Mr. Nice Guy (Pierce Brothers Book 1) by Belinda Williams – Review by Sheri Schrader

Mr. Nice Guy (Pierce Brothers, #1)Mr. Nice Guy by Belinda Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mr. Nice Guy by Belinda Williams is the first book in the Pierce Brothers Book series. This is a cute, romantic read about Chelsea who has a knack for finding the awful, bad-boy boyfriend and her roommate is sick of the complaining. Chelsea doesn’t tend to give the nice guys a chance, but what happens when she does? This is a fun read that I didn’t put down until I was done. The characters of Chelsea and Tom are fun characters and I enjoyed their interactions. I also enjoyed that Tom is not a boring, nice guy but he has a frisky side also. What a way to play up just against the stereotype that if he is nice he doesn’t know how to be naughty. I enjoyed this series and look forward to reading more about the Pierce Brothers.

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