Tidal Love by KM Lowe – Review by Tausha Treadway

Tidal LoveTidal Love by K.M. Lowe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tidal Love by KM Lowe. I loved this book. This is not a light read because the lead character has been thru hell and back. Harleigh’s ex was very abusive and trying to put the past behind her has been almost impossible. Going on a vacation is exactly what she needs or so she thinks. Going alone on holiday has never been something Harleigh though she would ever do but she’s trying to be brave. Giovanni is trying to get his life back on track after his ex turned into a back stabbing, cheating, witch. Focusing all his attention on his Hotel in Bulgaria he thinks he is getting over her. When he meets Harleigh he sees that’s she’s been hurt and has a wall up but feels like she might be worth the time it takes to break those walls. Will Harleigh be able to trust and love again or will her past ruin her future? Read Tidal Love to find out!

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