Deleted by Ruth Mitchell – Review by Kerry Carr

DeletedDeleted by Ruth Mitchell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great adventure set in the future. In this age of modern technology and all the advancements that happen its a very thought provoking book. It leaves you thinking could this happen one day.

The year is 2040 and everyone is wearing Spex and mindseye. Everyone that is except Lucy. Lucy is concerned that this new technology could lead to someone hacking her brain. Everyone tells her she is wrong but she is more right that they realise.

When her sister Mollie figures out how to delete her husbands memories she shares this knowledge with Lucy and her boyfriend Marco.
They use this knowledge to help stop people commiting crimes and students from cheating. It seems an amazing thing until Lucy looks into the Mayors memories and sees Nick.

Little is known about Nick apart from the fact he how the knowledge and means to delete memories. People hire him to remove problems they don’t want and after he removes himself from their memories. He is able to clear his image from everyone apart from Lucy.

Now starts a chase as Nick tries to find her as she is the only link to stopping and identifying him. With Marcos memory gone so he has no memory of her and everyone else’s memory cleared she is on her own in trying to survive and bring Nick down.

View all my reviews

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