In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety (The Cecily Taylor Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kerry Carr

In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety (The Cecily Taylor Series #2)In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 2 in The Cecily Taylor Series. And it’s just as good as the first one. You definately need to read the first book to understand this book as it follows on from it. It’s written really well and covers most things a teenager goes through from friends moving on, to heartbreak and working out relationships.

In this book we are back with Cecily. She seems to have the life she always wanted. She has good friends, and the boyfriend of her dreams in singer Andrew Holiday. However things start to go wrong. Her friend starts to move away from her and spending more time with her boyfriend, she starts to suffer from anxiety from the pressure of her work and 1 photograph she sees changes her outlook on her perfect relationship.

Was her perfect relationship all in her head? Can she cope with all the pressure she has around her? How will she survive when she is faced with losing the 2 people that means the world to her?

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