Strings Attached: A Braebeach Rock Romance by Loriana Cappello – Review by Katie Matthews

Strings AttachedStrings Attached by Loriana Cappello
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I will always pick up a rock star romance read – it’s one of my favourite genres to read about so when I saw this book and a new to me author I couldn’t wait to get started and I wasn’t disappointed at all! Strings Attached was a brilliant read – I absolutely adored Ashton!! He was completely swoon worthy and most certainly book boyfriend material (it’s been ages since one was worthy of my list!!) I loved Calla and Ash together, the way they navigated their friendship to maybe more. They both had a future that meant they were going in different direction but they had this connection that was so sweet and genuine – I was rooting for them the whole way through!
I would highly recommend this wonderful 5 star read and I look forward to reading more from this author again in the future!

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