The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager is a wonderful historical romance novel by Wareeze Woodson. This was a new author to me and I can now gladly add another author to my authors to read group. I’ve not read a lot of historical fiction but I’ve found it to be a genre that I’m enjoying more and more.
Philip, Earl of Lenbridge has won the beautiful Emily in a poker game when her brother callously put her up as his stake in the game. To save her from the scandal, Philip marries Emily.
I really love so much about this book. I love the backbiting that goes on between the gentry and aristocracy, all trying to out-do one another. It’s vicious at times and makes for very entertaining reading.
I loved the growing relationship between Philip and Emily as their marriage of convenience becomes more for the two of them. Philip proves to be a gentleman, taking his wife’ side against his grandmother and the horrible woman who he had originally planned to marry.
This is a thoroughly entertaining book. The characters are very well written and the storyline flows well and keeps the reader engaged with the story.
I definitely recommend this book.

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