Kat’s Conundrum (Raven and Hummingbird Book 3) by Nikki Broadwell – Review by Laura Furuta

Kat's Conundrum (Raven and Hummingbird Book 3)Kat’s Conundrum by Nikki Broadwell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kat’s Conundrum (Raven and Hummingbird Book 3)
By Nikki Broadwell
5 out of 5 stars

The story Kat’s Conundrum (Raven and Hummingbird Book 3) by Nikki Broadwell is a wonderful fantasy book. It pulled me in right from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It has an amazing storyline and wonderful characters. The story includes magic and danger. It is entertaining and addictive to read. In this story Kat finds herself lost and trying to find the path that she should be on. Bran, the god who she loves, has not returned and Kat soon finds that her memories have been stolen. Will she get her memories back? Will she reunite with Bran? What is Kat’s destiny? Read this book to find out what happens to Kat. This is a story that has heartbreaking moments and other moments when you wonder what is going to happen next. I found myself turning pages as well as my emotions taking an emotional ride throughout the book. The story is wonderfully detailed and I found myself feeling like I was right there with Kat. I enjoyed reading about many of the other characters that Kat interacts with. Many of them are helpful to her. Then some are only out for themselves. This is a book and series that I would highly recommend reading.

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