My Soul to Give (A Demon’s Love Book 1) by M. A. Fréchette – Review by Kerry Baker

My Soul to Give (A Demon's Love #1)My Soul to Give by Magali A. Fréchette
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My Soul to Give by M. A. Frechette is the first book in the A Demon’s Love series. I thought this was a really intriguing and different way to go about telling a revenge story. The description instantly made me want to read the book and the start of the story completely hooked my attention. I thought that the author created a unique concept within a genre that is oversaturated.
I enjoyed the characters in the book. They added so much to the story and easily kept my attention. There were a couple of times that I thought the story needed a little bit more attention to detail however the overall idea was absolutely fantastic. I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

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