Dare Game (The Irish Garda Files Book 1) by Melinda Colt – Review by Gail Guerrero

Dare GameDare Game by Melinda Colt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dare Game (The Irish Garda Files Book 1) by Melinda Colt – Review by Gail Guerrero

5 Stars

Dare Game gave me serious chills. I was shocked and sad by this story. The Game that was played was sickening. The thought that people would do these things just for money. The simple fact that people find joy in manipulation and fear is terrifying. I really liked John’s character. He was brave, strong and very reassuring. I like that he didn’t back down or send someone else to do the hard work. He got over his past for his future. Amber and Hayley were also well written. The author showed that even when faced with the unknown there can still be hope. That believing in someone or something can change your outlook on the situation. I don’t usually do mystery books but this one took my interest and I was not disappointed. I really liked the way the story flowed. The author did a good job keeping my interest and not letting the suspense get out of hand. Like make me work for it but not too hard. Overall a goof read that most people can enjoy. Especially if you like stories that have thinking.

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