Drifting, Falling — Diary Of A Call Girl Suicide by A.J. Ullman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Drifting, Falling -- Diary of a Call Girl SuicideDrifting, Falling — Diary of a Call Girl Suicide by A.J. Ullman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ripley Astilla Luna is a young woman with an interesting life and an interesting death too, she is young, beautiful and smart, she was named after the main protagonist in the Alien movies and relates to her in more ways than one, she also enjoys learning and has always had a thirst for knowledge, but she has also had dreams of becoming an astronaut and flying through space, but the closest she has come to is to bungee jump from bridges and buildings, however, she has also got other issues which she sees a therapist for, but she has recently had to change and is now seeing Dr Dan Truscott.

Ripley has decided to start a diary to try and explain her actions and the reasons behind them, she has thought about suicide many times, but she has never attempted it before, she has also read about suicide, as well as a lot of other things, the things she enjoys most are Greek Mythology and anything to do with space. As a child, she went to Space Camp and read everything she could find about being an astronaut, but that all changed when her childhood was filled with one trauma after the other, this has had an undeniable affect on her and the life she has been leading, she has never forgotten her dream, but she has detoured into other things along the way, she is not happy, but is not unhappy either, merely content with the people in and especially her friend Mort who she knows she can turn to and who always turns up or gets in contact right when she needs it.

As she works with her new psychiatrist, she gets the feeling that there is more to him that meets the eye and that he may be someone who she can engage with in other ways as well, however, Dr Truscott is trying his best not to get involved with this mysterious woman and the questionable feelings she raises in him, he has everything he could possibly want, but why does he want her as well? In this interesting and original story of one woman and her dreams, this diary is a glimpse into a mind which is as unpredictable as can be, but will she be able to get to space the way she wants to, or will those around her try to keep her tied to earth?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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