Blue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor – Review by Anna Hirsch

Blue Summer Part TwoBlue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor

This book picks up where the first one ends therefore you need to read the books in order. As Lillie grows closer to the Zayeds, the sorceror’s need to find her increases. Chief has returned the Zayed’s powers and after mating with them, Lillie has gained some as well. Upon being captured again, Lillie has a few surprises for her captor. The sorcerer will stop at nothing in his quest fir the ultimate power. Lillie is a force to be reckoned with. She will not allow him to harm the ones she loves.

The story had some drama and action which flowed well. The author threw in a surprise that even I didn’t see coming. I’m usually good at figuring out things before they happen. Lots of points for that Ms. Taylor. This was a fun series to read.

Review by @AnnaHirsch
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