Romance in Rehoboth Boxed Set (Books 4-6): A Small Town Romantic Comedy Series by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Debi Kircher

Romance in Rehoboth Boxed Set (Books 4-6): A Small Town Romantic Comedy Series by K.L. Montgomery


5+++++++ Stars


I loved the first 3 books in this series, which if you haven’t grabbed yet you really should, they are all boxed up pretty like these 3 are, so 2 clicks you get 6 books…and worth every single penny.


KL Montgomery is an absolute favorite of mine. She is an amazing writer that will play on every single feeling you never even knew you had. The 3 books in this series are all perfect additions to Romance in Rehoboth, characters crossover and weave in and out of all the books. Some of my favorite reading is romantic comedy and that’s just one reason this series is a favorite, the writing style of the author is another. Her character interactions are spot on and none of these stories are completely predictable. I must say, each one of these is a favorite for one reason or another. Badge Bunny gives us the enemies to lovers story and that is always a no brainer for me. Wedding War gives us the Hatfields and Mccoys feel with a child from each trying really hard not to like each other. Then there’s Stage Mom, this gives us a mom fighting for her special needs daughter to be treated the same as anyone else, I have a special needs grandson and this one hit me square in the feels.


I’m so glad she has boxed this series, 2 clicks and I have some of the best reading and I can not wait to take a weekend and read them all back to back again. You can read any one of them as a standalone but don’t do that, I promise you will want them all after just reading one!


Will be buying all of these in paperback since I already have a spot saved for all of them.


Amazingly Awesome!

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