Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite Book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Beverly Finnie

Born in Darkness (Mafia Elite #3)Born in Darkness by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OH EM GEE!! Born in Darkness was the perfect book 3 in Mafia Elite Series. I love Emiliana and Stefano’s story, I love their character development too, especially when together.
Emiliana is the one he can’t have, for her own safety, but she’s the only 1 Stefano wants. Someone’s after Emiliana the question is who? She’s been in a situation where she was kidnapped before but this time feels different. A situation that has hardened her to likes of her world and the cruelties outside of the mafia as well. Which infuriates Stefano, but he has to keep his mind about him, so he can rise and forcibly replace his father as the head of the Rossi family.
On top of all that they are trying to flush a rat out of the organization, that’s giving away valuable information to the wrong people.
I want to say so much but I’m behaving because I don’t want to spoil the book for others. So I’ll end on this note as some who’s read all 3 books:
If you have yet to read a Mafia Elite book, stop what you’re reading now and start reading this series!
Yes please start with book 1, trust me you’ll get to this book because you won’t want to put it down.
If you’ve read book 1 & 2, what are you waiting for? I know your heart beats for book 3 so go on out and get it!
No matter who comes across this book, trust me when I say you will not be disappointed if you jump head 1st into the Mafia Elite Series!
It’s entertaining, there’s action, there’s romance, there’s death, ect. IT’S WORTH IT!!!!


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