First, We Kill All the Lawyers by Seelie Kay – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

First, We Kill All the LawyersFirst, We Kill All the Lawyers by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We first meet Donovan Trait, a handsome, dashing and confident lawyer who has never lost a case and is known to many as the hottest lawyer in Chicago, he knows his legislation and he also knows his ways around a judge and jury, he is also a three hundred year old vampire. The case in question this time is the illegal seizure of goods and harassment by law enforcement of his clients, he wins again of course, but as he is heading away from the courtroom, a brief tryst with a judge afterwards and through the lunchtime rush in the streets surrounding it, he receives a text message which is out of the ordinary, but believes that it is just a friend playing one of their usual pranks, that is until he ends up in hospital after receiving a stab wound to the side and collapses in the street. He wakes up in the hospital and on an IV blood transfusion and to the dulcet tones of his secretary pretending to be his fiancee in order to access his hospital room to get his sorted and out, at least once he has spoken to the police first, luckily for him, the first one on the scene is one he knows and won’t ask too many questions about how he is already healing after receiving a wound which would kill a human.

Next we meet the mystery killer and find out that they are very disturbed by the fact that Donovan Tate isn’t dead and that there is no mention of this in the newspapers at all, she then decides to give it another try because her plan would not succeed unless he was the first one to die. After that, it would seem random as they would all be killed in different ways and by seemingly different people, she had written her list out and was determined to follow through with it and kill all the lawyers who had wronged her and her family in the past.

A couple of days later and Donovan is back in the courtroom and cross examining another witness, he again succeeds in this and after a visit to his sister, who discusses his behaviour both inside and outside the courtroom to try to glean some information about his latest conquest and why this one might be the one he settles down with, this as well as who may have it in for him within the professional boundaries. After he leaves another night of passion with his very human lady love, he gets in a taxi to go to court, but he is unnerved by the behaviour of his driver and so calls his friend in law enforcement to subtly check it out while he is being driven to work, it is just before his appearance that he decides to go to the bathroom to straighten out his suit when he is shot by a mystery woman and is again awoken by the dulcet tones of his secretary.

It is after this that he decides to stay out of the spotlight and lay low as this is being investigated and the killer is made to believe that he is at death’s door and in a private facility, this encourages her to move onto the next names on her list and as the bodies pile up and there are no more leads that things get more serious for everyone involved.

Will the dead lawyers stay dead or will the true nature of the victims come to light? Will the killer be found and caught, or will they do as they say and “Kill all the lawyers!”? This is a thriller with a dash of romance which will leave you guessing until the end and wanting to see who is committing all these dastardly deeds in Chicago, but the only way to find out who it is is to read on and find out.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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