
Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder

📙 •☕️ •📘 ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ 📙 •☕️ •📘 ~
Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder
Genre – Inspirational, Women’s Fiction
Page Count – 249
Cover Designer – Alison Cnockaert

Devorah Fields, a former teen actress and model, is hiding out from her estranged, abusive husband in her childhood home in the Malibu hills. With every odd creak, she fears the worst—her husband’s return.

Her father, a former Hollywood heavyweight turned con artist, is serving time in federal prison. Her mother, an English born actress, has fled to her home country out of shame and embarrassment.

All that remains is the family’s old house (the scene of Devorah’s chaotic upbringing), her precious cat Fergie, and a young stepmother who won’t stop calling.

Devorah is scared, lost and lonely. She’s also determined to revive the talented young woman she once was, but first, she must come to terms with the truth of her past and admit her greatest sin—that she’s abandoned herself.


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Alexandra Fleder started her adult life as a Litigation Paralegal, however in the late months of the Pandemic, she abruptly quit her job after suffering from sudden burnout, that blindsiding occupational phenomenon that seems to plague the legal industry.

While recovering, she was guided to transform her grief and anger into poetry, and later, to finish and publish a novel she wrote in 2018—Woman Unbroken.

Today, she works as an energy healer and writer. She has previously published a poetry chapbook titled Crystal Woman (Bottlecap Press). She lives in Los Angeles with her blind cat, Ray Charles.

Author Interview with Alexandra Fleder