Mom, Is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J Berger Illustrator: KC Snider – Review by Kerry Carr

Mom, Is There a Santa Claus?Mom, Is There a Santa Claus? by Susan J. Berger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a sweet book that I would recommended for children who get to the age where they start questioning if santa is real or not. This time of life can be quite upsetting for children as something they care about for years can get taken away.
However this story is about a young boys realisation that even if Santa is exactly the person he was led to believe, that he still exists as long as people believe in him. Lucas then sets out to help his parents keep the spirit of santa alive for his younger brother.
It’s a very heartwarming story and a great idea of a way to approach that question some parents dread of is Santa real?

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