The Fat Girl’s Guide to Loving Your Body by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Jonell Collins

The Fat Girl's Guide to Loving Your BodyThe Fat Girl’s Guide to Loving Your Body by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Fat Girls Guide to Loving Your Body by K.L. Montgomery is a book you need to read. Although this book is primarily a body positive book it can be about anything in yourself that you have decided you do not like. Ms. Montgomery points out in this book how that is a “choice”. Of course, we all want to say…well that’s easy to say but how do you do it. What are the mechanics of making a different choice? In this book Ms. Montgomery takes you on a journey that will lead you into learning how to do that. She teaches you the mechanics if you are listening with your heart and mind. The language is a little rough at times, but I think it reflects a very real person that is talking to you in a very real way. Not dressed up and all Grammarly but plain and simple, and down and dirty. I feel like it reflects the heart of someone who has a very real desire to help people find out where happiness can be found. Let K.L. Montgomery show you how you are so much more “than the sum of your parts.”

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