The Luminara Series: Box Set – Volume 1 (Lussuria – L’amore – Lucca’s Lust) by SJ Molloy – Review by Cindy Rushin

The Luminara Series: Box Set Volume 1: Lussuria - L'amore -Lucca's LustThe Luminara Series: Box Set Volume 1: Lussuria – L’amore -Lucca’s Lust by S.J. Molloy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lussuria by SJ Molloy

I enjoyed this novel by S.J. Molloy. The novel really touched onto some dark and intense topics. The subject of abuse and how recovering from it can be intense and take time. The story of Lucca and Lexi proves that out of darkness light can come. Lexi’s journey to discovering love was intense and full of many twists and turns. S.J. Molloy writes with passion, and I don’t think that her stories are for the faint of heart. It is an interesting read and I look forward to continuing the journey in future installments.

L’Amore by SJ Molloy

Once again SJ Molloy did not disappoint. The continued story of Lexi and Lucca continued on its journey exploring a dark and intense topic. Lexi and Lucca proved in this latest installment that finding love is possible but keeping the love takes a lot of work. The passion of the first novel continued in this one and I look forward to the future novels in this series. SJ Molloy is a good author and I really enjoy reading her books

Lucca’s Lust by SJ Molloy

The third installment of this series was also very good. I liked the fact that this one was seen from Lucca’s point of view for most of the book. Lucca and Lexi have to overcome a lot of obstacles as they try to make a life together. The subject matter is intense and very interesting. I look forward to reading more.

View all my reviews

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