Coyote Summer by Laura Koerber – Review by Kerry Carr

Coyote SummerCoyote Summer by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting coming of age story. It is written from a first person point of view and we follow Ben through his journey from leaving school to university and life beyond.

There is an event that happens just before he graduates which leaves him reeling and feeling guilt and remorse. He finds a young girl naked on the bed at a party and it seems she has been raped by several of the party goers.

Because of his response or lack of response he spends his life feeling guilt for his lack of action. And a promise he makes that summer comes back to haunt him.

The story twists and turns but it all revolves around that experience and how it made him feel and react. It was interesting to read the story from a witness to the crime and seeing how it affected him instead of just being the view of the victim and criminal.

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