Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven Series Book 4) by AJ Renee – Review by Sara Shalovelo

Cursed Touch (Broderick Coven, #4)Cursed Touch by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I fell into this series by accident and not realizing I had started reading book three first, ‘Cursed Whispers’, which is about Claudia and Max. ‘Cursed Touch’ is the fourth book in the Broderick Coven series and is about Max’s younger brother, Carter and Vanessa.
I love reading about the slow build between Carter and Vanessa. I never could really figure them out, which is why the build was that much more intense and exciting to read. The story is also fast paced and has enough twists and turns to keep you on your toes!
This really is a good read!

View all my reviews

Sara Shalovelo

August 15, 2021

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