Kissing Scars by Jim Shomos – Review by Debi Kircher

Kissing ScarsKissing Scars by Jim Shomos
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kissing Scars by Jim Shomos

5 Stars

I grabbed this book solely because I fell in love with the cover, I went in blind which is something I don’t normally do but because the cover was so inviting I decided to try something new. It took me just a couple kindle swipes to get into the flow and writing style of this author and then literally could not put it down! This story was so beautifully written and I completely fell in love with Sanaya and Leo. I felt like I was actually on their journey with them and their feelings were described so well I could actually feel every emotion. This whole story was different for me, it wasn’t your normal sappy love story (which dont get me wrong, I love sappy a whole lot) but there was a different feel to this. It’s listed as a rom com, and I see that but there was very subtle humor and most of it was the interaction between Sanaya and Leo, which makes sense because there was not a lot of other character involvement within the story.

There was one scene which literally tore my heart out and without realizing, I had tears running down my cheeks and my heart hurt. This was both my favorite scene and my least favorite in the story. If there is one downside to the book, it would have to be I wanted more, knowing what happened next would have been awesome, but my imagination handled the rest.

I can not wait to read more from this author, I loved this book and am so thankful judging it by its cover paid off in spades! I can’t recommend it highly enough.

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