Ashes of Aldyr (The Obscured Throne Trilogy Book 1) by Russell Archey – Review by Dani Honeycutt

Ashes of AldyrAshes of Aldyr by Russell Archey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW! I don’t usually pick books that are fantasy, but I was willing to give it a shot and I am so glad that I did. I don’t understand why I don’t read more fantasy, since I love LOTR and the like. I was instantly drawn in as Russell Archey explains in the prologue just how uniquely the book is constructed. As a fellow writer, I love how Russell Archey put the book together. I love how each story is distinct but there remains an over all story line.

I was instantly captured by “The Rupture” and I knew I couldn’t stop then. Like the mysteries in the first chapter, I was swallowed whole, and all memory of any other story that I have read was swept from my memory. That is just how much I enjoyed this book.

Another fabulous perk to Russell Archey’s writing is the grotesque but amazing detail of his conjured creations. Some of the beasts in this book! Absolutely made of nightmare’s! I still find myself wondering how he dreamed up such horrid things. I loved the descriptions of these “things” because my mind gets to paint vividly, horrible creatures.

I’m hooked on this series and so glad that this is just book one!

Reviewed by @danihoneycutt

View all my reviews


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