
Holiday Hope (Holiday Express Book 1) by Shanna Hatfield – Review by Tamisha Janay

Holiday Hope (Holiday Express Book 1)Holiday Hope by Shanna Hatfield
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hooked on this series from page one of this book!
We meet Cora Lee as she’s beginning her travels. After losing both of her parents and making the choice to become a mail-order bride, she is on her way to Holiday by train. She becomes close with Anne – who is traveling for the same reason – and the two go through quite the ordeal when the robbers come onto their train car. Once the women finally arrive at their destination, she is greeted by the father of her husband-to-be (Grant) and not the man himself. First red flag! The ranch is lovely and the family is even better. I love Mae and the fact that she is a “tell it like it is” type of person. Jace is sweet and silly, but hardworking and determined. Grant has his heart in the right place considering all that he has been through, but he made some poor decisions that could have potentially ruined Cora Lee’s life going forward. Anne and her new husband are an adorable couple and it brought me joy that she found happiness in Holiday. Jace and Jude could not be more different in personality, but in looks – it may be hard to tell who is who. After seeing both men’s true colors, it became apparent what the end result SHOULD be. But did it work out the way we all hoped? Read and find out! It’s the perfect story for a one-night read during the holiday season. I cannot wait to dive into the rest of the series.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

A Cold Creek Christmas (Reigning Hearts, Book 5) by KG Fletcher – Review by Tamisha Janay

A Cold Creek Christmas (Reigning Hearts, #5)A Cold Creek Christmas by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There has not been a single book by this author that did not hit me right in the feels. I love everything about this book from cover to cover. We start out meeting Amber, our neighborhood Grinch, and don’t get a ton of backstory right away. (Which is perfect!) It’s the build-up that hooks you! Mama needs help with her gingerbread and, naturally, has chosen Ms. Anti-Christmas herself to assist with this. But Mama apparently has a grandson that is EVERYTHING Amber (and all of us) needed. Giovanni is handsome, sweet, and a complete gentleman from their first interaction down to their last. While he fails to tell Amber right away about his daughter and his rough past with her mother, everything is revealed the way it was meant to be. I made it halfway through the book before I needed the tissues. Everything from the half point forward tugs on your heartstrings in such a good way. I love the interaction between them and the revelations of both of their pasts. It was such a great story, I cannot wait for more Christmas stories this season!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Practically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Tamisha Janay

Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Magical LivingPractically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am an avid reader. I picked this book because I wanted to learn about everyday ‘magic’ and how I could learn to bring more positivity into my life. I will say that the author definitely knows how to weave her own personal stories into life lessons for others. If you are looking for inspiration, a self-care guide, or are interested in learning more about the everyday wonders around you, this is one of the top ten books out there for that purpose. My three-star review is actually more of a 3.5 – while I enjoyed the bits and pieces of the book that spoke to me personally, I found it a bit lacking in the areas that I was hoping would explode off the page. There was history sprinkled in and some difficult subjects (for some), but that wasn’t what I was looking for or expecting when I decided to read. Just because it wasn’t necessarily for me doesn’t mean that it won’t be the perfect fit for someone else. Try for yourself and see – even if it’s not exactly what you were looking for, chances are there are some positive things you will take from it.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Mom, Is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J Berger Illustrator: KC Snider – Review by Tamisha Janay

Mom is There a Santa Claus?Mom is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J. Berger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an adorable book about the true meaning of Christmas and how important it is to keep the spirit of Santa alive no matter your age. I couldn’t read this one to my little because at 5 years old, he still completely believes in Santa Claus and I will give him zero reasons to doubt. I worry for when the time comes that someone at school or in everyday life will ruin the magic for him, but this book gave me a great idea of what to do when that time comes. I will keep it and continue to pass it on to other parents I know who will be struggling with the same thing. I highly recommend it for any parent or teacher who has children around the age that begins to question what they’ve been told. It will help renew the spirit and keep the magic alive.

View all my reviews@tamishajanay

Priscida Finds Greatness by Constance Mays – Review by Tamisha Janay

Priscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and in OthersPriscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and in Others by Constance Mays
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I got this book to read to my five-year-old and was not disappointed. I would have preferred more pictures as he is more drawn to the colorful artwork in children’s books, but the overall storyline was great for a child his age. It centers around finding what truly makes someone great, relying on love, and learning about belonging. These are all important things for growing children to hear about and learn about regularly. We had to read through twice today because he was so excited about a new book. Perfect for a teacher, a parent, or a child who is learning to read independently. This was the first book I downloaded on kindle to read to my child, and I think I will be doing it more in the future.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay


The Box: A Greek Gods Urban Fantasy Romance (Her Three Immortals Book 4)The Box: A Greek Gods Urban Fantasy Romance by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

With this being the last book of this series, I have so many mixed emotions. The storyline has been amazing from start to finish and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to read every word. Each book is a perfect continuation from the last. There is nothing that remains unknown while the stories are going on and it is fascinating to read the scenes happening from each person’s perspective. In this final installment, we are able to see Vanessa’s final test and what will happen should she complete it. Once again, there are mothers at play attempting to stand in the way of divine true love for the most selfish of reasons. There is drama from the first page until the very end and it will keep you on the edge of your seat! Raef deals with his mother – as do the others – and they all come to realize that the truth of their abilities and capabilities far surpasses the “truths” that they have known for as long as they can remember. We finally see what will become of Dorian’s deal with the Underworld God. So much happens in this final story. The author truly wrapped most everything up in a beautiful way and left me craving more of the story in the future. While there are no real cliffhangers, I long to see what becomes of the information that we are left with and the characters as they go through their new normal. I am also left wondering what will become of Gorgonita and what the final interaction that we see truly means. If you have yet to read this series, start with book one and don’t stop until you finish it all! You will not regret it.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairing Series Book 1) by Parker Fairchild – Review by Tamisha Janay

Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship (The Perfect Pairings Series Book 1)Christmas Cookies on a Cruise Ship by Parker Fairchild
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was captivating from start to finish. This time of the year, it is normal for me to read stories that remind me of Hallmark movies and have the same premise and similar storylines. This was a breath of fresh air.
Meet Olivia – who had gone through something completely unexpected when she discovered that her boyfriend and her supermodel twin sister were an item. They got engaged, and Olivia wanted to be as far away from them as possible for the holidays – hence, the cruise. Time to step out of her comfort zone. After a few too many drinks, she ends up on Santa’s lap telling him that what she wants for Christmas is a fictional character from a book that she is writing. Little does she know that she is speaking to the real Santa – or that her fictional character isn’t so imaginary.
Meet Jace, an ex-Navy Seal and the real-life man that Olivia believes she has dreamed up. He is heading to a wedding with his friends but gets a mission from Santa that he cannot pass up. He is charming, funny, kind, and perfect for her in every way. But can he convince her of that before Christmas day?
They both have demons that they are fighting, but they can live happily ever after if they can work through their problems together. I loved the retirement community, Jace’s friends, and the playfulness between the two MCs. I am looking forward to more stories like this as the series continues. If you are looking for a heartwarming story that breaks the mold, this is it!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

A Sweet Christmas: A Sweet Confections Novella by Nicole Richards – Review by Tamisha Janay

A Sweet ChristmasA Sweet Christmas by Nicole Richard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a short and romantic story that I am so glad I picked up this season! The author created characters that were easy to like and their romance was something that we rooted for from the second Benjamin walked into Thea’s pastry shop. Benjamin is the type of man that you dream about – attentive, caring, sweet (no pun intended), and an all-around GOOD guy. Thea’s ex – not so much! She had been through a major heartbreak and was not looking for love, but it definitely found her. I love the love story. The side characters were just as important to make the story seem more realistic and give it that wholesome holiday feel. I read it all super quickly in one sitting and my heart felt lighter by the end. If you’re looking for a short (but super sweet) Christmas story, please don’t pass this one up!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Spoilsport (Pierce Brothers Book 2) by Belinda Williams – Review by Tamisha Janay

Spoilsport (Pierce Brothers, #2)Spoilsport by Belinda Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was on par with the last, and I have to admit that I was looking forward to learning more about the story between Nadia and Luke since the last installment. I loved that we still heard from Chelsea and Tom and discovered that their romance was the real deal. Everything seems to be falling together, and, at this rate, all of the brothers will find their true love by the end of this series. It’s bittersweet to think about. Going back to the story: Nadia is well known for her cold heart and inability to feel love or want a relationship. She and Luke have a rocky past – to say the least – and this book filled me with many different emotions over the course of the read. I loved that we learned more about what happened between Luke and his ex-wife, that we were given more insight into what was happening with him and his daughter, and that we gained many glimpses into Nadia’s past. Everything was so well-written and gave us all of the information that we wanted (and that they needed) to overcome their shortcomings and find a way to make it work. Luke’s hardworking, serious demeanor and Nadia’s fun-loving, stubborn exterior are a perfect blend. I am so excited to see what is coming up next for Seth!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Cross-Country Christmas (A Silver Buckle Brides Romance) by Laurie Lewis – Review by Tamisha Janay

Cross-Country Christmas (Silver Buckle Brides #1)Cross-Country Christmas by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I tend to start and finish books like this quickly, but this story was so good and life got in the way so it was a slow read for me this week. Laurie Lewis did a fantastic job making characters that were so easy to fall in love with. We meet CC who has gone through a horrible breakup and is caught in the worst possible situation with no idea how to get out of it. Insert her knight in shining armor – equipped with cowboy boots and a rancher’s hat – and maybe there is a way her horrible situation can turn into a blessing in disguise. I loved the timid feel from both main characters and the love that was felt between Carlos and Emmie. It spoke volumes that there was so much to be uncovered and that it happened slowly. It felt like a true love story, rather than a rushed one. Reese had gone through a major loss in his life and had some demons that he needed to work through while CC was learning to face her own. The comparisons between the ranch and their lives were beautiful and heartwarming. This story was well thought out and well written. It made me want to read more from this author and learn what else is to come, not only for the main characters but for the families and the ranch itself. If you haven’t started your Christmas reads for the year, this is definitely a great one to start with!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Love’s Reverie (The Stardust Duet, Book 2) by KG Fletcher – Review by Tamisha Janay

Love's Reverie (The Stardust Duet, #2)Love’s Reverie by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second half of the series from KG Fletcher. I was just as satisfied with this book as I was with the first. The characters are just as unique here, and the story keeps you on the edge of your seat. We start right where the last one ended. Phillip decides to follow Kat into the future and potentially get his happily ever after. Brand new identity to avoid anyone realizing he’s a time traveler? Check. An altercation with Spencer AGAIN? Check. Surprises that cause everything to go wrong more than once? Check. I have read multiple time travel novels. I stayed away from them for a long time out of fear that they would all have the same premise and not keep my attention. I am so thankful that these books crossed my path and will gladly be reading any and everything that I can get my hands on by this author. If you’re looking for something that will keep you engaged from page one until the very end, these are most definitely the stories for you. If given the opportunities and challenges they were given, what would you do? Grab both halves of the story today! You will not be disappointed!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas Book 4) by Marianne Rice – Review by Tamisha Janay

Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas, #4)Snowflakes & Stockings by Marianne Rice
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this book without realizing that there were three others that came before it! It obviously works well as a standalone novel, which is great. Marianne Rice did a fantastic job with this book and the characters and interactions were always the perfect tones. Liberty absolutely had all the spunk of a journalist attempting to advance her career and the youngest sibling in her really stood out on the page. She’s a workaholic – which is evident from the very first chapter. This spoke volumes. She didn’t attempt to hide from her work or blow it off because she met a guy – and that is TRULY appreciated here. Sawyer is the big man at his (and his father’s) company and never takes the time to eat, let alone have a relationship or even a friendship. The fact that he and Liberty get along so well from the start and allowed their interactions to get better over time was heartwarming and made the story that much more believable. I loved the family scenes and appreciated how each individual had their own personality. This book really jumped out in my head like a movie and I respect any author that can make me visualize every page. The secret Santa aspect was unlike any holiday romance novel (or movie) I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying and I look forward to reading more from Ms. Rice in the future.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Twilight’s Curse (Twilight Realm Series Book 1) by K. M. Wray – Review by Tamisha Janay

Twilight's CurseTwilight’s Curse by K.M. Wray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The writing.. the story.. the characters… ALL OF IT! It’s amazing. I did not want to put this book down, but life forced me to take a couple of days to finish it. KM Wray did an amazing job getting this story down on paper and introducing us all to an incredible world full of elves, brownies, and other mystical beings.
We start out learning the origin story of Nix and everything that he had to go through as a child with losing his parents and watching his realm be taken over by the people that killed them. He and his father’s royal advisor fled the Royal tree and remained in hiding for some time to make the regents believe that the prince had not survived. Nate advised him and taught him all that he could while remaining his mentor over the years. He wanted Nix prepared for when the time came for him to finally take his rightful place as the new King. There are a few time-jumps that take place, so we rely on present-day memories to help us fill in the gaps of missing time.
We then meet Zoe – we do a couple of time jumps with her as well until we’re in the present time. She was experimented on by her parents with painful tattoos, treated horribly by her brother, and finally fled the fortress with one of the younger girls that had also been getting the experimental tattoos and treatment. When she fled, she had nowhere to go and ended up with a character that we already know. She is tough, resilient, and is learning from her new home and life experiences. Her goal is to stop her mother and save anyone else who has become a victim of those horrible experiments.
The two of them meeting and filling in the blanks of their histories really held my attention. There was a future foretold that seems to be coming true, there are surprises that you never see coming, and I love the friendship that appears to slowly be turning into something more as time goes on. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the series brings. I look forward to reading the rest of this trilogy. If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s the time! Thank you, KM Wray, for writing something SO GOOD!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Tamisha Janay

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Victoria Zak caught me off guard with this novel! I wasn’t expecting half of what happened in this story and was pleasantly surprised by all parts of it. I love that Joe wasn’t born into fortune and fame. It made his storyline feel much more real and like he deserved the fame that he was working so hard to achieve. He had a rough childhood with his brother and has been lying about it from the start of his friendship with Melody. Add in the childhood turned adult love story and I was hooked from the first few pages. Melody is the daughter of a famous rock and roll star and watched her parents’ relationship fall apart because of his life on the road. She has been in love with him since they were kids, too but refused to act on it out of fear of ruining their friendship and not wanting to go through what her mom had to. When Joe asks her to go on tour with his band since her orchestra audition fell flat, she doesn’t agree right away – which made this feel more believable. I loved that they spent some time together and didn’t jump right into bed. It wouldn’t have had the same impact on me if the author had gone in that direction. There are some things that I will not spoil for you, but just hear me when I say I screamed “OH NO” because Victoria caught me completely off guard. I am so glad to have read this novel and look forward to reading more from this author in the future. It was easy to read in one sitting, so if you haven’t checked it out yet – you really should!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Love’s Refrain (The Stardust Duet, Book 1) by KG Fletcher – Review by Tamisha Janay

Love's Refrain (The Stardust Duet, #1)Love’s Refrain by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I LOVE a good time travel novel. It has been a while since I picked one up because the last series that I read was excellent, and I was worried that any other ones wouldn’t measure up. LET ME TELL YOU HOW WRONG I WAS. I loved everything about this story. We meet Kat Monroe, who is a jazz singer in the present day. When she goes back to her hometown to perform during her tour, she sees a photograph on the wall of her dressing room from 1947 of a man that completely captures her attention and her heart at one glance. Why is he so familiar? Meet Philip. Heartthrob from the photograph and the one who has her full attention so many years in the future. After meeting him in the present day and receiving a locket with a mysterious note inside, she finds the portal and is transported to the past, where she meets him yet again – as the handsome man from the photograph. When she returns, she is left with missing pieces as to what happened in their past. Her ex-boyfriend and current piano accompanist, Spencer, is jealous, stubborn, and downright cringe. Will he let her move on so that she can fix the past and change the future? KG Fletcher did a fantastic job creating the characters, ensuring the dialogue fit the right era, and adding the correct music for the period. It felt natural and transported me to 1947 Georgia and back again with the right combination of words. I am looking forward to reading the next installment of this series and will be looking for more from this author in the future. If you love a romantic time travel novel without the same boring, repetitive storylines, pick this up and don’t put it down until you’re finished! You won’t regret it!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Kingdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Tamisha Janay

Kingdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals #1)Kingdom of Embers by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading To Be a Fae Queen, I was so excited to get my hands on this series! (If you haven’t read that yet, go get it now! It’s amazing!) We start off learning about Alena, her teenage angst, and her difficulties among the human world knowing that she is an illegal hybrid vampire-witch. She moved constantly as a child due to her mother’s ranks within the vampire community and was never able to stay close with friends but was determined to appear as normal as possible to the human population. As a child, she had imaginary friends that she played with and spoke with regularly. Is it possible that they are real people? With magic, who knows? She is a cheerleader at her high school and is seen as the weird girl with a weird diet. Cue one random boy teasing her relentlessly until the drama starts to really unfold. Honestly, I couldn’t put these books down and ended up reading the whole series in a weekend! I don’t want to give too much away – but, Tricia, you have done it again! And I love everything about this series. The world and character building are perfect for this genre, and I am hooked to any and everything you want to put on paper! Don’t stop at book one! Grab the whole series and cuddle up with some coffee for the weekend!

View all my reviews

Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven Book 4) by AJ Renee – Review by Tamisha Janay

Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven, #4)Cursed Touch by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, Carter. This book went by a little too quickly for me. I love the characters and the development of the relationship, but I didn’t feel like I had enough from either side this time. We start with Vanessa who is suspicious of everyone and everything because she can sense that there is more out there than what meets the eye. She is seeing eyes change color, amongst other things, and is mentioning it out loud – likely in the company of someone she shouldn’t be. She brings her neighbor into the ER because he’s been injured and luckily for her (and the neighbor) Carter happens to be there to lend a healing hand. There is the ever-present undeniable connection between the two of them that can only mean one thing. But how can Carter’s mate be mortal? There is a target on her back and so many secrets are left to be uncovered. That mate connection is something that is inevitable and always in control over rational thought, but I felt like their story moved a bit quicker than the others. Prepare for some revelations, brand new characters, and both happy and eye-rolling moments. Add in some meddling from the constantly growing Broderick clan and this story can only have one type of ending: a happy one. Although I wish this story had been more fulfilling like the others, I will not be stopping my read-through of this entire series. AJ has captured my full attention with this world and I’m excited for what is yet to come!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Cursed Luck (Broderick Coven Book 5) by AJ Renee – Review by Tamisha Janay

Cursed Luck (Broderick Coven, #5)Cursed Luck by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

EDWARD! Yet another of the Broderick clan with an amazing ability. He has an intuition that allows him to know just the right things to say or do to help his clients become more successful. Unfortunately, he also tends to insert his foot directly in his mouth when he comes face to face with his chosen mate. We meet Mia in book 4 of the Broderick Coven series. She has such a free-loving personality and is enamored by him at first glance at the beginning of this story. Once again, mates don’t necessarily have to be of the same ‘species.’ Edward has spent much of his life feeling like the outcast of the family and thinking that he would never find his true place or the love of his life like the rest of his siblings have. Mia is the daughter of nature-loving parents who – unfortunately – care to spend more time communing with nature than taking care of or being with their daughter. The fact that fate decided to bring them together made me happier than I imagined I would be going into this story. There are normal couple squabbles and a few misunderstandings, but the fact that this book brings out the sweet and caring side of Edward made it all worth it. I love this couple and I have loved every single one of these books. I am now on the edge of my seat awaiting the next installment and cannot wait to see what is in store for the rest of the characters! AJ – seriously, great job! If you haven’t picked this series up, please do! Start with the beginning book and immerse yourself in a wonderful world with amazing characters.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Wrong for Him (The Love Lottery Series Book 3) by Christi Barth – Review by Tamisha Janay

Wrong for Him (Love Lottery, #3)Wrong for Him by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I did not read the first two stories in this series yet, but they are absolutely on my TBR list after reading this one! The story starts with a lottery win at the best possible time for the ‘family.’ It then goes into Amelia revealing to ‘us’ that she has been in love with Teague for many years. The whole beginning of the book is her heart and her brain arguing over the correct course of action. What do you do when you’re in love with your brother’s best friend – whom you grew up with – especially when he treats you like his very own little sister? You suck it up until everyone around you tells you what you need to hear – GO FOR IT. Teague’s side of the story really isn’t all that different. He wants her, he’s infatuated with her, but he is terrified of ruining his relationship with his best friend. Essentially, the two give in to their feelings and attempt to date in secret. Secrets that big never stay secrets for long – especially when you’re constantly around the person/people you’re attempting to keep it from. After everything that they have both been through in their pasts, it was heartwarming to see their love flourish and know that they got the happy ending that they both deserved. I will definitely be going back to read the first two (as I am extremely curious about the other couples), and I recommend you do the same! They’re sweet stories, easy to read in one or two sittings, and the characters are so easily lovable. Christi did an amazing job creating this world and these people. I look forward to reading more from her!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

The Girl and the Demon (The Girl and the Raven Book 3) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Girl and The Demon (The Girl and The Raven, #3)The Girl and The Demon by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

With this being the conclusion of a series that I have loved every bit of, I’m a bit sad writing this review. Lucy has been through so much in these three books. In this story, Marcus must go away due to family obligation, her father is still on a “mission” for her Godfather, and there is a big twist that I did not see coming. It’s true that in any scenario, you always find out who your real friends are. That showed more than ever here with the sacrifice that one of them was willing to make to keep Lucy protected. There was so much going on that I couldn’t stop reading until the book was finished. I loved this story, the characters, the writing, and the relationships. I loved them so much that I am devastated there is no more to read. I would have loved to dive deeper into Dylan’s relationship, what happens to his brother and sister, and what is to come after the significant happenings in this book. * Pauline, if you are reading this – I very much think you could continue this series with a prequel, a sequel, or a continuation! (And I would be OVERJOYED to read any variation.) * I cannot stress enough how fantastic this series has been. I HIGHLY recommend that you get this series today. You won’t be disappointed!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

The Bastard Prince (It’s Raining Royals) by Alix Nichols – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Bastard Prince (It's Raining Royals, #2)The Bastard Prince by Alix Nichols
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alix has done it again. This story involves Sasha, who has kidney disease and refuses to allow it to run her life. She is the next key to the key and has no idea what kind of adventure she is in for. Arnaud, the good-looking plastic surgeon who knows nothing about his family line or where he really comes from is in for quite an awakening when he is approached by people from Mount Evor. This romance appeared to progress a bit quicker than in the last book, but everything about it felt right. I love that Alix can continue bringing her characters to life with every chapter that I read. I am still absolutely in love with this storyline and cannot wait to see what the future books bring. I am hoping for more of the men to find their true loves and discovering what is to become of Kurt and Mount Evor. Seriously, if you haven’t picked up one of these books yet, it’s time!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Tamisha Janay

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles #1)To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started this book worried that it would have the same plotline as every other Fae story that I have read lately, but I was so incredibly enthralled by it that I could not put it down until I was finished. I read it all in one sitting. Titania is struggling with her anxiety, which is something that I deal with as well – so this made the story even more interesting to me. The loss of her brothers before the story begins showed me a deeper purpose for her wanting to prove herself. For a girl (faerie) so young, it was incredible to watch her change into a regal and humble leader. From the challenge of a woman reigning over the kingdom, to the confusion regarding her emotions regarding the opposite sex, and the deception of people she assumed she could trust – this story literally had everything that I needed and wanted to see. I love that there is something mysterious surrounding her mother and that there is an unknown power that Titania possesses – it leaves so much more to be revealed in future books. The descriptions of where to find the faerie lands in reference to the world as we know it was extremely clever and made it all feel that much more real. I look forward to reading more about the upper and lower realms as well as discovering what happens as time goes on. Tricia Copeland did an amazing job with this story, and I will be reading any and everything of hers that I can get my hands on. Highly recommend!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

No Strings Attached by Lara Ward Cosio – Review by Tamisha Janay

No Strings AttachedNo Strings Attached by Lara Ward Cosio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kayla and Tanner have undeniable chemistry. Their meet-cute in the coffee shop was funny and adorable at the same time. And what luck that the construction worker she was watching from her apartment every morning just so happened to be watching her too! I love that this story revolves around a single mother, a military wife/mother with a deployed husband, and everything that those two things entail. Kayla is working a job that she isn’t sure she loves; Tanner is working as a manager on the site rather than working with his own hands and getting a business ready for his brother-in-law when he comes home from Afghanistan, and Rad is still on his own personal “journey”. It made it extremely relatable and incredibly easy to read. Add in the intense steamy scenes and the budding romance between Kayla and Tanner and this book was amazing from start to finish. I love the relationship that was made between Kayla and Tanner’s sister and between the kids, but the ultimate heart-melting moment for me was between Kayla’s daughter and Tanner. This story was wonderful, and I am looking forward to reading more from Lara Ward Cosio. I suggest you do the same!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Dating the It Guy by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Tamisha Janay

Dating the It GuyDating the It Guy by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If only they would allow me to give me more options for the stars! I want to give this a solid 4.5 because I have loved everything by Krysten Lindsay Hager that I have managed to get my hands on. This is an adorable YA romance. Emme has had a tough time after breaking up with her previous boyfriend. Trust is a difficult thing to come by, especially when you’re attempting to trust someone that you feel is so far out of your league. Constantly comparing yourself to their exes and everyone else that finds themselves in their inner circle. Brendon appears to be far more down to earth than anyone on the outside looking in could have predicted. He wants more out of life than what his family has planned for him and he has his sights set on Emme. Their relationship goes through typical ups and downs that you would expect with a high school couple, but there are subtle differences that make this book stand out from the rest and make it so enjoyable to read. The amount of emotions I had while reading this is one of the main reasons I will always grab a KLH book when I have the opportunity! Get this for yourself or recommend it to someone who loves YA romance and would enjoy the amazing storytelling for themselves!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

The Boss Prince (It’s Raining Royals) by Alix Nichols – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Boss Prince (It's Raining Royals, #1)The Boss Prince by Alix Nichols
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alix did a fantastic job bringing these characters and this world to life. Lucie has just lost her job, her boyfriend, and her positive outlook. Max and his family were preparing for what his mother had seen; the key to the keys, the solution to their ongoing problem. A job listing is put out where Lucie will find it and the company name gave me quite a chuckle the first few times I read it. The progression of the relationship between Lucie and Max and the ongoing mystery throughout the story made for an excellent read. There is chemistry, there is drama, and there is so much more going on than what either character realizes. I loved the first portion of this series. The writing is great, the characters are easy to love (or loathe depending on who we’re discussing), and the storyline is left open for so much more as it goes on. I look forward to reading more from Alix Nichols and if you’re looking for a romantic and funny story with a bit of mystery, I highly suggest you pick this one up!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Gone Country (Gone in Love) by Katrina Marie – Review by Tamisha Janay

Gone Country (Cousins Gone #1)Gone Country by Katrina Marie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was wonderful. The characters were relatable and were so entertaining to read about. I loved that Stella got thrown into a situation that she never expected to enjoy. She has a horrible supervisor that she is dying to get out from under with this promotion that could offer her everything that she has been dreaming of. She has two of the best cousins/friends in the world and they are pushing her to be her best self regardless of how outside her comfort zone it is. Those are the kinds of friends that everyone needs in their lives! Johnny has been living his small-town life and it is all that he knows. He wasn’t expecting Stella when she drove into town nor was he expecting to be completely enamored by her from the first meeting. Their relationship is a whirlwind and was supposed to be a quick fling. Throw in an old love, a super small town, and some revelations long in the making and this story had everything that makes a love story realistic and heartwarming. I will definitely be picking up another read by Katrina Marie and encourage you to do the same!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

THE BOW (HER THREE IMMORTALS Book 3) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Bow: A Fated Mates Greek Myth Paranormal Romance (Her Three Immortals Book 3)The Bow: A Fated Mates Greek Myth Paranormal Romance by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

THESE BOOKS! Hazel has done it again. This book starts out just where we left off in part two. It dives deeper into Vanessa’s new after-life and the multiple men she is falling head over heels for. There is a ton to unpack here, as we learn more about Aroz, Raef, and a new ‘beau’. The queen has sent Vanessa on a mission that seems near impossible – but only gets harder as her men interfere. Good news? There will be a ton of answers in this installment. Bad news? Even more questions of what could possibly come next! (Not really bad news; keeps ya hooked!) The longer this series continues, we get more answers, the scenes get steamier, and there is always something new that you were not expecting. I love a book that keeps me entertained, makes me question what I thought that I knew, and has the perfect characters. If you haven’t started reading these yet, Why Not?! These stories are keeping me completely captivated and I need/want more!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Romancing the Tropics (A Tropical Cocktail Romance Boxset) by L.M. Mountford – Review by Tamisha Janay

Romancing the Tropics : A Holiday Romance Boxset (A Tropical Cocktail Romance)Romancing the Tropics : A Holiday Romance Boxset by L.M. Mountford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For anyone who likes this sort of genre with two very fast-paced short stories, this is a definite must to read. Two back-to-back stories that are completely unrelated. LM Mountford knows how to put a lot of sexy details in a short story and make the reader wish for more.
The first story: Tequila Sunset is about a girl’s best friend and her father. Cassandra has been told she is boring, she is feeling more than inadequate, and is spending some much-needed time in the pool with her best friend Stacey. Stacey’s father, David, is there and -after his divorce- has been noticing Cassandra the same way that she is noticing him. Cue fantasy.
The second story: Beneath the Sheets is a short, romantic story about two lifelong friends who have lost touch. Sarah reaches out to Alex after years apart and he jumps on the first flight to her – no questions asked. Their romance picks up right where it left off all those years ago and makes for a wonderfully sweet and exciting read.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Caught by Him by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Tamisha Janay

Caught by HimCaught by Him by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a wonderful, though short, story. I was ready to dive right in and instantly fell in love with the meeting of the two MCs. It is swoon-worthy at times, downright frustrating at times, and overall was a great quick read. Tammy did a great job with making you feel things for the characters – even making them feel like real people that deserve real feelings! I only wish that it was longer – as I would have loved more detail. Some parts felt a bit rushed and the story ended far too quickly for my liking. I will definitely be reading more by this author and if you have the time for a quick, drama-filled, and sweet romance story, definitely pick this one up!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Slow Burn by A.K. Macbride – Review by Tamisha Janay

Slow Burn (Breathing Hearts, #2)Slow Burn by A.K. MacBride
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have seen countless reviews for this book claiming that five stars simply aren’t enough to explain how amazing it is.. and I am in 100% agreement with all of these reviewers! A.K. did such an amazing job with this story and I am looking forward to going through everything she has to offer and absorbing every word.
Adam and Maddie’s story is something incredible. He has a tough history and is hard to approach, grumpier than a normal 30-something-year-old man, and has forgotten all the potential good he has to offer. Maddie has been struggling with her family about her life choices for as long as she can remember and feels as though she cannot please them while staying true to herself. It is in the peace they find watching each other and getting to know each other that they are able to slowly put themselves back together and push past those hard things to create better futures for themselves. Slow burn is an adequate description of this story, but it is ABSOLUTELY worth the wait.

View all my reviews @tamishajanay