Sex on Fire (Naughty Neighbor Book 1) by Ashley Bostock – Review by MPolicicchio

Sex on Fire: A Quickie Read (Naughty Neighbor Book 1)Sex on Fire: A Quickie Read by Ashley Bostock
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sex on Fire (Naughty Neighbor Book 1) by Ashley Bostock

4 out of 5 Stars

Nothing like a hot, steamy lunchtime read! Ashley Bostock has captured that! This is one quickie you should not pass up!!

Poppy is an introvert to the core. Poppy has developed a crush on her neighbor, Turner, but he is not only a social butterfly, he seems to have a revolving front door. Turner hates all the attention from the women in the neighborhood. He has it bad for the one woman that is determined to be his friend, Poppy. When Turner finally convinces Poppy to emerge from her shell, it is a flaming disaster. Can he find a way to make Poppy see that he wants only her and doesn’t care about what happened?

This delightful, short read will have you returning to your desk, your family, your life in just a few minutes. Everyone deserves to have this break! I finally don’t feel guilty for reading at my desk. Keep these quickies coming!!

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