Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes – Review by Samantha Jayne Grubey

Grosse PointeGrosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So once I got used to the writing in this book it got a lot easier to follow that being said the author stays very true (I believe) to the time period that she is writing in. The book is action-packed and fast-paced and I loved the description in the book and how it didn’t slow the action down either. I really liked the scene with Brek and his mum that was really cute.

I really loved Finn! I kind of loved him more than Brek but he was a great character and I really loved his relationship with Hazel, weirdly more than I did with Brek and Gabriella. Regardless though still loved them but Finn and Hazel have my heart.

Honestly, some of this book is so tense and it did get me on the edge of my seat. This was a different kinda book for me and I’m glad I took the chance to read it. Also that ending… I don’t want to say anymore because spoilers. Let’s just say I was slapped in the face…

Reviewed by @samanthajayne96x
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