The Kissing Bough (Forbidden Loves) by Madelynne Ellis – Review by Kerry Carr

The Kissing Bough (Forbidden Loves, #1)The Kissing Bough by Madelynne Ellis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this short story. It was well written and the characters worked well. I really liked the taboo subject of two men and a woman. In the era that the book was written in that was unheard of and very taboo.

Viola was the daughter of a wealthy man. She was set to be find her husband, however a turn of events meant she ended up being seen as a disgrace and no man wanted her. Every Christmas eve she waits under the kissing bough in the hopes her husband will find her. He never does.

Until Lord Ricborough and his cousin Percy  come along. Lord Ricborough needs a wife but the wife needs to understand the special relationship between him and Percy.

Could Viola be that woman? Will she be able to understand and accept their relationship? Is it possible to love two people?

View all my reviews

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