The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods Book 2) by Luciana Cavallaro – Review by Laura Furuta

The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods, #2)The Labyrinthine Journey by Luciana Cavallaro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods Book 2)
By Luciana Cavallaro
5 out of 5 stars

The book The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods Book 2) by Luciana Cavallaro is an exciting and entertaining read. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a book that has action, danger, and Greek gods. I loved reading about the character of Evan. He has been ripped from his life in the 21st century and now has a new one in ancient Greece. His father is Zeus. The only way that Evan can get back to his time is to collect sacred relics. Along with those he travels with he finds himself facing mythical creatures, fabled warriors, those who would see their mission fail, and those who would do all in their power to help. Will Evan and his companions find the sacred relics? What does their future hold? Read this book to find out. This is a fast-paced story that had me turning pages to find out what happens next. I loved the Greek mythology. The author does a wonderful job of keeping my interest in the storyline and the characters. The book made me feel like I was right there with Evan and the other characters. I would highly recommend reading it.

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