A Divided Mind (The Divided Series Book 1) by M Billiter- Review by Lauren West

A Divided MindA Divided Mind by M. Billiter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story will speak to you in a way you were not expecting. Tara is single mom with 4 beautiful kids and 2 bad marriages under her belt (one with DV.) She works at Wyoming University admissions office, and has based her life upon her children and their futures. When her son Branson confesses that he is hearing voices, and then at school blacks out she immediately is unsure what to make of the situation. As the story progresses we watch as Branson begins therapy and slowly opens up about the shadows he sees and voices he hears, and that this isnt something new. When Tara starts to get more information about Branson’s schizophrenia she slowly starts to breakdown. She becomes engulfed with emotions of not wanting it to be true, thinking what could have done differently, or where can his life go now it becomes heartbreaking as she reimagines that little boy she adored to now. With her other children providing moral support and the threat of without medication and help Branson will get worse she slowly begins processing and coming to terms. Branson, Tara, and the rest of the family tell this amazing story of loving someone with mental illness and the importance of family.

When I began reading this book I was completely unprepared for the journey that it lead me upon. Mental illness can be a difficult subject, and unfortunately not enough light is shed upon the issue. As a mother I can 100% relate to Tara and the emotions she felt because there is nothing scarier then watching your child go thru something you know nothing about , that you can’t change, or that can effect their quality of life. This book was very raw, real, and emotional, but nonetheless a complete hidden gem. M. Billiter indicated that its somewhat based upon her life with her son, and I truly appreciate the shared experience, and the beautiful way it was told.

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