Stars Fall From the Sky (Reigning Hearts Book Two) AUDIO BOOK by KG Fletcher – Review by Debi Kircher

Stars Fall From the Sky (Reigning Hearts Book Two) AUDIO BOOK by KG Fletcher


5 +++++ Stars


This is my 2nd AUDIObook by this author, I’ve read the ebook and just like the first one I had to have the audio because it is told in this author’s own voice and I fell in love all over again with this book. Most of this review is a copy from my ebook review because the feelings are the same after settling in and listening to it being read to me.


This story grabbed me from page 1…squeezed the ever loving life out of me…destroyed me …blew life back in to me, knocked me back down again, and then picked me back up…I ugly cried more than once, well more than twice actually and felt completely worn out. I’ve read I think all of this author’s books. I’ve loved every one of them and will read them all again at some point, but this one even though the second in a series stands within my top favorites of all time. 


Ginger and Jonathon brought out every emotion I didn’t know I had. This story was written so beautifully and felt so real. I swear I feel like I stepped back out of Sandersville Beach after reading the last page. I loved Ginger in Emmy and Cappy’s book and love her even more now. Speaking of which, it was so completely awesome being back with Emmy and Thomas again as well..I loved their story and it was nice to be a part of their continuing journey. I love this town and I love the people in it…I want to move there!


I want so bad to get into more details of the story itself but I don’t trust myself to do that without giving away things I shouldn’t be so will end here and leave you with…these books are a must read and now a must listen, there’s too much in the first book to skip it so I don’t recommend that. I’m so hoping she decides to narrate Fiona’s story as well. 


Grab the books or the audios or both..I swear reading them first makes them like a favorite movie, then watching that favorite movie again this time in her voice and anticipating some of my favorite parts and how she handles them. I just LOVE it beyond words!


Many thanks and much love to this author!

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