Her Blackened Heart (The Blackened Series Book 2) by Isra Sravenheart – Review by Erin Wolf

Her Blackened HeartHer Blackened Heart by Isra Sravenheart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

CI give Her Blackened Heart (Blackened Series Book 2) by Isra Sravenheart, 4 stars.

I really enjoy this series, and this book just adds to it. It is like reading a dark, adult fairytale. It picks up where book one left off. We see and learn so much more of Astrid in this. We also meet new characters who happen upon the dark castle they call home. They are all wonderful, you never know who is good or bad, or what exactly they are up to. Then there is the story itself. Again, twists and turns leave you guessing the whole way.

If you grew up loving fairy tales, but now root for the evil queen, this book and series is for you. It can be read as a stand alone, but you will understand more if you read book one first.

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