Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow Duet Book 2) by Amy Argent – Review by Stephanie Chapman

Whatever Tomorrow Brings (Embrace Tomorrow #2)Whatever Tomorrow Brings by Amy Argent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After removing his Do Not Resuscitate Order, Will spends twelve days in the intensive care unit on a ventilator. Dr. Evans tells Tory that Will has chosen her to be his power of attorney for all healthcare decisions. When he recovers from the pneumonia, Will chooses to go through treatment. As the chemotherapy begins to make Will sick, he has a seizure and Tory has a decision to make. She agrees to allow the doctors to start dialysis, unsure if she made the right decision, as Will continues to be in pain. Three days after chemotherapy ends, Will receives his stem cell transplant. After several blood transfusions, he is finally released to go home as his cancer is in remission

All joy ends, as Will becomes severely anemic and cannot breathe overnight. Tory rushes him to the emergency room, and he is given another blood transfusion. Angry with the case manager, Tory becomes irate about the delay in service for Will. The following day, Will goes home and manages to do well until the day after Thanksgiving. Tory finds him clutching his stomach and violently vomiting. Rushing him to the emergency room, Will suffers from a panic attack and goes unconscious. Did the cancer return? Dr. Evans returns to give the diagnosis of graft versus host. This time, Will has to spend several weeks in the hospital until he is released to go home before Christmas.

During the entire course of Will’s treatments and multiple hospital trips, the love that the couple has continues to grow. The most endearing part of the love is the paper flowers Will makes for Tory every Tuesday. On Christmas, he gave her a heart necklace made with his birthstone. A true romantic at heart, I think any woman would have loved to be with Will.

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