Strings Attached: A Braebeach Rock Romance by Loriana Cappello – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Strings AttachedStrings Attached by Loriana Cappello
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this second chance romance story. This is a new author for me, I look forward to reading more from her in the future. This is a well developed story about Ashton who is faced with a major decision concerning his life. He can either finish his last year at school or go for the record deal he has always wanted. Not only is he faced with this but Calla pops back up in his life. She took his heart when he was sixteen and now she is back but will she steal his heart again? Timing has never been on their side but will it be this time? I enjoyed the chemistry and attraction between these two. I felt bad for Ashton in parts because of what he is faced with. They really made the story for me. This is a fun and easy story to read. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

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