Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven Series Book 4) by AJ Renee – Review by Katrina Evanochko

Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven, #4)Cursed Touch by A.J. Renee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Carter is one of the 7 Broderick siblings. Vanessa is a talented jewelry maker with her own shop. They meet when Vanessa helps a neighbour get to the hospital where Carter just happens to be consulting and runs into her. Sparks fly when they meet (literally!). I love both characters and think they are really good together.

I enjoyed this book. I liked that despite the fact that they were fated mated, neither Vanessa nor Carter took that for granted. Vanessa didn’t let Carter get away with anything, and Carter tried to get to know Vanessa for who she was and tried to build a real relationship instead of assuming fated meant easy.

I have not read the other books in this series, and I think I will go back and read them as the other characters and their stories intrigued me. I also feel like I would understand a bit more if I had read the other books first… I did feel like I was missing some background information. Despite that, you can still enjoy this book as a standalone.

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