St. Nick’s Christmas Wish (Holiday Hunks Book 7 – Hot Hunks-Steamy Romance Collection Book) by Tamara Ferguson – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Holiday Hunks-St. Nick's Christmas Wish (Hot Hunks Steamy Romance Collection Book 7)Holiday Hunks-St. Nick’s Christmas Wish by Tamara Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tamara Ferguson has always been one of my “go-to” authors. I have loved every book she has written and this book included. This book is about a broken hearted stock broker named Nick Hanover. His childhood wasn’t one some of the typical teenage boys he knew had. His parents hardly ever speak and never came to any of his games. Mike took him under his wing being 2 years older and they built a great friendship. That’s when Nick realized there were secrets in his family.
When Nick turned 18 his dad was a lot more open about things and told Nick things no one else knew. At 18 years old Nick will have a lot on his plate.
About 12 years later, Nick is nursing a broken heart and decides to go vacation on Bali with Jack and they stay at with their childhood friend Rand. When they are out they meet 3 women Ciara, Janelle and Emma. Nick and Emma immediately have chemistry but of course they gets messed up somehow but not before they share a heated kiss that neither can forget when vacation ends. Emma and Nick end up running into each other again in Crystal Rock. Everything seems to be going well for them until Mick gets that phone all about his half brother. Will Nick be able to tell Emma all the secrets and still be happy or will the secrets tear them apart. This book has a lot going on but it was a really good book and keeps you interested from the very beginning.

review by @xchellex

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