Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Angela Hayes

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


“It’s not every day you meet a girl who plays jazz. Most musical girls I know just want to be the next Taylor Swift or Beyoncé.”
“I…erm, guess I’m not most girls.” She giggled….


“One evening, she gazed at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her usual happy-go-lucky demeanour had tumbled off a cliff. She felt uneasy, uncertain, on edge, like she was walking very delicately on eggshells placed over poisonous snakes that would bite her at the slightest touch.
She had no idea what was happening to her or why she was so uncomfortable. None of it made any sense.
Could it have something to do with Vince?
No. It made no sense. She adored Vince. He made her so happy.
Didn’t he?”


Around Midnight by Zarina Macha is a YA drama- with lots of angst, emotion, well developed character, first love, romance, manipulation, and more. As this is my first book by Zarina Macha, I really didn’t know what to expect- but the title and cover intrigued me enough to want to find out. I soon found myself pulled in all directions as things started being revealed. My intrigue for the characters soon turned to sympathy for one and hate for the other. I really didn’t like Vince- he was a real piece of shi(p)!!! I don’t think I have disliked another character as much as I do him- at least not for a long time. Don’t get me started on his manipulative and horribleness- BAH!!! But the fact that I got so wound up over a fictional character is a testament to Ms. Macha’s writing skills. She crafted her characters into fully realised individuals with their own personalities, quirks, and FLAWS. They were entirely believable. Highlighting all the teenage drama, angst, pressure, need for acceptance and fitting in, and other problems- in this emotive story.
What happens when a gifted music student meets a bad boy with a dangerous reputation? After all, she is warned about him- but something about him draws her in. Pretty soon he’s consuming her thoughts- and her life begins unravelling….

“She leaned against the sink, blonde hair surrounding her face. She’d not touched her saxophone in a week. Last time she’d tried to play, she hadn’t been able to hold more than a few notes, then ended up collapsing onto her bed.
What was wrong with her? Was this love? Was this normal? People said love made you feel crazy, like you were losing your mind, like your whole body was spiraling. But they also said it felt wonderful. This…felt…

A coming of age story with more impact than I had first imagined. So, if you like Young adult dramas, complex characters, a little intensity, emotive and intriguing developments- then this is definitely the book for you.
I would definitely like to explore more of Ms. Macha’s work, soon!

Thank you, Zarina Macha!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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