Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Lydia Pelton

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a good book. I love Mary and Grumbler’s just interaction with each other. It’s refreshing to read non insta love books. Where the friendship builds into something more. As a mom with the most dramatic 3 year old daughter ;I’m terrified of her teenage years. I feel for Mary doing it on her own and trying to make the best decisions she can. It’s wonderful seeing lost and patsy throughout the story also! This book will seriously have you on your toes. It definitely has topics that touch the real world and will have you gasping at times. I cried more than once throughout the book. I could not recommend this more!!

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