characters and amazing storyline keep me coming back for more. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.Excellent entertainment.
Review by @sunbarn

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Nite Fire: Slash and Burn- Nite Fire Series Book 4  C.L. Schneider

Narrated by Cassandra L. King


Five Stars 


This series keeps getting better and better. The twists and turns in this book make it my favorite. Much was revealed in this book that I didn’t see coming. This author has an awesome imagination. The depth of the characters and amazing storyline keep me coming back for more. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Cassandra L. King has narrated the whole series so far. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite female narrators. Excellent entertainment.

Review by @sunbarn

Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 4 of a 5 book series. Dahlia continues hunting to keep the city safe from monsters while investigating a grisly mutilation done to Ella Chandler. Full of action and suspense, this book sweeps the reader into a flurry of action and suspense while Dahlia seeks the truth. This is a wonderful escape read and I had no problem forgetting the real world for a while. This definitely can be enjoyed as a standalone, so I recommend it even if you have not read the previous installments. If you like edge-of-your-seat action and compelling characters, I would give it a shot. It’s thrilling!

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jana Lewis

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a new spin on the story and was really interesting. I liked how survival of a species was incorporated into the mystery, along with a disease that was spreading and killing everything. There were new species of characters introduced that I do not remember before and it made the story more suspenseful. There were a lot of twists and turns that I didn’t expect and it made for an engaging story. I look forward to the next one! Nite is, as always, a wonderful BA and shows how everyone has imperfections. A twist in her character arc was interesting and leaves things open to new possibilities.

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn (Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was another incredible book about Dahlia. Dahlia is an amazing lead role who kicks butt and is an incredible crime fighter. I do have to say I did not read book three and I’m really wishing I did, even thou I was still able to follow ago and know what was going on, I feel like I need to go back and read the last book, for a more in-depth understanding. This book is an amazing action-packed fantasy read. I seriously couldn’t put it down like the first two. highly recommend this book this is such an amazing series.

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Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow

(∩^o^)⊃━☆゜.* BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE (∩^o^)⊃━☆゜.*
Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow
Genre – Witch, Supernatural, Fantasy
Page Count – 368
Cover Designer – Deranged Doctor Design
When a series of brutal murders lands in her lap, newly-minted Detective Ezri Trenton sets out to prove to herself and her mundane partner she can handle the investigation. The deeper she digs; the more evidence mounts that dark magic is behind the killings. Ezri knows traditional police work won’t be enough to stop the spree, but she can’t risk revealing the magical world. As the clock ticks ever closer to the Vernal Equinox and the prophecy that’s plagued her since childhood, Ezri must greet her destiny head on. Will she solve the murders and uncover the truth about her mother’s death, or will she lose the life she’s built for herself in the process?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Spring’s Calling (Seasons of Magic Book 1) by Sarah Biglow

Author Interview with Sarah Biglow