Sea Mage (The Nightshade Guild, Book 10) by Louisa Bacio – Review by Jenni Bishop

Sea Mage (The Nightshade Guild, Book 10)Sea Mage by Louisa Bacio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Sea Mage by Louisa Bacio is one of the books in The Nightshade Guild series. There are twelve books by twelve authors that make up this fantasy series. The series is centred around The Nightshade Guild who have been tasked with the responsibility of looking after the Princess by the Elven Court after an assassination attempt. It is a short read but has all the elements to make it interesting, with magic and danger, shifters and elves, suspense and drama.

I hate coming into a series part way through and that’s what I inadvertently did with this book so now I have to go back and start at the beginning. So, coming so late I felt I was missing out and now I know why, this book is way down the line near the end. I was unable to stay in the moment and found myself wandering and found that sometimes less is more. But that is just me and my preference.

Give it a go but make sure you start at the beginning of the series.

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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