Broken Circle: A Gray Ghost Novel, Book 1 AUDIO BOOK by Amy McKinley – Review by Jenique Bornman

I have now read and listened to quite a few of Amy McKinley’s books and this one is by far my favorite.

Olivia (Liv) and Alex have the perfect cookie cutter marriage with all the frills that go with it…… or do they?

Amy took me on a wild rollercoaster ride with this one with some absolutely THRILLING twists and turns.
A wonderful second honeymoon to reconnect and one totally from the left field phone call……..Some secrets just don’t stay secret for long and then Bam!!! add another surprise…… that’s all I’ll say.

Regan Brown breathed something extra into these characters with an excellent job with the narration. She portrayed the personalities of the characters with ease and just enhanced the storie so much more.

With Amy McKinley creating an AMAZING story with superbly crafted characters and Regan Brown bringing those characters to life with the narration, I highly recommend this audio book.

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