HIGH FLYER (Verdant String) by Michelle Diener – Review by Kerry Carr

High Flyer (Verdant String, #4)High Flyer by Michelle Diener
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 4th book in the Verdent  String series but the books don’t need to be read in order. This is the first book i have read by this author and I really enjoyed it. It is a science fiction story with a romance as well.

Hana is a very talented pilot. When it comes to flying there is no one who can do it better.

What should have been a straight forward journey with Iver the Head of the Planet all changes when they are attacked.

Finally coming to the conclusion that Iver has been betrayed by someone very close to him the pair set out to find out the reason why. Along the way their connection grows. Both parties were feeling attracted but neither made a move for fear of ruining their working relationship. Now they only have each other can they allow something to bloom or will it distract them too much?

Now they both have to fight to survive against an enermy that was once their friend.

It is a story that keeps you wanting more. And to see the characters win over all the adverserys in front of them

View all my reviews

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