Kingdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Dawn Brown

Kingdom of Embers (Kingdom Journals #1)Kingdom of Embers by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alena is a hybrid of a vampire and a witch. She is getting ready to turn 18, when she will be a responsible adult in all worlds (vampire, human and witch.) She is currently living in her mother’s overprotective world and trying to imagine her future but her mother, being overprotective, won’t let her do anything like date or hang out with friends.
When she runs into her imaginary friend from childhood at the library, Alena embarks on a mission to see what is going on. What has her mother been searching for? Who is her father? Why did they leave LA and her (imaginary?) friend behind.
Sit down and buckle in for this book. I will have to warn you that the chapters are long but SOOOO worth the read. I am a huge fan of anything paranormal and this book fits the bill perfectly. The mystery behind what Alena’s mom is hiding kept me intrigued but what kept me wanting to read more was the day to day problems of being a teenager. This book is well worth the read.

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